What Does Jesus Say About Love in Marriage?

Marriage is a sacred covenant, a beautiful union designed by God.

In the heart of this union lies love—a love that transcends mere feelings and is deeply rooted in commitment and sacrifice.

But what exactly does Jesus say about love in marriage?

How can His teachings guide us in nurturing a loving and fulfilling relationship with our spouses?

Let’s dive into Jesus’ words and the timeless wisdom of the Bible to uncover these answers.

What Does Jesus Say About Love in Marriage

The Foundation of Marital Love

Jesus’ teachings on love in marriage are profound and form the bedrock of Christian marital relationships.

At the core, Jesus emphasizes selfless love, faithfulness, and unity.

Selfless Love: The Essence of Marriage

In Ephesians 5:25, Paul instructs husbands to “love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.”

This directive reflects Jesus’ sacrificial love for His followers.

But what does this mean for you and your marriage?

  • Selflessness:

Love in marriage calls for putting your spouse’s needs above your own.

This isn’t about losing your identity but rather finding joy in serving and supporting each other.

  • Sacrifice:

True love often requires giving up your comforts or desires for the sake of your spouse.

Think of small daily sacrifices, like watching their favorite movie instead of yours or helping with tasks even when you’re tired.

  • Compassion:  

Jesus’ love is compassionate and tender.

Practicing empathy and understanding can transform conflicts into opportunities for deeper connection.

Jesus underscores the importance of faithfulness in marriage.

In Matthew 19:6, He says,

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

This speaks volumes about the commitment and loyalty expected in marriage.

  • Monogamy:

Faithfulness isn’t just about avoiding infidelity; it’s about being emotionally and mentally committed to your spouse.

  • Trust:

Building a foundation of trust means being open and honest with each other, even about the difficult things.

  • Support:

Stand by your spouse in all circumstances, echoing the steadfast love Jesus has for His church.

Unity: Becoming One in Spirit and Purpose

In Mark 10:8, Jesus reiterates the Genesis account, saying,

“The two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh.”

This unity is more than physical—it’s spiritual, emotional, and intellectual.

  • Shared Goals:

Align your life goals and work towards them together.

Whether it’s raising children, building a career, or serving the community, unity in purpose strengthens your bond.

  • Communication:

Effective communication fosters unity.

Be willing to listen, understand, and express yourself openly.

  • Spiritual Connection:

Pray together, attend church together, and grow in your faith as a couple.

This spiritual unity will anchor your relationship.

What Does Jesus Say About Love in Marriage

Practical Ways to Live Out Jesus’ Teachings

Knowing Jesus’ teachings is one thing, but how can you apply them daily in your marriage?

Here are some practical tips:

#1. Pray Together Daily

  • Prayer not only brings you closer to God but also to each other.
    • It’s a moment to share your hopes, fears, and gratitude.
    • Example: Start or end your day with a short prayer together, focusing on gratitude and blessings.

#2. Practice Forgiveness

  • Jesus teaches us to forgive as He has forgiven us.
    • In marriage, holding onto grudges can be destructive.
    • Example: When conflicts arise, address them calmly, seek to understand, and forgive each other quickly.

#3. Spend Quality Time Together

  • Investing time in each other is crucial.
    • It strengthens your connection and keeps the love alive.
    • Example: Schedule regular date nights, even if it’s just a walk in the park or a cozy movie night at home.

#4. Communicate Openly and Honestly

  • Honest communication is the backbone of a healthy relationship.
    • Share your thoughts, dreams, and concerns freely.
    • Example: Set aside time each week to discuss anything that’s on your mind or any issues you’ve noticed.

#5. Serve Each Other

  • Jesus modeled servant leadership. In marriage, this means looking for ways to help and support your spouse.
    • Example: Surprise your partner by taking on a chore they dislike or planning a special treat for them.

The Power of Jesus’ Love in Marriage

Jesus’ love is transformative.

It’s a love that’s patient, kind, and enduring.

