What Blessing Did Jesus Give the Children?

What Blessing Did Jesus Give the Children

If you’ve ever wondered what blessing Jesus gave the children, you’re not alone.

Many people are curious about the significance of Jesus’ actions toward children in the Bible.

This event is not just a touching story but a profound lesson on how we should view and treat children.

Let’s dive into this beautiful narrative and unpack its meaning.

The Context of the Blessing

In the Gospel of Mark 10:13-16, we find the story where Jesus blesses the children.

Parents were bringing their children to Jesus so that He could touch them and bless them.

However, the disciples rebuked the parents.

They probably thought Jesus was too busy or that the children were not important enough to warrant His time.

But Jesus’ reaction was quite the opposite.

Jesus’ Reaction

Jesus was indignant when He saw the disciples trying to send the children away.

He said,

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Mark 10:14).

This reaction tells us a lot about Jesus’ view of children and their place in His ministry.

Key Points from Jesus’ Reaction:

  • Inclusivity:

Jesus included children, showing that everyone, regardless of age, is valuable in the Kingdom of God.

  • Accessibility:

Jesus made Himself accessible to the children, demonstrating His willingness to engage with everyone.

  • Value of Children:

By welcoming the children, Jesus highlighted their worth and importance.

The Blessing Itself

The blessing that Jesus gave the children involved both physical touch and words.

He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them.

This act was not just a simple gesture; it was a profound statement of love, care, and divine approval.

Components of the Blessing:

  • Physical Touch:

Jesus’ act of taking the children in His arms and laying His hands on them was a significant cultural gesture.

It symbolized imparting blessing, favor, and protection.

  • Spoken Blessing:

While the exact words Jesus used are not recorded, it’s clear that His words conveyed a blessing, which in Jewish tradition would involve invoking God’s favor and protection over the person.

Why This Blessing Matters

Understanding the blessing Jesus gave the children is crucial for several reasons:

  • Demonstration of God’s Love:

Jesus’ actions show God’s unconditional love for all, especially the innocent and vulnerable.

  • Model for Behavior:

Jesus sets an example for how we should treat children—with love, respect, and inclusion.

  • Spiritual Insight:

Jesus’ statement that the kingdom of God belongs to such as these teaches us about the nature of the kingdom—it’s a place where innocence, trust, and humility are valued.

Lessons for Today

This story isn’t just historical; it has practical applications for us today.

#1. Treat Children with Love and Respect

In a world where children can sometimes be overlooked or undervalued, Jesus’ blessing reminds us to treat them with the utmost respect and love.

They are not just the future but an essential part of the present.

#2. Embrace Childlike Qualities

Jesus pointed out that to enter the kingdom of God, one must receive it like a little child.

What does this mean? Children are known for their:

  • Trust:

Children trust easily, a quality Jesus wants us to have in our relationship with God.

  • Innocence:

Children approach life with purity, something we should strive to maintain.

  • Humility:

Children are naturally humble, acknowledging their dependence on others, just as we should acknowledge our dependence on God.

#3. Ensure Children’s Spiritual Growth

Just as parents brought their children to Jesus for a blessing, today’s parents and guardians have the responsibility to guide their children spiritually.

This involves:

  • Teaching:

Instilling biblical values and teachings in children.

  • Modeling:

Living out those values in everyday life.

  • Encouraging:

Supporting children in their spiritual journey.

#4. Real-Life Application

Let’s consider a modern-day application.

Imagine you’re part of a community or church.

How can you embody Jesus’ attitude towards children?

  • Children’s Programs:

Ensure your community has robust programs for children that focus not just on fun but also on spiritual growth.

  • Inclusive Services:

Make services and activities inclusive, ensuring children feel valued and included.

  • Mentorship:

Encourage older members to mentor the younger ones, fostering a culture of spiritual guidance and support.

Personal Story

I remember a time when a friend of mine, a Sunday school teacher, shared how one child’s understanding of Jesus’ love deeply moved her.

This child, despite coming from a difficult background, found peace and joy in the teachings about Jesus.

It was a powerful reminder of the impact that understanding and receiving Jesus’ blessing can have on a child’s life.


The blessing Jesus gave the children is a powerful reminder of their value in God’s eyes.

It teaches us about inclusivity, the importance of childlike faith, and the responsibility we have to nurture and respect the young ones in our communities.

As you go about your day, remember Jesus’ words and actions, and let them inspire you to see and treat children with the love and respect they deserve.

What Blessing Did Jesus Give the Children

FAQs About Jesus’ Blessing to the Children

1. Why did Jesus bless the children?

Jesus blessed the children to show that they are valuable and important in the kingdom of God.

His blessing demonstrated His love, care, and the inclusive nature of His ministry.

2. What did Jesus say when He blessed the children?

While the exact words of Jesus’ blessing are not recorded in the Bible, we know that He welcomed the children, took them in His arms, and laid His hands on them, imparting God’s favor and protection.

3. Why were the disciples trying to prevent the children from coming to Jesus?

The disciples likely thought that Jesus was too busy or that children were not important enough to warrant His time.

They might have believed that His mission was more focused on teaching adults.

4. What can we learn from Jesus’ interaction with the children?

We learn the importance of treating children with love, respect, and inclusion. Jesus’ actions teach us that everyone, regardless of age, is valuable in God’s eyes and that we should nurture and support the spiritual growth of children.

5. How does Jesus’ blessing of the children apply to us today?

Jesus’ blessing encourages us to value children, teach them about God, and ensure they feel included and respected in our communities.

It also reminds us to embrace childlike qualities such as trust, innocence, and humility in our own spiritual lives.

6. What does Jesus mean by saying the kingdom of God belongs to such as these?

Jesus means that the kingdom of God is accessible to those who exhibit childlike qualities such as trust, innocence, and humility.

These attributes are essential for entering and experiencing the kingdom of God.

7. How can parents and guardians follow Jesus’ example in blessing their children?

Parents and guardians can follow Jesus’ example by teaching their children biblical values, modeling those values in their daily lives, and encouraging their spiritual growth through love, support, and active guidance.

8. Why is physical touch significant in Jesus’ blessing?

In Jesus’ time, physical touch was a significant cultural gesture symbolizing imparting blessing, favor, and protection.

By laying His hands on the children, Jesus conveyed His personal care and divine approval.

9. What does it mean to receive the kingdom of God like a little child?

Receiving the kingdom of God like a little child means approaching it with trust, innocence, and humility, just as children naturally do.

It involves recognizing our dependence on God and embracing Him with an open heart.

10. How can communities ensure they are inclusive of children, following Jesus’ example?

Communities can ensure inclusivity by creating robust children’s programs focused on spiritual growth, making services and activities welcoming to children, and encouraging mentorship where older members guide and support the younger ones.

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