What Are the 7 Types of Giving in the Bible?

What Are the 7 Types of Giving in the Bible
What Are the 7 Types of Giving in the Bible?

The Bible outlines seven types of giving, each with a unique purpose and significance:

  • Tithes: Giving 10% of your income to honor God and support the church.
  • Offerings: Voluntary contributions beyond the tithe, reflecting personal generosity.
  • Alms: Charitable donations to the poor, showing compassion and care.
  • Firstfruits: Offering the first and best portion of your income to God, demonstrating trust in His provision.
  • Sacrificial Giving: Giving something of personal cost to show deep faith and devotion.
  • Seed Giving: Sowing generously with the belief in receiving future blessings.
  • Grace Giving: Giving freely in response to God’s grace, reflecting His generosity.

Each type of giving enriches our spiritual journey. Keep reading for a deeper understanding of how these forms of giving can transform your life and strengthen your relationship with God.

When it comes to giving, the Bible is rich with guidance and examples that span various forms of generosity. Understanding the types of giving in the Bible can deepen your spiritual journey and enrich your practice of faith. Let’s explore these seven types of giving and how they can transform your life.

1. Tithes

Tithing is one of the most well-known forms of giving in the Bible. The concept of the tithe, which means “a tenth,” is rooted in the Old Testament.

  • What It Is: Tithing involves giving 10% of your income back to God.
  • Biblical Reference: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” (Malachi 3:10, NIV)
  • Purpose: It’s a way to honor God with our resources and support the work of the church.

By tithing, you’re acknowledging that everything you have comes from God and showing your trust in His provision.

2. Offerings

Offerings go beyond the regular tithe. They’re voluntary and reflect your heart’s generosity.

  • What It Is: Giving over and above the tithe.
  • Biblical Reference: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV)
  • Purpose: Offerings are used to support various needs, such as missions, building funds, or helping those in crisis.

Unlike tithes, offerings aren’t a fixed amount but are given freely and joyfully, demonstrating your willingness to help others and support God’s work.

3. Alms

Alms refer to giving to the poor and needy, a practice that’s deeply encouraged throughout Scripture.

  • What It Is: Charitable donations to those in need.
  • Biblical Reference: “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” (Proverbs 19:17, NIV)
  • Purpose: To show compassion and care for the less fortunate.

Jesus emphasized almsgiving in His teachings, particularly in the Sermon on the Mount, where He encouraged giving in secret to honor God rather than seeking human praise (Matthew 6:1-4).

4. Firstfruits

The principle of firstfruits is about giving the first and best portion of your harvest or income to God.

  • What It Is: Offering the first yield of your work or income.
  • Biblical Reference: “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.” (Proverbs 3:9, NIV)
  • Purpose: It’s a way to prioritize God in your life and demonstrate trust in His continued provision.

Firstfruits giving shows that you place God first in your finances and trust Him to meet all your needs.

5. Sacrificial Giving

Sacrificial giving involves offering something that costs you significantly, reflecting a deep commitment to God.

  • What It Is: Giving that requires personal sacrifice.
  • Biblical Reference: The widow’s offering in Luke 21:1-4, where she gave two small coins, all she had to live on.
  • Purpose: To demonstrate profound faith and devotion.

This type of giving isn’t about the amount but the heart behind it. It’s about prioritizing God over your personal comfort or security.

6. Seed Giving

Seed giving is often associated with the idea of planting seeds for future blessings.

  • What It Is: Giving with the expectation of spiritual or material return.
  • Biblical Reference: “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” (2 Corinthians 9:6, NIV)
  • Purpose: To sow into God’s kingdom, trusting that He will multiply your gifts.

It’s based on the principle that God blesses those who give generously and with faith.

7. Grace Giving

Grace giving is inspired by the grace God has shown us, leading to generosity that’s abundant and free.

  • What It Is: Giving motivated by gratitude for God’s grace.
  • Biblical Reference: The Macedonians’ generous giving despite their own poverty, as described in 2 Corinthians 8:1-5.
  • Purpose: To reflect God’s grace and generosity in our own lives.

Grace giving isn’t about a specific amount or type of gift but the overflow of a heart transformed by God’s grace.

Applying These Principles

Incorporating these types of giving into your life can deepen your spiritual practice and align your resources with God’s purposes. Here’s how you can start:

  • Evaluate Your Finances: Assess your income and set aside a portion for tithing and offerings.
  • Identify Needs: Look for opportunities to give alms to the needy in your community.
  • Plan Your Giving: Decide on how you can give your firstfruits and practice sacrificial giving.
  • Sow Seeds of Faith: Trust God with your seed giving, believing in His promises.
  • Give with Grace: Let gratitude for God’s grace inspire your generosity.


