Why Should Children Come to Jesus?

Why Should Children Come to Jesus

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for children to feel lost, overwhelmed, and uncertain.

Amidst all the noise and chaos, there’s one constant source of love, guidance, and comfort—Jesus Christ.

But why should children come to Jesus?

Let’s explore the profound benefits of nurturing a child’s relationship with Him.

A Foundation of Unconditional Love

First and foremost, children need to know they’re loved unconditionally.

In the Bible, Jesus demonstrated boundless love for all, especially children.

In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said,

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

This message is clear: every child is precious in His eyes.

The Power of Unconditional Love

#1. Self-Worth:

Knowing Jesus loves them unconditionally helps children develop a healthy sense of self-worth.

They learn they’re valuable, not because of what they do, but because of who they are.

#2. Security:

Unconditional love provides a sense of security.

No matter what happens, children know Jesus is there for them.

#3. Acceptance:

Children who understand Jesus’ love feel accepted.

They don’t have to strive for perfection to earn His love; it’s freely given.

Moral and Ethical Guidance

In a world where moral values can seem blurry, Jesus offers clear ethical guidance.

His teachings provide a solid foundation for distinguishing right from wrong.

Key Teachings

#1. The Golden Rule:

“Do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).

This simple principle encourages kindness and empathy.

#2. Forgiveness:

Jesus taught the importance of forgiveness, even towards those who hurt us.

This lesson helps children understand the power of letting go of grudges.

#3. Compassion:

Jesus was compassionate to all, especially the marginalized.

Children learn to show kindness to everyone, regardless of their status.

Building Strong Character

Coming to Jesus helps children build a strong, resilient character.

His teachings and example provide a blueprint for living a life of integrity.

Character Traits

#1. Honesty:

Jesus valued truthfulness.

Children who follow Him learn to be honest in their dealings.

#2. Humility:

Jesus exemplified humility.

Children learn to value others and avoid arrogance.

#3. Perseverance:

Jesus endured great suffering but remained steadfast.

This teaches children the value of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.

Emotional Well-being

Jesus provides comfort and peace, crucial for a child’s emotional well-being.

When children turn to Him, they find solace in times of trouble.

Emotional Benefits

#1. Peace:

Jesus said,

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you” (John 14:27).

His peace helps children navigate life’s anxieties and fears.

#2. Hope:

Jesus’ resurrection is a powerful message of hope.

Children learn that no matter how bleak things seem, there’s always hope.

#3. Joy:

A relationship with Jesus brings joy that transcends circumstances.

This joy is a source of strength and positivity.

Sense of Purpose

Children who come to Jesus find a sense of purpose.

They understand their lives have meaning beyond the immediate and the material.

Purposeful Living

#1. Service:

Jesus served others selflessly.

Children learn the joy of helping others and making a positive impact.

#2. Mission:

Jesus gave His followers a mission: to share His love and message.

Children find purpose in being part of something greater than themselves.

#3. Identity:

Knowing they’re part of God’s family gives children a strong sense of identity and belonging.

Spiritual Growth

A relationship with Jesus fosters spiritual growth.

Children develop a deeper understanding of their faith and its significance.

Spiritual Practices

#1. Prayer:

Jesus modeled the importance of prayer. Children learn to communicate with God, seeking His guidance and support.

#2. Bible Reading:

Engaging with the Bible helps children understand God’s word and His will for their lives.

#3. Worship:

Worshiping Jesus helps children express their love and gratitude, strengthening their connection with Him.

Social Benefits

Coming to Jesus also has social benefits.

Children who follow Him tend to form healthier relationships and contribute positively to their communities.

Healthy Relationships

#1. Friendship:

Jesus valued friendships.

Children learn the qualities of being a good friend: loyalty, kindness, and support.

#2. Community:

Being part of a church community provides a support network.

Children find mentors and friends who share their values.

#3. Empathy:

Following Jesus’ example, children develop empathy, which enhances their social interactions and relationships.


In summary, bringing children to Jesus offers a multitude of benefits including:

#1. Unconditional Love: Boosts self-worth, security, and acceptance.

#2. Moral Guidance: Provides a clear sense of right and wrong.

#3. Character Building: Instills honesty, humility, and perseverance.

