Jesus describes the church as a resilient foundation built on faith, a unified body where every member is vital, a loving family supporting one another, a devoted bride in a covenant with Him, a guiding light in the world, and a spiritual temple where God resides. Its mission is to spread His message globally. Keep reading for a more in-depth cover on how Christ described the church.
If you’re curious about how Jesus describes the church, you’re in the right place.
Understanding Jesus’ view of the church gives us a clearer picture of its role and importance in our lives.
Let’s dive into what Jesus says about the church and how it applies to us today.

The Foundation of the Church
“Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church”
In Matthew 16:18, Jesus famously says to Peter, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
This verse is crucial because it reveals a few things:
- Peter’s Role: Jesus acknowledges Peter’s faith as the foundation on which He’ll build the church.
- The Church’s Strength: It’s clear that the church is meant to withstand even the most formidable challenges.
- Divine Origin: The church isn’t just a human institution; it’s established by Jesus Himself.
This declaration shows that Jesus saw the church as an enduring and resilient entity rooted in faith and divine purpose.
The Church as a Body
“Now You Are the Body of Christ”
In 1 Corinthians 12:27, Paul writes, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
While Paul authored these words, they echo Jesus’ teachings on unity and interconnectedness.
Here’s what it means:
- Unity in Diversity: Just as a body has different parts with unique functions, the church is made up of diverse individuals, each contributing in their own way.
- Interdependence: Every member’s role is vital for the church’s overall health and function.
- Christ as the Head: Jesus is the head of this body, guiding and directing every action.
This metaphor emphasizes that the church isn’t just a building or a meeting place; it’s a living, dynamic community of believers working together.
The Church as a Family
“Whoever Does God’s Will Is My Brother and Sister and Mother”
In Mark 3:35, Jesus says,
“Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”
This statement redefines family ties based on spiritual rather than biological connections:
- Spiritual Kinship: Following God’s will creates a deep, familial bond among believers.
- Inclusive Community: The church welcomes all who seek to do God’s will, transcending traditional family boundaries.
- Shared Responsibility: Like a family, the church supports and cares for each other through life’s ups and downs.
Jesus envisions the church as a close-knit family where love, support, and accountability are paramount.
The Church as a Bride
“The Bride of Christ”
Revelation 19:7-9 describes the church as the “bride” of Christ, ready for her groom.
This imagery is rich with meaning:
- Intimate Relationship: The church’s relationship with Jesus is one of deep love and commitment, like that between a bride and groom.
- Purity and Preparation: Just as a bride prepares for her wedding, the church is called to live in purity and readiness for Christ’s return.
- Covenant Bond: This analogy underscores the covenant relationship, highlighting loyalty, devotion, and faithfulness.
Seeing the church as a bride underscores the profound and personal nature of our relationship with Jesus.
The Church as a Light
“You Are the Light of the World”
In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus tells His followers, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”
Here’s what this means for the church:
- Visibility and Influence: The church is meant to be a visible beacon of hope and truth in the world.
- Guidance and Illumination: Just like light shows the way, the church is called to guide others towards God’s love and salvation.
- Good Works: Our actions should shine brightly, pointing others to God’s glory.
Jesus calls the church to be an active, illuminating presence in the world, shining His light through our lives.
The Church as a Temple
“A Temple of the Holy Spirit”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit?”
This description aligns with Jesus’ emphasis on the spiritual dwelling of God among His people:
- God’s Dwelling Place: The church isn’t just a building but a spiritual temple where God’s Spirit resides.
- Holiness and Reverence: As temples of the Holy Spirit, believers are called to live in holiness and honor.
- Collective Worship: When believers gather, they form a sacred space dedicated to worship and communion with God.
This perspective transforms our understanding of church from a physical location to a spiritual reality where God’s presence is experienced.
The Church’s Mission
“Go and Make Disciples of All Nations”
In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives the Great Commission:
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
This charge defines the church’s mission:
- Evangelism: Sharing the good news of Jesus with the world is a primary responsibility.
- Discipleship: The church is tasked with teaching and nurturing believers to grow in their faith.
- Global Reach: This mission is universal, transcending cultures and boundaries.
Jesus’ vision for the church is not inward-focused but outward, calling us to spread His message of love and salvation everywhere.
Living Out Jesus’ Vision of the Church
So, what does Jesus describe the church as?
It’s a rock-solid foundation, a unified body, a loving family, a devoted bride, a guiding light, a holy temple, and a mission-driven community.
Each of these descriptions offers a profound way to understand and live out our role in the church.
By embracing these aspects, we can align our lives with Jesus’ vision, contributing to a vibrant, transformative community that reflects His love and purpose in the world.
Let’s strive to be the church Jesus describes, living out His teachings in every aspect of our lives.
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