What Does Matthew 6:16-18 Teach Us About Fasting?

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that’s been practiced for centuries, across various cultures and religions.

For Christians, it’s more than just abstaining from food—it’s a way to draw closer to God. One of the most insightful teachings on fasting comes from Jesus himself, in the Gospel of Matthew.

In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus gives specific instructions on how to fast, emphasizing the attitude and approach we should take.

Let’s dive into what these verses teach us about fasting.

Matthew 616-18

Understanding the Verses

The Context

Before we delve into the specifics, it’s important to understand the context.

Matthew 6 is part of the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus addresses a range of spiritual and ethical topics.

In this section, Jesus focuses on acts of righteousness, including giving to the needy, prayer, and fasting.

His message is clear: it’s not just about what you do, but how and why you do it.

The Verses

Here are the verses from Matthew 6:16-18 (NIV):

“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Key Lessons from Matthew 6:16-18

#1. Fasting Should Be Sincere

Jesus begins by addressing the hypocrisy of those who fast to gain admiration from others.

In His time, some people made a public display of their fasting, seeking praise for their piety.

Jesus criticizes this behavior, stating that their reward is the recognition they receive from others, rather than spiritual growth or divine approval.

Key Point: When you fast, your intention shouldn’t be to show off your spirituality. Fasting should be a genuine act of devotion to God, not a performance for others.

#2. Maintain a Normal Appearance

In verse 17, Jesus advises us to “put oil on your head and wash your face.”

During that period, applying oil was a common grooming practice.

Jesus’ point is to keep your fasting private and maintain your usual appearance. This way, your fast remains between you and God.

Key Point: There’s no need to look miserable or draw attention to your fasting. Keep it discreet and personal, focusing on your inner connection with God rather than external validation.

#3. Seek God’s Approval, Not Human Praise

Jesus emphasizes that God, who “sees what is done in secret,” will reward you.

The reward for fasting isn’t the admiration of others, but the deeper spiritual connection and blessings from God.

This underscores the importance of a sincere heart and pure motives.

Key Point: Your fasting is an intimate offering to God. It’s about seeking His approval and growing closer to Him, rather than seeking accolades from those around you.

#4. Spiritual Discipline Over Ritual

Fasting is more than just skipping meals—it’s about self-discipline and focusing on God.

The physical act of fasting should reflect a deeper spiritual reality, where you set aside time to pray, meditate, and draw closer to God.

Key Point: Use the time you’d normally spend eating to engage in prayer and reflection. Let the hunger remind you of your dependence on God and His provision in your life.

Practical Tips for Fasting

Now that we’ve explored what Jesus teaches about fasting in Matthew 6:16-18, let’s look at some practical tips to help you incorporate fasting into your spiritual life.

#1. Set Clear Intentions

Before you begin your fast, decide why you’re fasting.

Are you seeking guidance, deepening your relationship with God, or praying for a specific need?

Having a clear purpose will help you stay focused and committed.

#2. Start Small

If you’re new to fasting, start with a short fast, like skipping one meal or fasting for a part of the day.

Gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

#3. Stay Hydrated

Even if you’re abstaining from food, it’s crucial to drink water, especially if you’re fasting for an extended period.

Staying hydrated will help you maintain your energy levels and avoid dehydration.

#4. Use Fasting Time Wisely

Replace your meal times with prayer, reading scripture, or quiet reflection.

The goal is to use the time to connect with God and grow spiritually.

#5. Be Mindful of Your Health

If you have any medical conditions or concerns, consult with a healthcare professional before starting a fast.

It’s essential to ensure that fasting won’t adversely affect your health.

#6. Break Your Fast Gently

When you’re ready to end your fast, start with small, light meals.

Avoid overeating or indulging in heavy foods immediately after fasting.


Fasting, as taught by Jesus in Matthew 6:16-18, is a powerful spiritual practice that goes beyond mere abstinence from food.

It’s about sincerity, humility, and a deep desire to connect with God.

By keeping our fasting private and focused on God, we align ourselves with His will and open the door to profound spiritual growth.

As you consider incorporating fasting into your spiritual life, remember the key lessons from Jesus: be sincere, keep it private, seek God’s approval, and use the time to deepen your relationship with Him.