#4. Emotional Well-being: Offers peace, hope, and joy.

#5. Sense of Purpose: Encourages service, mission, and identity.

#6. Spiritual Growth: Fosters prayer, Bible reading, and worship.

#7. Social Benefits: Promotes healthy relationships and empathy.

Encouraging children to come to Jesus is one of the greatest gifts you can give them.

It sets a strong foundation for their lives, helping them grow into compassionate, resilient, and purposeful individuals.

As they navigate the complexities of life, their relationship with Jesus will be a constant source of guidance and strength.

So, let’s guide our children to Jesus and watch them flourish under His loving care.

Why Should Children Come to Jesus

FAQs: Why Should Children Come to Jesus?

1. Why is it important for children to come to Jesus?

It’s important for children to come to Jesus because He offers unconditional love, moral and ethical guidance, and a strong sense of purpose.

This relationship helps them build a solid foundation for their lives, fostering emotional well-being, strong character, and spiritual growth.

2. How does Jesus’ love benefit children?

Jesus’ unconditional love helps children develop a healthy sense of self-worth, provides them with a sense of security, and ensures they feel accepted.

This love is a constant source of comfort and support in their lives.

3. What moral and ethical teachings does Jesus provide for children?

Jesus’ teachings, such as the Golden Rule, the importance of forgiveness, and showing compassion, provide clear moral and ethical guidance.

These principles help children understand right from wrong and encourage them to act kindly and empathetically towards others.

4. How can a relationship with Jesus help in building a child’s character?

A relationship with Jesus helps build a child’s character by teaching them traits like honesty, humility, and perseverance.

His example and teachings provide a blueprint for living a life of integrity and resilience.

5. What emotional benefits do children gain from coming to Jesus?

Children who come to Jesus experience peace, hope, and joy.

His presence in their lives helps them navigate anxieties and fears, find hope in difficult times, and maintain a positive outlook.

6. How does Jesus provide a sense of purpose for children?

Jesus provides a sense of purpose by encouraging children to serve others, be part of a greater mission, and understand their identity as part of God’s family.

This purpose gives their lives meaning beyond the immediate and material.

7. In what ways does a relationship with Jesus foster spiritual growth in children?

A relationship with Jesus fosters spiritual growth through practices like prayer, Bible reading, and worship.

These practices help children deepen their faith and strengthen their connection with God.

8. What social benefits do children experience by coming to Jesus?

Children who come to Jesus often form healthier relationships and contribute positively to their communities.

They learn the qualities of being a good friend, find support within a church community, and develop empathy, which enhances their social interactions.

9. How can parents encourage their children to come to Jesus?

Parents can encourage their children to come to Jesus by modeling their own faith, teaching them about His love and teachings, involving them in church activities, and creating opportunities for prayer and Bible study at home.

10. What are some practical ways children can develop their relationship with Jesus?

Children can develop their relationship with Jesus through daily prayer, reading Bible stories, attending church services, participating in Sunday school, and engaging in family worship times.

Encouraging questions and discussions about faith also helps deepen their understanding.

11. How can Jesus’ teachings help children handle challenges in life?

Jesus’ teachings help children handle challenges by providing them with a strong moral foundation, encouraging resilience and perseverance, and offering hope and peace during difficult times.

His example shows them how to navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and faith.

12. Are there any resources for helping children understand Jesus’ teachings?

Yes, there are many resources available, including children’s Bibles, Bible storybooks, Christian apps and games, Sunday school programs, and family devotionals.

These resources can make learning about Jesus’ teachings engaging and accessible for children.

13. What role does the church play in a child’s relationship with Jesus?

The church plays a crucial role in nurturing a child’s relationship with Jesus by providing a community of faith, offering religious education and activities, and supporting families in their spiritual journey.

Church involvement helps children feel connected and supported in their faith.

14. How can children share Jesus’ love with others?

Children can share Jesus’ love with others by showing kindness, practicing forgiveness, helping those in need, and talking about their faith with friends and family.

Simple acts of love and compassion can have a profound impact on others.

15. Why is it important for children to feel part of a faith community?

Feeling part of a faith community is important for children because it provides them with a sense of belonging, support, and shared values.

Being part of a community helps reinforce their faith, offers role models, and creates opportunities for spiritual growth and service.

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