When you think about Jesus and His teachings, it’s easy to imagine Him speaking to large crowds or debating with religious leaders.
But Jesus also had a special place in His heart for children.
His words and actions towards children reveal much about His love, compassion, and the kingdom of God.
Let’s explore what Jesus says to children and what these teachings mean for us today.
Jesus Welcomes Children
One of the most well-known instances of Jesus interacting with children is found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
In these accounts, people were bringing their children to Jesus so He could bless them, but the disciples rebuked them. Jesus responded:
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
This moment is profound for several reasons:
#1. Inclusion:
Jesus made it clear that children are an integral part of the kingdom of heaven.
They are not to be ignored or pushed aside.
#2. Value:
By welcoming children, Jesus demonstrated their inherent value and worth.
He didn’t view them as less important than adults.
#3. Example:
Jesus highlighted children as examples of how we should approach God – with humility, trust, and openness.
The Importance of Childlike Faith
Another important teaching of Jesus about children is found in Matthew 18:2-4:
“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’”
Here, Jesus wasn’t just talking about children;
He was using them as a metaphor for the kind of faith and attitude that pleases God:
#1. Humility:
Children are naturally humble.
They don’t boast about their achievements or seek to elevate themselves above others.
#2. Dependence:
Children rely on their parents for everything.
Jesus wants us to depend on God in the same way.
#3. Simplicity:
Children approach life with simplicity and sincerity, qualities that are essential for genuine faith.
Protecting and Valuing Children
Jesus also had strong words for anyone who would harm or lead children astray.
In Matthew 18:6, He said:
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
This stark warning underscores the seriousness with which Jesus views the protection and guidance of children:
#1. Responsibility:
Adults have a significant responsibility to nurture and guide children in faith and moral integrity.
#2. Protection:
Jesus’ harsh words indicate the severity of leading a child away from truth and righteousness.
#3. Accountability:
There is a clear sense of accountability for how children are treated and taught.
Teaching Children About God
In Deuteronomy 6:6-7, the importance of teaching children about God is emphasized:
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Jesus Himself would have been taught these scriptures as a child.
His life and teachings reinforce the idea that children should be raised with a strong foundation in faith:
#1. Consistency:
Teaching about God should be a constant part of daily life, not just reserved for Sundays or religious holidays.
#2. Integration:
Faith should be integrated into all aspects of life – at home, during daily activities, and in conversations.
#3. Example:
Parents and guardians should lead by example, showing through their actions what it means to live a life of faith.
Jesus’ Love and Compassion for Children
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus’ actions towards children reflect His deep love and compassion.
In Mark 10:16, after blessing the children, it is written:
“And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.”
This image of Jesus holding children close and blessing them is a powerful testament to His gentle and caring nature:
#1. Affection:
Jesus wasn’t distant or aloof; He physically embraced children, showing His love in tangible ways.
#2. Blessing:
The act of blessing is significant. Jesus’ blessings would have been seen as a powerful affirmation of each child’s worth and potential.
#3. Connection:
Jesus’ connection with children shows us the importance of forming close, loving relationships with the younger generation.
Lessons for Today
Understanding what Jesus says to children isn’t just about historical context; it’s about applying these lessons in our lives today.
Here are some takeaways:
#1. Welcome and Include:
Always welcome and include children in all aspects of community and spiritual life.
#2. Value and Protect:
Recognize the intrinsic value of children and take serious measures to protect them from harm.
#3. Teach and Guide:
Be diligent in teaching children about faith and moral values, using everyday moments as teaching opportunities.
#4. Model Childlike Faith:
Embrace humility, dependence, and simplicity in your own faith, as Jesus highlighted.
Final Thoughts
Jesus’ teachings about and to children are clear and powerful.
He valued them, welcomed them, and used them as examples of the kind of faith we should all aspire to have.
By following His example, we can ensure that children are nurtured, protected, and guided in a way that honors God’s kingdom.
If you have children in your life, whether they’re your own or part of your community, remember Jesus’ words and actions.
Treat them with the love, respect, and care that Jesus Himself showed.
After all, in the kingdom of heaven, they hold a special place.

FAQs About What Jesus Says to Children
1. Why did Jesus say to let the children come to Him?
Jesus wanted to show that children are valued and important in the kingdom of God.
By welcoming them, He demonstrated that everyone, regardless of age, has a place in His teachings and love.
2. What does Jesus mean by becoming like little children?
Jesus emphasized the qualities of children such as humility, trust, and simplicity.
He taught that these attributes are essential for entering the kingdom of heaven and having a genuine relationship with God.
3. Why did Jesus warn against causing children to stumble?
Jesus warned against leading children astray to highlight the serious responsibility adults have in guiding and protecting children.
Misleading a child in matters of faith or morality is a grave offense in Jesus’ teachings.
4. How can we teach children about God effectively?
Teaching children about God should be an ongoing process integrated into daily life.
Use everyday moments to discuss faith, set a good example, and ensure that spiritual teachings are a consistent part of their upbringing.
5. What can we learn from Jesus’ interactions with children?
Jesus’ interactions with children teach us to value, love, and protect them.
We should welcome them, ensure they feel included, and guide them in their spiritual journey with care and compassion.
6. How did Jesus show His love for children?
Jesus showed His love for children by welcoming them, blessing them, and using them as examples of the kind of faith that pleases God.
He physically embraced them, demonstrating His affection and care.
7. What is the significance of Jesus blessing children?
Jesus blessing children is a powerful affirmation of their worth and potential.
It shows that children are not only valued in the present but also hold promise for the future in God’s kingdom.
8. How can we apply Jesus’ teachings about children in our lives today?
We can apply Jesus’ teachings by:
- Welcoming and including children in all aspects of community and spiritual life.
- Valuing and protecting them from harm.
- Diligently teaching them about faith and moral values.
- Modeling childlike faith through humility, trust, and simplicity in our own lives.
9. What role do children play in the kingdom of heaven according to Jesus?
Children exemplify the kind of faith and attitude that is essential for entering the kingdom of heaven.
Their humility, trust, and openness are qualities that all believers should strive to embody.
10. Why is it important to treat children with love and respect?
Treating children with love and respect honors Jesus’ teachings and ensures their well-being and development.
It also sets a foundation for them to grow into responsible, faith-filled adults who will continue to spread the love and teachings of Jesus.
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