With these principles in mind, fasting can become a meaningful and transformative part of your faith journey.

Matthew 616-18

FAQs on Fasting According to Matthew 6:16-18

1. What is the main lesson from Matthew 6:16-18 about fasting?

Answer: The primary lesson from Matthew 6:16-18 is that fasting should be a private and sincere act of devotion to God.

Jesus teaches that we shouldn’t fast to gain approval or admiration from others.

Instead, our fasting should be discreet and focused on strengthening our relationship with God.

2. Why does Jesus emphasize not looking somber while fasting?

Answer: Jesus emphasizes not looking somber to discourage fasting as a public display.

He criticizes the hypocrites who make their fasting obvious to gain praise.

Instead, He encourages maintaining a normal appearance so that fasting remains a personal and private matter between the individual and God.

3. How should I approach fasting to align with Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 6:16-18?

Answer: To align with Jesus’ teachings, approach fasting with a genuine heart and pure intentions.

Keep your fasting private, maintain your usual appearance, and focus on deepening your connection with God.

Your motive should be to seek God’s approval and grow spiritually, not to impress others.

4. What does Jesus mean by “put oil on your head and wash your face”?

Answer: In Jesus’ time, applying oil and washing one’s face were common grooming practices.

By advising this, Jesus is instructing us to continue our normal daily routines and not draw attention to our fasting.

The idea is to keep our fasting discreet and between ourselves and God.

5. Can I drink water while fasting according to these verses?

Answer: The verses don’t explicitly address drinking water, but generally, staying hydrated is important.

Unless you’re undertaking a specific fast that involves abstaining from all liquids, it’s usually acceptable to drink water while fasting, especially to maintain your health and energy levels.

6. What should I do during the time I would normally spend eating?

Answer: Use the time you’d normally spend eating to engage in spiritual activities such as prayer, reading the Bible, or reflecting on your relationship with God.

The purpose is to replace physical nourishment with spiritual nourishment, focusing your thoughts and energy on God.

7. How can I start fasting if I’m new to it?

Answer: If you’re new to fasting, start with small steps.

Try skipping one meal or fasting for a few hours.

Gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

Always listen to your body and be mindful of your health.

8. Is it okay to tell someone I’m fasting?

Answer: While the emphasis is on keeping fasting private, there are practical situations where you might need to inform someone, like family or friends, especially if it affects meal planning or social events.

The key is to avoid making a display of it or seeking praise for your fasting.

9. What kind of rewards does Jesus refer to for those who fast privately?

Answer: Jesus speaks of spiritual rewards from God, who sees what is done in secret.

These rewards can include a deeper sense of peace, greater spiritual insight, and a closer relationship with God.

The focus is on the internal and spiritual benefits rather than external recognition.

10. Can fasting help with personal issues or prayers?

Answer: Yes, fasting is often used as a way to seek guidance, strength, and clarity in prayer.

Many people find that fasting helps them to focus more deeply on their prayers and on listening to God.

It can be a powerful tool for dealing with personal issues and seeking God’s intervention.

11. How often should I fast?

Answer: The Bible doesn’t specify how often one should fast.

It varies depending on individual spiritual needs and circumstances.

Some fast regularly, while others do so occasionally or during specific times of need or spiritual seeking.

The important thing is to fast with the right heart and intentions.

12. What should I avoid when fasting?

Answer: Avoid making your fasting a public display or doing it for the wrong reasons, like seeking approval from others.

Also, be mindful of your health; don’t push your body beyond its limits.

Focus on the spiritual aspects rather than just the physical act of abstaining from food.

13. How should I end my fast?

Answer: End your fast gently by starting with small, light meals.

Avoid overeating or consuming heavy foods immediately after fasting.

This helps your body readjust and prevents discomfort.

14. Are there any health precautions I should take before fasting?

Answer: If you have any medical conditions or concerns, consult a healthcare professional before starting a fast.

It’s essential to ensure that fasting won’t negatively impact your health. Listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.

Discover the deeper meaning of fasting through Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 6:16-18. Learn how to fast with sincerity, maintain privacy, and seek spiritual growth.

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