What Does Jesus Teach Us About Children?

In the Bible, Jesus often used simple, yet profound teachings to convey deep truths. Among these, His teachings about children stand out for their warmth and clarity.

 Jesus not only valued children but also highlighted their importance in the Kingdom of God.

In this article, we’ll explore what Jesus teaches us about children and how we can apply these lessons in our lives.

What Does Jesus Teach Us About Children

The Value of Children

From the outset, Jesus made it clear that children hold a special place in His heart and the Kingdom of God.

1. Children as Examples of Humility

One of the most striking teachings of Jesus about children is found in Matthew 18:1-4.

The disciples asked Jesus who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

In response, Jesus called a little child to Him and said:

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3-4, NIV)

This statement underscores the importance of humility and trust. Children, with their innate simplicity and faith, embody the qualities that Jesus asks of His followers.

2. The Innocence and Purity of Children

Jesus valued the innocence and purity of children.

He often pointed to their pure-hearted approach to life and faith as a model for adults.

In Matthew 19:14, when His disciples tried to turn children away, Jesus said:

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14, NIV)

This verse highlights how Jesus viewed children not just as followers but as central to His teachings and the Kingdom.

Jesus’ Actions Towards Children

Jesus didn’t just talk about the importance of children; He actively demonstrated it through His actions.

1. Welcoming Children

In Mark 10:13-16, people were bringing their children to Jesus to be blessed, but the disciples rebuked them.

Jesus was indignant and said:

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10:14-15, NIV)

Jesus then took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them.

This powerful act of embracing and blessing children illustrates His deep affection and respect for them.

2. Healing and Raising Children

Jesus performed numerous miracles involving children.

In the account of Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5:21-43), Jesus raises a young girl from the dead, demonstrating His compassion and power.

Similarly, in John 4:46-54, Jesus heals the son of a royal official, showing His willingness to help those in need, regardless of age.

Lessons for Us Today

Jesus’ teachings and actions regarding children offer timeless lessons that are as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago.

1. Embracing Childlike Faith

Jesus encourages us to approach life and faith with the simplicity and trust of a child.

This doesn’t mean being naïve but rather having a pure, unwavering faith. It’s about trusting God fully and remaining open-hearted.

  • Humility: Recognizing that we don’t have all the answers and being willing to learn and grow.
  • Trust: Having faith in God’s plan, even when we don’t understand it.
  • Innocence: Maintaining a pure heart, free from malice and deceit.

2. Protecting and Nurturing Children

Jesus’ emphasis on children also underscores our responsibility to protect and nurture them. In today’s world, this can translate into:

  • Providing a Safe Environment: Ensuring that children grow up in safe, loving, and supportive environments.
  • Education and Guidance: Teaching children about love, respect, and faith, as Jesus would.
  • Advocacy: Standing up for children’s rights and ensuring they have the opportunities they deserve.

Applying Jesus’ Teachings in Our Lives

To truly embrace Jesus’ teachings about children, we need to incorporate His lessons into our daily lives and interactions.

1. Treating Children with Respect and Love

We should follow Jesus’ example by treating children with the utmost respect and love.

This involves:

  • Listening: Taking the time to listen to children, valuing their thoughts and feelings.
  • Encouragement: Offering positive reinforcement and support to help them grow and thrive.
  • Modeling: Setting a good example through our actions, showing them how to live with integrity and kindness.

2. Cultivating a Childlike Spirit

Even as adults, we can cultivate a childlike spirit in our approach to faith and life.

This can be achieved by:

  • Staying Curious: Always seeking to learn and explore new things.
  • Being Joyful: Finding joy in the simple things, just as children do.
  • Practicing Gratitude: Appreciating the blessings in our lives, no matter how small.


Jesus’ teachings about children are clear and profound.

He calls us to embrace their humility, innocence, and faith. By valuing and protecting children, we honor His teachings and enrich our lives and communities.

 Let’s strive to see the world through the eyes of a child, with wonder, trust, and a pure heart.

In doing so, we draw closer to the Kingdom of Heaven, just as Jesus intended.

Remember, in the words of Jesus: “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:5, NIV)

Let’s welcome and cherish the children in our lives as Jesus does.

What Does Jesus Teach Us About Children

FAQs: What Does Jesus Teach Us About Children?

Q1: Why did Jesus place such importance on children in His teachings?

A1: Jesus highlighted children’s humility, innocence, and pure-hearted faith as essential qualities for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.

By using children as examples, He taught that adults should adopt these attributes to truly understand and follow God’s will.

Q2: What does it mean to have childlike faith according to Jesus?

A2: Childlike faith, as taught by Jesus, involves trusting God wholeheartedly, maintaining a sense of wonder and curiosity, and approaching life with a pure heart.

It means having complete confidence in God’s goodness and plan, just as a child trusts their parent without question.

Q3: How can we apply Jesus’ teachings about children in our everyday lives?

A3: We can apply these teachings by:

  • Respecting and valuing children’s thoughts and feelings.
  • Providing safe, nurturing environments.
  • Teaching them about love, faith, and integrity.
  • Embracing humility and a pure heart in our own lives, mirroring a child’s innocence and trust.

Q4: What does Jesus’ statement “the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” mean?

A4: This statement, found in Matthew 19:14, means that the qualities inherent in children—such as humility, trust, and purity—are fundamental to entering and being part of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus emphasizes that these attributes are highly valued in God’s realm.

Q5: How did Jesus demonstrate His care for children through His actions?

A5: Jesus showed His care for children by:

  • Welcoming them and blessing them. (Mark 10:13-16)
  • Healing children and raising them from the dead. Examples include Jairus’ daughter and the son of a royal official.
  • Defending their right to come to Him and be part of His teachings.

Q6: What lessons can adults learn from Jesus’ teachings about children?

A6: Adults can learn to:

  • Cultivate humility and a sense of wonder.
  • Maintain a pure heart, free from deceit and malice.
  • Trust God’s plan completely, just as children trust their parents.
  • Value and protect children, advocating for their rights and well-being.

Q7: How does treating children with love and respect reflect Jesus’ teachings?

A7: Treating children with love and respect aligns with Jesus’ teachings by recognizing their intrinsic value and the lessons they can teach us about faith and humility.

It involves listening to them, encouraging their growth, and providing positive role models through our actions.

Q8: What are some practical ways to nurture a childlike spirit in our own lives?

A8: To nurture a childlike spirit, you can:

  • Stay curious and open to learning new things.
  • Find joy in simple pleasures and everyday experiences.
  • Practice gratitude for the small and large blessings in life.
  • Approach challenges with trust and a positive attitude.

Q9: Why did Jesus use a child as an example when teaching about greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven?

A9: Jesus used a child as an example to illustrate that true greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven comes from humility and a lowly position, not from power or status.

By becoming like children—humble and reliant on God—we align ourselves with the values of His Kingdom.

Q10: What did Jesus mean when He said, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me”?

A10: This statement from Matthew 18:5 highlights that welcoming and caring for children is akin to welcoming Jesus Himself.

It underscores the importance of treating children with kindness, respect, and love, as they embody the values that are cherished in God’s Kingdom.

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