Luke 6:40 emphasizes the teacher-student relationship, stating that a disciple is not above their teacher, but when fully trained, will resemble them. This verse encourages humility and respect for mentors while highlighting the transformative goal of learning. It applies to modern teaching, urging both mentors and students to embrace growth and reflection. Keep reading for a more in-depth cover.
When exploring the teachings of Jesus, one can’t overlook the profound wisdom in the Gospel of Luke.
In particular, Luke 6:40 provides a rich insight into the relationship between teachers and students, and it offers guidance that’s still relevant today.
Let’s dive into what Luke 6:40 says, its context, and its implications for both ancient and modern readers.

Understanding Luke 6:40
Luke 6:40 states: “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.”
This verse is part of a larger discourse in which Jesus is teaching about various aspects of life, including judgment, love, and mercy.
The passage is a key element in understanding how Jesus viewed the process of learning and mentorship.
Breaking Down the Verse
To fully grasp the meaning of Luke 6:40, let’s break it down into manageable parts:
“A Disciple is Not Above His Teacher”
In the time of Jesus, a “disciple” was a student who followed a teacher, often living with them and learning not just their teachings, but also their way of life.
The first part of the verse emphasizes humility.
It acknowledges the hierarchical relationship between teacher and student.
No matter how knowledgeable or skilled a student becomes, they aren’t superior to their teacher.
This part of the verse encourages respect and recognition of the teacher’s role.
It’s a reminder that every master was once a learner and that true wisdom involves acknowledging the contributions of those who came before you.
“But Everyone When He is Fully Trained Will Be Like His Teacher”
The second part of the verse highlights the goal of the learning process.
It’s not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about transformation.
When a student is “fully trained,” they’ll be like their teacher. This means adopting the teacher’s principles, values, and practices.
In a broader sense, it reflects the goal of Christian discipleship—becoming more like Jesus.
As followers of Christ, believers are called to emulate His life and teachings, aiming to mirror His love, compassion, and wisdom.
Context of Luke 6:40
Understanding the context of Luke 6:40 helps us appreciate its depth.
This verse is situated within the Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6:17-49), which is Luke’s version of the more familiar Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew’s Gospel.
The Sermon on the Plain
In this sermon, Jesus covers a variety of topics, offering moral and ethical guidance.
He addresses love for enemies, avoiding judgment, and the importance of good deeds.
Luke 6:40 comes in a section where Jesus is talking about judgment and teaching.
He uses parables and metaphors to illustrate his points, making profound truths accessible to his listeners.
Relating to Modern Times
In today’s context, Luke 6:40 speaks to anyone involved in teaching or mentorship.
Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, a coach, or a leader, the verse underscores the importance of humility and the goal of shaping others to reach their fullest potential. It also reminds learners to value and respect their mentors.
Applying Luke 6:40 in Daily Life
So, how can you apply the wisdom of Luke 6:40 in your everyday life?
Here are some practical ways:
For Teachers and Mentors
- Be a Role Model: Strive to live the values and principles you teach.
Your actions should reflect your teachings, as students often learn more from what you do than what you say.
- Encourage Growth: Aim to equip your students or mentees to eventually surpass you.
True success in teaching is measured by the accomplishments of your students.
- Stay Humble: Remember that you were once in the learner’s position.
Keep learning and growing in your own journey.
For Students and Learners
- Respect Your Teachers: Acknowledge the knowledge and experience of those who teach you.
They’ve walked the path you’re starting on.
- Embrace the Learning Process: Understand that becoming “fully trained” takes time and effort.
Be patient with yourself.
- Aim to Reflect Your Teacher’s Wisdom: Try to embody the teachings and values of your mentors in your life.
Biblical and Historical Examples
Throughout the Bible and history, there are numerous examples that illustrate the truth of Luke 6:40.
Jesus and His Disciples
Jesus’ relationship with His disciples is the quintessential example.
He taught them not just through words, but by living out His teachings.
Over time, they were transformed to carry on His mission after His resurrection and ascension.
Peter, John, and the others didn’t surpass Jesus but were empowered to continue His work, reflecting His teachings.
Paul and Timothy
In the New Testament, Paul’s mentorship of Timothy reflects the principles in Luke 6:40. Paul trained Timothy in the faith, and Timothy became a significant leader in the early church.
