Jesus’ attitude towards children is a topic that has fascinated scholars and believers alike for centuries.
If you’ve ever wondered what Jesus thought about children or how he treated them, you’re in the right place.
Let’s dive into the Gospels to see how Jesus interacted with children and what we can learn from his actions and teachings.
Jesus Welcomes Children
One of the most well-known instances that showcases Jesus’ attitude towards children is found in the Gospel of Matthew.
In Matthew 19:13-15, parents brought their children to Jesus, hoping he would lay hands on them and pray.
The disciples, however, rebuked them, thinking Jesus had more important matters to attend to.
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
This statement is powerful for several reasons:
#1. Inclusivity:
Jesus made it clear that children are welcome in his presence.
#2. Value:
By saying the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these, Jesus indicated that children have intrinsic value and a unique place in God’s kingdom.
Jesus’ Teachings About Children
Jesus didn’t just welcome children; he also used them to teach important lessons to his followers.
In Matthew 18:2-6, Jesus called a little child to him and said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
This teaching highlights a few key points:
#1. Humility:
Children are naturally humble, and Jesus emphasized that humility is essential for anyone who wants to follow him.
#2. Dependence:
Children depend on others for their needs, just as believers should depend on God.
#3. Innocence:
Children possess a level of innocence and purity that Jesus valued.
Protection of Children
Jesus also showed a protective attitude towards children.
In the same passage in Matthew 18:6, Jesus issued a stern warning:
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
This harsh imagery underscores several important aspects:
#1. Seriousness:
Jesus took the protection of children very seriously.
#2. Responsibility:
Adults have a responsibility to nurture and protect children’s faith and well-being.
#3. Accountability:
Those who harm or lead children astray face severe consequences.
Healing and Blessing Children
Jesus didn’t just talk about valuing and protecting children; he actively demonstrated it through his actions.
Numerous accounts in the Gospels show Jesus healing children.
For example:
#1. The Daughter of Jairus:
In Mark 5:21-43, Jesus raised Jairus’s daughter from the dead, showing his compassion and power.
#2. The Syrophoenician Woman’s Daughter:
In Mark 7:24-30, Jesus healed a Gentile woman’s daughter from a distance, highlighting his willingness to help all children, regardless of their background.
Embracing Childlike Qualities
Jesus often encouraged his followers to embrace childlike qualities.
In Mark 10:15, He said,
“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
This statement calls believers to:
#1. Trust:
Like children trust their parents, believers should trust God wholeheartedly.
#2. Simplicity:
Children approach life with simplicity and directness, qualities that Jesus valued in his followers.
#3. Joy:
Children often exhibit a pure joy and enthusiasm for life that Jesus encouraged his followers to emulate.
Application for Today
Understanding Jesus’ attitude towards children isn’t just about knowing historical facts; it’s about applying these principles to our lives today.
Here are some practical ways to do that:
#1. Welcome Children:
Just as Jesus welcomed children, we should create environments where children feel valued and included.
#2. Teach Humility:
Encourage children (and ourselves) to embrace humility and dependence on God.
#3. Protect and Nurture:
Take seriously the responsibility to protect and nurture children, both physically and spiritually.
#4. Emulate Childlike Qualities:
Cultivate trust, simplicity, and joy in our own lives, following the example of children.
Final Thoughts
Jesus’ attitude towards children was revolutionary for his time.
He broke societal norms by elevating the status of children, teaching that they are to be welcomed, valued, and protected.
Through his teachings and actions, Jesus showed that children hold a special place in the kingdom of God and that everyone can learn from their humility, trust, and innocence.
By embracing these qualities and attitudes in our own lives, we not only follow Jesus’ example but also create a more loving, inclusive, and nurturing environment for the next generation.
So, let’s take Jesus’ teachings to heart and strive to see children as he did—precious, valuable, and integral to the kingdom of heaven.

FAQs About Jesus’ Attitude Towards Children
1. Why did Jesus welcome children?
Jesus welcomed children because he valued their innocence, humility, and purity.
He believed that children have a unique and special place in God’s kingdom, and he used them to teach important lessons about humility and dependence on God.
2. What did Jesus mean when he said, “the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”?
Jesus meant that the qualities found in children, such as humility, trust, and innocence, are essential for anyone who wants to enter the kingdom of heaven.
He emphasized that believers should adopt a childlike attitude to fully embrace and experience God’s kingdom.
3. How did Jesus demonstrate his care for children?
Jesus demonstrated his care for children through his actions.
He healed children, such as Jairus’s daughter and the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter, and he blessed children who were brought to him.
He also spoke out strongly against those who would harm or lead children astray.
4. Why did Jesus use children to teach his disciples?
Jesus used children to teach his disciples because children exemplify qualities that are important in the kingdom of God.
By highlighting the humility, trust, and innocence of children, Jesus taught his disciples to adopt these attributes in their own lives.
5. What can we learn from Jesus’ attitude towards children today?
We can learn to welcome, value, and protect children, just as Jesus did.
We should create environments where children feel included and cherished.
Additionally, we can strive to embrace childlike qualities such as humility, trust, simplicity, and joy in our own lives.
6. How did Jesus show his protective attitude towards children?
Jesus showed his protective attitude towards children by issuing stern warnings against causing them harm.
In Matthew 18:6, he stated that it would be better for someone to have a millstone hung around their neck and be drowned than to lead a child astray, underscoring the seriousness of protecting children.
7. What are some practical ways to apply Jesus’ teachings about children in our lives?
Practical ways to apply Jesus’ teachings include:
- Welcoming and including children in our communities.
- Teaching and practicing humility and dependence on God.
- Protecting and nurturing children both physically and spiritually.
- Emulating childlike qualities such as trust, simplicity, and joy.
8. Why did Jesus say we must become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven?
Jesus said we must become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven because children naturally exhibit qualities such as humility, trust, and innocence. These qualities are essential for having a genuine and faithful relationship with God.
9. How did Jesus’ attitude towards children contrast with societal norms of his time?
During Jesus’ time, children were often seen as less important members of society.
Jesus’ attitude was revolutionary because he elevated the status of children, showing that they are valuable and worthy of respect and attention.
He broke societal norms by placing children at the center of his teachings.
10. What is the significance of Jesus healing children in the Gospels?
The significance of Jesus healing children in the Gospels lies in his demonstration of compassion, care, and divine power.
By healing children, Jesus showed that God’s love and grace extend to all, regardless of age or background, and that children are precious in God’s eyes.
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