The Bible offers a rich tapestry of giving practices that go beyond mere financial transactions. Whether it’s tithing, offerings, alms, firstfruits, sacrificial, seed, or grace giving, each type reflects a different aspect of our relationship with God and others. By embracing these forms of giving, you’re not just following a set of rules but engaging in a profound spiritual practice that honors God and blesses others.

Remember, giving isn’t just about what you give but how you give. As you explore these types of giving, let your generosity flow from a heart filled with gratitude and love for God.

FAQs: Understanding the 7 Types of Giving in the Bible

1. What is tithing, and why is it important?

Tithing is giving 10% of your income to God, typically through your local church. It’s important because it’s a way to honor God with your resources and support the ministry and outreach efforts of the church. The Bible encourages tithing as a practice of trust and obedience to God.

2. How are offerings different from tithes?

Offerings are gifts given above and beyond the regular tithe. While tithing is a fixed 10%, offerings are voluntary and reflect your generosity and willingness to support additional needs, like missions, building projects, or special community efforts.

3. What are alms, and who should receive them?

Alms refer to charitable donations given directly to the poor and needy. This type of giving focuses on compassion and helping those less fortunate. The Bible encourages believers to give alms discreetly, without seeking recognition, as a way to honor God and express kindness to others.

4. Can you explain what firstfruits giving is?

Firstfruits giving involves offering the first and best portion of your harvest or income to God. It’s an ancient practice that signifies prioritizing God in your life and trusting Him to provide for your needs. By giving your firstfruits, you’re showing gratitude for God’s blessings and faith in His continued provision.

5. What does sacrificial giving entail?

Sacrificial giving means giving in a way that requires personal sacrifice, often going beyond your comfort zone. This type of giving is exemplified by the widow’s offering in Luke 21:1-4, where she gave all she had. Sacrificial giving reflects a deep commitment to God and prioritizing Him over personal comfort or security.

6. What is seed giving, and how does it work?

Seed giving is based on the principle of sowing and reaping. It involves giving with the expectation that God will bless and multiply your generosity. This type of giving is motivated by faith and the belief that investing in God’s kingdom will yield spiritual or material returns.

7. How is grace giving different from other types of giving?

Grace giving is motivated by the gratitude for God’s grace in your life. It’s about giving abundantly and freely, inspired by the way God has generously given to you. Unlike other forms of giving, grace giving doesn’t focus on a specific amount but rather on the overflow of a heart transformed by God’s love.

8. Why should I consider different types of giving?

Each type of giving represents a unique aspect of your relationship with God and others. By exploring and practicing these different forms of giving, you can deepen your spiritual walk, reflect God’s love, and meet various needs within your community and church. It’s not just about the act of giving but about growing in generosity and faith.

9. How can I start practicing these types of giving in my life?

  • Tithing: Start by setting aside 10% of your income for your church.
  • Offerings: Look for opportunities to give beyond your tithe, supporting specific needs or projects.
  • Alms: Find ways to help those in need around you, whether through direct donations or volunteer work.
  • Firstfruits: Dedicate the first portion of any new income or harvest to God.
  • Sacrificial Giving: Consider ways you can give that require a significant personal commitment or sacrifice.
  • Seed Giving: Give with faith, trusting God to multiply your contribution for His kingdom.
  • Grace Giving: Let your giving be a joyful response to the grace you’ve received from God.

10. Are there any risks or challenges in practicing these types of giving?

The main challenge is the potential for financial strain, especially with sacrificial or seed giving. It’s essential to approach giving with a balanced perspective, ensuring that your generosity doesn’t compromise your ability to meet personal and family needs. Additionally, giving should always be done with a heart of faith and not as a means to manipulate or expect guaranteed returns.

11. How does giving reflect my relationship with God?

Your giving reflects your trust, gratitude, and devotion to God. It’s a tangible expression of recognizing God as the source of your blessings and your willingness to support His work and care for others. Through giving, you demonstrate your commitment to living out biblical principles and embodying the love and generosity of Christ.

12. Can I practice more than one type of giving simultaneously?

Absolutely! Many believers find that practicing multiple types of giving enhances their spiritual growth and allows them to meet a broader range of needs. For example, you can tithe regularly, give offerings occasionally, and support the poor through alms. Each type of giving complements the others, creating a holistic approach to generosity.

By embracing these diverse forms of giving, you’re not just following a set of rules but engaging in a rich spiritual practice that honors God and blesses those around you.

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