By embodying His teachings, you can cultivate a marriage that’s not only fulfilling but also a testament to God’s grace.

Reflecting Jesus’ Love

  • Patience: Be patient with each other’s flaws and mistakes.

Love isn’t about perfection but about grace.

  • Kindness: Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

A simple “thank you” or a thoughtful gesture can brighten your spouse’s day.

  • Endurance: Love endures through tough times.

When challenges arise, face them together with unwavering support.

Bible Verses to Strengthen Your Marriage

Here are a few more verses to meditate on and inspire your journey:

  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
  • Colossians 3:14: “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
  • Song of Solomon 2:16: “My beloved is mine, and I am his.”


In understanding and applying Jesus’ teachings on love in marriage, you’re not just nurturing a relationship but building a partnership that reflects divine love.

Embrace selflessness, practice faithfulness, and strive for unity.

Let Jesus’ words guide your path, and your marriage will be a beacon of His everlasting love.

Marriage is a journey, and with Jesus’ teachings as your compass, it’s a journey filled with love, grace, and endless possibilities.

FAQs: What Does Jesus Say About Love in Marriage?

Q1: What is the core teaching of Jesus about love in marriage?

Jesus emphasizes a love that is selfless, faithful, and united.

This love mirrors His own sacrificial love for humanity and calls for deep commitment and unwavering support between spouses.

Q2: How can I practice selfless love in my marriage?

Selfless love involves putting your spouse’s needs above your own, making daily sacrifices, and showing compassion and empathy.

Simple acts like prioritizing your partner’s preferences or helping out with tasks they find challenging are practical ways to demonstrate selfless love.

Q3: Why is faithfulness important in marriage according to Jesus?

Faithfulness is crucial because it reflects the loyalty and trust Jesus calls us to uphold in our relationships.

It means staying true to your spouse emotionally, mentally, and physically, building a foundation of trust and support.

Q4: How can we achieve unity in our marriage as Jesus teaches?

A4: Unity in marriage can be achieved by aligning your goals, communicating openly and honestly, and nurturing a shared spiritual connection.

Praying together, discussing your aspirations, and supporting each other’s dreams are practical steps towards unity.

Q5: What practical steps can we take to embody Jesus’ teachings in our marriage?

  • Pray together daily to strengthen your spiritual bond.
  • Practice forgiveness to resolve conflicts and move forward.
  • Spend quality time together to deepen your connection.
  • Communicate openly and honestly to build trust and understanding.
  • Serve each other in everyday actions to reflect Jesus’ servant leadership.

Q6: How does patience and kindness play a role in Jesus’ teachings about love in marriage?

 Patience and kindness are essential components of love.

Being patient with each other’s shortcomings and showing kindness through small gestures of affection and appreciation help in building a loving and harmonious relationship.

Q7: Can you suggest some Bible verses that relate to love in marriage?

Certainly! Here are a few verses:

  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: Describes the qualities of love, including patience, kindness, and endurance.
  • Colossians 3:14: Talks about love as the virtue that binds all others in perfect unity.
  • Song of Solomon 2:16: Expresses the mutual belonging and devotion in love.

Q8: How can I ensure that our marriage reflects Jesus’ love?

Focus on embodying the principles of selfless love, faithfulness, and unity.

Regularly engage in prayer together, practice forgiveness, spend quality time nurturing your relationship, communicate effectively, and always seek to serve and support each other.

Q9: What should we do when challenges arise in our marriage?

When faced with challenges, lean on the principles of patience, kindness, and endurance.

Approach issues with a spirit of forgiveness and understanding. Remember that love, as Jesus taught, is resilient and capable of overcoming obstacles.

Q10: How can we grow spiritually together as a couple?

Growing spiritually together involves regular joint activities like praying, attending church, and studying the Bible.

It also includes supporting each other’s personal faith journeys and making faith-based decisions as a couple.

By incorporating these teachings and practical steps into your marriage, you can cultivate a relationship that not only thrives but also mirrors the profound love that Jesus exemplified.

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