What Did Jesus Say About Little Children?

When you think about Jesus’ teachings, one of the most heartwarming aspects is how He viewed children.

Jesus had a special place in his heart for the little ones, and he emphasized their importance in ways that can still inspire us today.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into what Jesus said about little children and how his words can resonate in our lives.

What Did Jesus Say About Little Children

Jesus Welcomed Children

One of the most famous instances where Jesus highlighted the value of children is found in the Gospel of Mark:

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” — Mark 10:14 (NIV)

In this passage, Jesus was with his disciples when some parents brought their children to be blessed.

The disciples initially rebuked them, probably thinking Jesus was too busy for kids.

But Jesus’ response was clear: children are not just welcome, they’re integral to the kingdom of God.

Lessons from This Passage:

  • Inclusivity: Jesus showed that the kingdom of God is open to everyone, regardless of age.

No one is too small or insignificant.

  • Value of Children: He directly contradicted any notion that children should be seen and not heard.

Jesus wanted them close, illustrating their importance and worth.

Becoming Like Little Children

In another powerful statement, Jesus used children as a metaphor for the kind of faith and humility needed to enter the kingdom of heaven.

He said:

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 18:3 (NIV)

Key Takeaways:

  • Childlike Faith: Jesus wasn’t suggesting we become childish, but rather childlike in our trust and dependency on God.

Children naturally trust and have an uncomplicated, sincere faith.

  • Humility and Innocence: Children often exhibit humility and a lack of pretense.

These qualities are essential in our relationship with God and others.

Protecting and Valuing Children

Jesus also spoke strongly about protecting children from harm.

He issued a stern warning about leading children astray:

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” — Matthew 18:6 (NIV)


  • Responsibility: Jesus emphasizes the serious responsibility adults have in nurturing and guiding children.

Misleading or harming a child is a grave matter in his eyes.

  • Protection: He underscores the importance of creating a safe environment for children, both spiritually and physically.

Children as a Model of Greatness

In a culture where status and rank often determined one’s importance, Jesus flipped the script by elevating the status of children.

He said:

“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” — Mark 9:37 (NIV)


  • Welcoming Spirit: By embracing children, we embrace Jesus and, by extension, God.

This statement calls us to a welcoming and accepting attitude toward the most vulnerable and innocent among us.

  • Greatness Through Humility: Jesus identified the humility and openness of children as qualities that define true greatness in God’s kingdom.

The Role of Children in the Kingdom of God

Jesus often spoke of children to illustrate deeper spiritual truths.

He used children to show that everyone has a place in the kingdom of God.

Spiritual Insights:

  • Innocence and Purity: Children represent the purity and honesty that Jesus values.
  • Dependence: Just as children depend on their parents, we are called to depend on God, trusting him completely.

Practical Applications

So, how can we apply Jesus’ teachings about children in our daily lives? Here are some practical steps:

  • Embrace Childlike Faith: Cultivate a faith that is trusting and open.

Don’t overcomplicate your relationship with God; approach it with the sincerity and simplicity of a child.

  • Value and Protect Children: Advocate for the safety and well-being of children in your community.

Be a positive role model and guide.

  • Welcome All: Foster an inclusive and welcoming environment, whether in your home, community, or church.

Treat everyone with the same respect and kindness Jesus showed to children.

  • Learn from Children: Observe and learn from the humility and openness of children.

Allow their perspectives to challenge and grow your faith.

Final Thoughts

Jesus’ words about children are not just tender sentiments; they are profound lessons on how we should live and view others.

By embracing a childlike faith, protecting the innocent, and valuing every individual regardless of their status, we align ourselves with the heart of Jesus’ teachings.

Remember, in God’s eyes, we’re all his children, cherished and loved.

Take these lessons to heart, and let them guide you in nurturing a faith that’s as pure and humble as a child’s.

What Did Jesus Say About Little Children

FAQs: What Did Jesus Say About Little Children?

1. Why did Jesus emphasize the importance of children?

Jesus emphasized the importance of children to teach us about humility, trust, and the innocence that is necessary to enter the kingdom of God.

He used children as a model for how we should approach our faith—with openness, sincerity, and dependence on God.

2. What does it mean to have childlike faith?

Childlike faith refers to a simple, trusting, and sincere belief in God.

It means approaching your relationship with God without cynicism or pretense, much like a child who naturally trusts their parents.

It’s about being open-hearted and fully dependent on God.

3. How did Jesus show his love for children?

Jesus showed his love for children by welcoming them, blessing them, and using them as examples of how to enter the kingdom of God.

He spoke against those who would harm or lead them astray and elevated their status in a society where they were often overlooked.

4. What does Jesus’ statement, “Let the little children come to me,” signify?

This statement signifies Jesus’ inclusive love and acceptance.

It shows that in the kingdom of God, everyone, including children, has a place.

It also highlights that children should be cherished and not hindered from experiencing God’s love and blessings.

5. What lessons can adults learn from children according to Jesus?

According to Jesus, adults can learn several key lessons from children:

  • Humility and Innocence: Children often exhibit a lack of pretense and a natural humility.
  • Trust and Dependence: Children naturally trust their caregivers, illustrating how we should depend on God.
  • Openness: Children are open and receptive, qualities that are essential for a healthy spiritual life.

6. How did Jesus view harming or misleading children?

Jesus viewed harming or misleading children very seriously.

He warned that causing a child to stumble is a grave offense, underscoring the importance of protecting and nurturing children both spiritually and physically.

7. What does it mean to “welcome one of these little children in my name”?

Welcoming a child in Jesus’ name means treating them with the same love, respect, and care that Jesus would.

It’s about embracing the vulnerable and innocent and recognizing that in doing so, we are also welcoming Jesus and God.

8. How can we apply Jesus’ teachings about children in our daily lives?

We can apply Jesus’ teachings by:

  • Cultivating a childlike faith: Trust and rely on God with a pure and open heart.
  • Protecting and valuing children: Ensure their safety and well-being, and be a positive influence in their lives.
  • Creating welcoming environments: Be inclusive and kind, making sure everyone feels valued.
  • Learning from children: Embrace their humility, honesty, and openness to grow in our own faith.

9. Why did Jesus say we need to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven?

Jesus said we need to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven because children exemplify the qualities of humility, trust, and innocence that are necessary for a genuine relationship with God.

It’s about shedding our pride and self-reliance and embracing a simpler, more trusting faith.

10. How do Jesus’ teachings about children influence Christian views on family and community?

Jesus’ teachings about children influence Christian views by emphasizing the importance of nurturing, protecting, and valuing children within families and communities.

It calls for creating environments where children are loved, taught about faith, and treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

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