When you think about Jesus, it’s easy to picture Him teaching the crowds, performing miracles, and having deep conversations with His disciples.
But what about the children?
How did Jesus interact with the little ones during His time on earth?
Let’s explore this often overlooked aspect of His ministry and see what we can learn.

Jesus Welcomed Children
One of the most memorable instances of Jesus’ interaction with children is found in Matthew 19:13-15:
“Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.”
Jesus didn’t just tolerate children; He welcomed them.
In a culture where children were often seen and not heard, Jesus made it clear that they were important.
He valued their presence and made time for them.
Jesus Used Children as Examples
In Matthew 18:1-5, the disciples asked Jesus who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus responded by calling a little child to Him and saying:
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
Here, Jesus highlighted the qualities of children—humility, innocence, and trust—as essential for anyone who wants to enter the kingdom of heaven.
He used children as examples to teach profound spiritual truths.
Jesus Healed Children
Jesus’ compassion extended to healing children as well.
In John 4:46-54, we read about the healing of an official’s son.
The boy was close to death, and his father begged Jesus to come and heal him.
Jesus didn’t go to the boy physically but spoke the word, and the child was healed at that very moment.
This miracle not only demonstrated Jesus’ power but also His willingness to respond to a parent’s plea for their child’s well-being.
Another instance is found in Mark 5:21-43, where Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead.
Jairus, a synagogue leader, pleaded with Jesus to heal his dying daughter.
Jesus went to his house, took the girl’s hand, and said, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”).
The girl, who was twelve years old, immediately got up and began to walk around.
Jesus Blessed Children
Jesus didn’t just welcome children; He actively blessed them.
In Mark 10:13-16, people were bringing children to Jesus so that He might touch them.
The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus was indignant and said,
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
Then, He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them.
The Significance of Jesus’ Actions
So, why did Jesus interact with children in these ways?
His actions were counter-cultural and highlighted several key points:
- Inherent Value:
Jesus showed that children have inherent value and are worthy of attention and love.
- Model for Believers:
By using children as examples, Jesus taught that humility, innocence, and trust are crucial for anyone who wants to follow Him.
- Compassion:
Jesus’ healing of children demonstrated His compassion and willingness to respond to those in need, regardless of age.
- Inclusivity:
Jesus’ interactions with children underscored the inclusive nature of the kingdom of God.
Everyone, including the youngest and most vulnerable, is welcome.
Lessons for Today
What can we learn from Jesus’ interactions with children?
Here are a few takeaways:
#1. Value Children:
Like Jesus, we should see children as valuable members of our communities.
They’re not just the future; they’re an important part of the present.
#2. Learn from Children:
We can learn a lot from children’s qualities— their humility, innocence, and trust.
These traits are essential for our spiritual growth.
#3. Be Compassionate:
Jesus’ compassion for children calls us to be compassionate as well.
We should be ready to help and support children in our communities.
#4. Include Everyone:
Jesus’ inclusivity reminds us to make sure our communities are welcoming and inclusive of everyone, regardless of age or status.
Jesus’ interactions with children were profound and counter-cultural.
He welcomed them, used them as examples, healed them, and blessed them.
These actions highlighted the value of children and taught important lessons about humility, trust, and inclusivity.
By following Jesus’ example, we can create communities that value, learn from, and care for children, reflecting the kingdom of God here on earth.
In a world that often overlooks the importance of children, let’s remember how Jesus treated them and strive to do the same.
By valuing children, learning from them, showing compassion, and being inclusive, we can embody the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives.

FAQs About Jesus’ Interactions with Children
1. Why did Jesus welcome children?
Jesus welcomed children to show that they are valuable and important members of the kingdom of God.
He emphasized that the kingdom belongs to those who have childlike qualities such as humility, innocence, and trust.
2. What did Jesus mean by “become like little children”?
When Jesus said we must become like little children, He meant that we need to adopt qualities like humility, innocence, and trust.
These traits are essential for entering and understanding the kingdom of God.
3. How did Jesus use children to teach lessons?
Jesus used children as examples to teach His disciples about the importance of humility and trust.
By highlighting these qualities, He showed that these traits are essential for anyone who wants to follow Him and be part of His kingdom.
4. Can you give examples of Jesus healing children?
Yes, Jesus healed several children during His ministry.
Notable examples include healing the official’s son from a distance (John 4:46-54) and raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Mark 5:21-43).
5. What does it mean when Jesus blessed the children?
When Jesus blessed the children, He placed His hands on them and prayed for them, showing His love, care, and recognition of their worth.
This act also demonstrated that God’s blessings are available to everyone, including the youngest members of society.
6. Why did Jesus use children to illustrate spiritual truths?
Jesus used children to illustrate spiritual truths because their qualities—such as humility, innocence, and trust—are essential for understanding and entering the kingdom of God.
By pointing to children, He taught that these traits are necessary for a genuine relationship with God.
7. How did Jesus’ actions towards children contrast with the cultural norms of His time?
In Jesus’ time, children were often seen as less important and not given much attention.
Jesus’ actions were counter-cultural because He not only welcomed and valued children but also used them as examples of how to enter the kingdom of God, thereby elevating their status in society.
8. What can we learn from Jesus’ interactions with children today?
From Jesus’ interactions with children, we learn to value children as important members of our communities, to adopt childlike qualities such as humility and trust, to show compassion to the vulnerable, and to ensure our communities are inclusive and welcoming to all.
9. Why is it important to value children in our communities?
Valuing children in our communities is important because it reflects the inclusive and loving nature of the kingdom of God.
It also ensures that we are raising the next generation in an environment of love, respect, and spiritual growth.
10. How can we embody Jesus’ teachings about children in our daily lives?
We can embody Jesus’ teachings about children by treating them with respect and kindness, learning from their qualities of humility and trust, being compassionate and supportive, and creating inclusive environments where everyone, regardless of age, feels valued and welcomed.
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