What is Jesus’ Standard for Forgiveness?

Forgiveness is a cornerstone of Christian faith, and Jesus sets a high bar for how we should forgive others.

His teachings on forgiveness are clear, powerful, and sometimes challenging to follow.

But understanding Jesus’ standard for forgiveness can transform how we relate to others and to God.

What is Jesus' Standard for Forgiveness

The Call to Forgive

Jesus’ standard for forgiveness is radical and unconditional.

He emphasized this through His teachings and actions, urging his followers to forgive others regardless of the offense.

One of the most direct teachings on forgiveness is found in the Gospel of Matthew, where Peter asks Jesus,

“Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”

Jesus replies,

“I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times” (Matthew 18:21-22).

This wasn’t about keeping a tally but about adopting an attitude of limitless forgiveness.

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

To illustrate his point, Jesus told the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:23-35).

In this story, a king forgives a servant’s enormous debt.

However, that same servant refuses to forgive a much smaller debt owed to him by a fellow servant.

When the king hears of this, he is outraged and punishes the unforgiving servant.

The parable ends with a stark warning from Jesus:

“This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart” (Matthew 18:35).

Forgiveness in the Lord’s Prayer

Forgiveness is also central to the Lord’s Prayer, which Jesus taught his disciples.

In this prayer, we ask God to;

“forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12).

This phrase highlights a reciprocal relationship: our willingness to forgive others directly impacts God’s forgiveness of us.

Jesus on the Cross

The ultimate demonstration of Jesus’ standard for forgiveness is seen during his crucifixion.

As He was being nailed to the cross, Jesus prayed,

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).

Even in His suffering, Jesus showed boundless mercy and forgiveness to those who were killing him.

This act of forgiveness sets the highest example for his followers.

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not just a divine command but also a powerful tool for personal freedom and healing.

Holding onto grudges and anger can be destructive, leading to bitterness and broken relationships.

Forgiving others releases this burden, fostering peace and reconciliation.

Benefits of Forgiveness:

#1. Emotional Healing:

Letting go of resentment can reduce stress and improve mental health.

#2. Improved Relationships:

Forgiveness can mend broken relationships and strengthen bonds.

#3. Spiritual Growth:

Following Jesus’ example of forgiveness helps deepen your faith and aligns you with God’s will.

Practical Steps to Forgiveness

Forgiving others as Jesus taught can be difficult, but it’s achievable with practice and commitment.

Here are some practical steps to help you on this journey:

#1. Acknowledge the Hurt:

Recognize and accept the pain caused by the offense.

It’s okay to feel hurt and angry.

#2. Decide to Forgive:

Forgiveness is a choice.

Decide to let go of the grudge, even if you don’t feel like it.

#3. Empathize:

Try to understand the perspective of the person who hurt you.

This can foster compassion and make it easier to forgive.

#4. Let Go of Anger:

Release any desire for revenge or retribution.

Holding onto anger only harms you.

#5. Seek Reconciliation:

If possible, seek to restore the relationship.

This may involve honest communication and setting boundaries.

Forgiveness Doesn’t Mean Forgetting

It’s important to note that forgiving someone doesn’t mean condoning their actions or forgetting the hurt.

It means releasing the hold that the offense has over you.

Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from the negative emotions associated with the hurt.


Jesus’ standard for forgiveness is indeed high, but it’s also incredibly liberating.

By forgiving others as Jesus taught, you can experience emotional healing, strengthened relationships, and spiritual growth.

Remember, forgiveness is a journey and a practice. Start small, and over time, you’ll find it easier to extend grace to others, just as God extends grace to you.

Forgiveness is at the heart of Jesus’ teachings and exemplified in his life.

By following his example, you can embrace a life of compassion, mercy, and profound inner peace.

So, the next time someone wrongs you, remember Jesus’ words and choose to forgive, not just seven times, but seventy-seven times (limitless really).

What is Jesus' Standard for Forgiveness

FAQs: What is Jesus’ Standard for Forgiveness?

1. Why is forgiveness so important in Christianity?

Forgiveness is a core tenet of Christianity because it reflects God’s grace and mercy.

Jesus taught that forgiving others is essential for receiving God’s forgiveness and maintaining healthy, loving relationships.

2. How many times should I forgive someone according to Jesus?

Jesus taught that you should forgive someone not just seven times, but seventy-seven times (Matthew 18:21-22).

This means forgiveness should be limitless and unconditional.

3. What is the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant?

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:23-35) tells the story of a king who forgives a servant’s enormous debt.

However, the servant refuses to forgive a much smaller debt owed to Him.

The king punishes the unforgiving servant, highlighting the importance of showing mercy as we have received mercy.

4. How does the Lord’s Prayer emphasize forgiveness?

In the Lord’s Prayer, we ask God to:

“forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12).

This underscores the idea that God’s forgiveness of our sins is linked to our willingness to forgive others.

5. What is the significance of Jesus forgiving those who crucified him?

Jesus’ prayer for forgiveness for those who crucified him;

 (“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” – Luke 23:34)

exemplifies ultimate forgiveness.

It shows that we should forgive others, even in the face of extreme wrongdoing and personal suffering.

6. What are the benefits of forgiveness?

Forgiveness offers several benefits, including emotional healing, improved relationships, and spiritual growth.

Letting go of grudges can reduce stress, foster reconciliation, and align you more closely with God’s teachings.

7. How can I practically forgive someone who has hurt me?

  • Acknowledge the Hurt: Accept the pain caused by the offense.
  • Decide to Forgive: Make a conscious choice to forgive.
  • Empathize: Understand the other person’s perspective.
  • Let Go of Anger: Release desires for revenge or retribution.
  • Seek Reconciliation: When possible, work towards restoring the relationship.

8. Does forgiving someone mean I have to forget what they did?

No, forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting.

It means releasing the hold the offense has over you.

It’s about freeing yourself from negative emotions while still remembering the lesson learned from the experience.

9. What if the person who hurt me doesn’t apologize?

Forgiveness is about your peace of mind and relationship with God, not the other person’s actions.

You can choose to forgive regardless of whether the offender apologizes.

10. How can I cultivate a forgiving heart?

  • Pray: Ask God for the strength to forgive.
  • Reflect on Jesus’ Teachings: Regularly read and meditate on scriptures about forgiveness.
  • Practice Empathy: Put yourself in others’ shoes.
  • Seek Support: Talk to a trusted friend, counselor, or pastor about your struggles with forgiveness.

11. Can forgiveness improve my mental health?

Yes, forgiving others can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

It helps release negative emotions, promoting overall mental well-being and emotional balance.

12. Why is it hard to forgive sometimes?

Forgiveness can be hard because it involves letting go of hurt and anger.

It requires humility and a willingness to move past the pain, which can be challenging without God’s help and personal reflection.

13. Are there limits to forgiveness?

According to Jesus, there are no limits to forgiveness.

He calls us to forgive unconditionally and continuously, reflecting God’s boundless mercy towards us.

14. How does forgiveness affect my relationship with God?

Forgiving others is crucial for maintaining a right relationship with God.

Jesus taught that our willingness to forgive others impacts how God forgives us, as seen in the Lord’s Prayer and other scriptures.

By understanding and embracing Jesus’ standard for forgiveness, you can experience profound personal growth, peace, and deeper spiritual connections.

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