Why Did Jesus Send Out the 72 Disciples?

Why Did Jesus Send Out the 72 Disciples
Why Did Jesus Send Out the 72 Disciples?

In Luke 10:1-24, Jesus sends out 72 disciples on a mission, a pivotal moment that reveals His strategy for spreading the Good News. By sending them in pairs to various towns, He multiplied His efforts and addressed the urgency of His message: the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. This mission wasn’t just about spreading the gospel—it was also about training disciples, building their confidence, and demonstrating God’s kingdom through healing and peace.

The 72 weren’t part of the inner circle, but Jesus empowered ordinary followers to do extraordinary things. Their success and joy in seeing God’s power at work serve as a model for us today.

Keep reading for a deeper dive into the lessons we can learn from this event and how we’re called to be part of God’s mission in the world.

When Jesus sent out the 72 disciples, it was a significant moment in His ministry. This event, recorded in Luke 10:1-24, offers profound insights into Jesus’ mission and His approach to spreading His message. Let’s dive into the reasons behind this pivotal event and what it means for us today.

Understanding the Context

Before we get into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand the context. Jesus had already selected His 12 apostles, who were His closest followers. However, His ministry wasn’t limited to these 12 men. Jesus aimed to reach as many people as possible, and for this, He needed more hands on deck.

In Luke 10:1, it says, “After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.” This verse sets the stage for understanding Jesus’ strategy and the broader scope of His mission.

Spreading the Good News

One of the primary reasons Jesus sent out the 72 was to spread the Good News. Jesus knew He couldn’t be everywhere at once, so He empowered His followers to carry His message to more people.

A Multiplication Strategy

By sending out 72 disciples, Jesus was essentially multiplying His efforts. Imagine if you had a message to share with a large audience. Speaking to each person individually would take forever. But if you sent out a team to help, your message would reach a lot more people in a shorter time. That’s what Jesus did. He chose 72 followers, divided them into pairs, and sent them out to various towns and villages.

The Urgency of the Message

Jesus knew His time on earth was limited. In Luke 10:2, He tells the disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” There was an urgency in Jesus’ message. The “harvest” refers to people ready to receive the message of God’s kingdom. The 72 disciples were those workers, sent out to gather the harvest.

Training and Preparation

Another crucial reason for sending out the 72 was to train and prepare them for future ministry. Jesus’ mission wasn’t just about His time on earth; it was about establishing a lasting movement.

Practical Experience

Jesus gave the 72 disciples specific instructions on what to do and how to act. Luke 10:3-4 records Jesus saying, “Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.” These instructions weren’t just logistical; they were designed to teach the disciples reliance on God and the importance of their mission.

Building Confidence

By sending them out in pairs, Jesus ensured they had support and companionship. This was both a practical and psychological strategy. It’s always easier to face challenges with a partner than alone. Through this mission, the disciples gained confidence and learned valuable lessons in ministry, preparing them for the time when Jesus would no longer be with them physically.

Demonstrating the Kingdom of God

Jesus wanted His disciples to demonstrate the reality of God’s kingdom through their actions.

Healing and Miracles

In Luke 10:9, Jesus instructed them, “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.'” The miracles performed by the disciples were tangible evidence of God’s power and love. These acts of healing weren’t just about physical restoration; they were symbols of the wholeness and salvation that Jesus offered.

Peace and Rejection

Jesus also taught the disciples about peace and how to handle rejection. In Luke 10:5-6, He says, “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you.” This instruction showed that not everyone would accept their message, but they were to offer peace regardless. This principle is still relevant today; we’re called to share the message of Jesus with love and peace, even if it’s not always received.

Empowering Ordinary People

One of the most profound aspects of this event is that Jesus chose ordinary people to carry out extraordinary tasks.

A Diverse Group

The 72 weren’t part of the inner circle of the 12 apostles. They were ordinary followers of Jesus. This shows that the mission of God’s kingdom isn’t just for a select few but for everyone who believes. It’s a powerful reminder that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

A Model for Us

The sending of the 72 serves as a model for us today. Jesus’ instructions to them can be applied to our lives. We’re all called to spread the message of Jesus, to rely on God’s provision, to offer peace, and to perform acts of kindness and love.

The Joy of Mission

Finally, the story of the 72 disciples ends on a joyful note. In Luke 10:17, it says, “The seventy-two returned with joy and said, ‘Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.'” Their mission was successful, and they experienced the joy that comes from serving God and seeing His power at work.

Jesus’ Rejoicing

Jesus Himself rejoiced at their report. In Luke 10:21, it says, “At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.'” This shows the mutual joy and celebration that comes from fulfilling God’s mission.


The sending out of the 72 disciples was a strategic, purposeful act by Jesus. It was about spreading the Good News, training future leaders, demonstrating God’s kingdom, empowering ordinary people, and experiencing the joy of mission. For us today, this event serves as a powerful reminder of our role in God’s kingdom. We’re called to be workers in His harvest field, sharing His message, showing His love, and relying on His provision. Just like the 72 disciples, we have the opportunity to be part of something extraordinary.

FAQs: Why Did Jesus Send Out the 72 Disciples?

1. What was the primary reason Jesus sent out the 72 disciples?

Jesus sent out the 72 disciples to spread the Good News of God’s kingdom, reaching more people than He could alone.

2. Why did Jesus send the disciples in pairs?

Jesus sent the disciples in pairs for support and companionship, making their mission easier and more effective.

3. What specific instructions did Jesus give the 72 disciples?

Jesus instructed the 72 to travel light, rely on God’s provision, heal the sick, offer peace to households, and proclaim the kingdom of God (Luke 10:3-9).

4. What is the significance of the number 72?

The number 72 likely symbolizes completeness and universality, reflecting Jesus’ mission to reach all nations and people.

5. How does the sending of the 72 disciples relate to us today?

The event serves as a model for modern believers, reminding us that spreading God’s message is a shared responsibility and can be undertaken by ordinary people.

6. What were the disciples supposed to do if a town rejected them?

Jesus instructed the disciples to shake the dust off their feet as a testimony against that town and move on, emphasizing the urgency and importance of their mission (Luke 10:10-11).

7. Did the 72 disciples perform miracles like Jesus?

Yes, Jesus empowered the 72 disciples to heal the sick and perform miracles, demonstrating God’s power and love.

8. What was the outcome of the 72 disciples’ mission?

The disciples returned with joy, reporting that even demons submitted to them in Jesus’ name, indicating the success and divine power of their mission (Luke 10:17).

9. How did Jesus respond to the success of the 72 disciples?

Jesus rejoiced and praised God for revealing divine truths to ordinary people, highlighting the accessibility of God’s kingdom (Luke 10:21).

10. What can we learn from the 72 disciples’ mission?

We learn the importance of spreading God’s message, relying on His provision, offering peace, and experiencing the joy of serving in His kingdom.

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