Paul’s letters to Timothy (1 Timothy and 2 Timothy) are filled with guidance and encouragement, showing the deep bond between teacher and disciple.
Modern-Day Examples
Consider influential figures in modern history—mentors like Mahatma Gandhi and his disciple, Martin Luther King Jr.
Gandhi’s principles of non-violence profoundly shaped King’s approach to the civil rights movement.
King didn’t surpass Gandhi but became like his teacher in many ways, embodying and extending his teachings in a different context.
Reflecting on Your Journey
Take a moment to reflect on your own experiences with teachers and mentors.
Who’s shaped your journey?
How’ve their teachings influenced you?
Whether you’re a mentor or a mentee, Luke 6:40 invites you to embrace the transformative power of learning and growth.
Questions to Ponder
- As a teacher or mentor, how can you better model the values you wish to impart?
- As a learner, how can you show gratitude and respect to those who guide you?
- What steps can you take to fully train and embody the teachings you’ve received?
Luke 6:40 is a profound reminder of the enduring relationship between teachers and students.
It calls us to humility, respect, and the pursuit of growth and transformation.
Whether you’re in a position to teach or to learn, this verse offers timeless wisdom on the journey of becoming like those who guide us.
So, take these lessons to heart and let them shape your path forward.

FAQs about Luke 6:40
1. What is the main message of Luke 6:40?
The main message of Luke 6:40 is that students or disciples are not above their teachers, but when they are fully trained, they will be like their teachers.
This highlights the importance of humility and the transformative goal of the learning process.
2. How does Luke 6:40 apply to modern life?
Luke 6:40 applies to modern life by emphasizing the importance of respect and humility in teacher-student relationships.
Whether in education, mentorship, or personal development, it encourages both teachers to be good role models and students to value and reflect the teachings they receive.
3. What does it mean to be “fully trained” as mentioned in Luke 6:40?
Being “fully trained” means having undergone comprehensive learning and development under the guidance of a teacher or mentor.
It involves not just acquiring knowledge but also internalizing the values, principles, and practices of the teacher.
4. How can teachers apply the principles of Luke 6:40?
Teachers can apply the principles of Luke 6:40 by:
- Being exemplary role models.
- Encouraging their students to grow and eventually surpass their own achievements.
- Maintaining humility and continuing to learn themselves.
5. How should students or learners approach their relationship with their teachers according to Luke 6:40?
Students should approach their relationship with teachers by:
- Respecting and valuing their teachers’ knowledge and experience.
- Embracing the learning process with patience and dedication.
- Striving to embody the teachings and values of their mentors in their own lives.
6. What context surrounds Luke 6:40 in the Bible?
Luke 6:40 is part of the Sermon on the Plain, where Jesus provides various teachings on moral and ethical behavior.
This particular verse is part of a broader discussion about judgment and teaching.
7. Can you give examples of teacher-student relationships that reflect Luke 6:40?
Examples include:
- Jesus and His disciples, where the disciples were transformed to carry on His mission.
- Paul and Timothy, with Paul mentoring Timothy to become a leader in the early church.
- Modern examples like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., where King embodied Gandhi’s principles in the civil rights movement.
8. How does Luke 6:40 relate to Christian discipleship?
Luke 6:40 relates to Christian discipleship by illustrating the goal of becoming like Jesus, the ultimate teacher.
It encourages believers to live out His teachings and emulate His life, embodying His love, compassion, and wisdom.
9. What steps can one take to embody the teachings of their mentors?
To embody the teachings of mentors, one can:
- Practice the values and principles learned in daily life.
- Continue seeking knowledge and growth.
- Show gratitude and respect to their mentors by honoring their guidance through action.
10. Why is humility important in the context of Luke 6:40?
Humility is important because it acknowledges the teacher’s role and the ongoing journey of learning.
It helps both teachers and students recognize their place in the process and fosters a respectful and transformative learning environment.
11. How can one be a better role model according to Luke 6:40?
One can be a better role model by:
- Living out the values and teachings they wish to impart.
- Being consistent in their actions and words.
- Supporting and encouraging their students or mentees to reach their fullest potential.
12. What does Luke 6:40 teach about the process of learning and teaching?
Luke 6:40 teaches that the process of learning and teaching is about more than just passing on knowledge.
It’s about transforming learners to be like their teachers, embodying their values and principles, and preparing them to continue the legacy of their mentors.
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