What is Romans 12:10? [Meaning and Significance]

If you’ve ever delved into the New Testament, you’ve likely come across Romans 12:10, a verse packed with wisdom and practical advice for how we should treat one another.

Let’s unpack this verse together and see what it means for us today.

Romans 1210

Romans 12:10: The Verse

Romans 12:10 says:

“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

In this short verse, Paul, the Apostle, writes to the Roman Christians, urging them to cultivate a culture of love and honor.

Breaking Down the Verse

Let’s dissect this verse into its two main parts to understand its depth and practical application.

#1. “Be devoted to one another in love.”

  • Devotion: The word “devoted” is rich with meaning.

It suggests a deep commitment and a steadfast, unwavering loyalty.

Paul isn’t talking about a casual or superficial connection but rather a deep, familial bond.

The Greek word used here, “philostorgos,” combines the love between friends (“phileo”) and the natural affection between family members (“storge”).

  • In Love: This phrase specifies the nature of our devotion. It’s not just about being there for someone out of obligation.

Instead, our devotion should be rooted in love—a genuine, selfless love that seeks the best for others.

This echoes the greatest commandment Jesus gave: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31).

Imagine the impact of everyone practicing this type of love!

Communities would transform, conflicts would diminish, and we’d all experience a deeper sense of belonging and support.

#2. “Honor one another above yourselves.”

  • Honor: To honor someone means to regard them with great respect and value.

It’s about seeing others as worthy of attention and care, not because they’ve earned it, but because they are inherently valuable as God’s creation.

  • Above Yourselves: This phrase flips the natural human tendency to prioritize our needs and desires.

Paul is calling us to place others’ needs and wellbeing above our own.

It’s a call to humility and selflessness, reflecting the attitude of Jesus Himself, who “did not come to be served, but to serve” (Matthew 20:28).

Practical Applications of Romans 12:10

Now that we’ve explored the meaning of Romans 12:10, let’s look at how we can live it out in our daily lives.

#1. In Your Family

Families are the perfect place to practice devotion and honor.

Here’s how you can apply Romans 12:10 at home:

  • Show Up: Be present and available for your family members.

Whether it’s attending a child’s school event or simply being there to listen, your presence speaks volumes.

  • Acts of Service: Look for ways to serve your family.

This could be as simple as doing chores without being asked or offering to help with something you know they find difficult.

  • Speak Kindly: Honor your family by speaking with kindness and respect.

Avoid harsh words and instead use language that builds up and encourages.

#2. In Your Friendships

Friendships thrive on mutual respect and care.

Here’s how you can honor your friends:

  • Be Loyal: Stick by your friends through thick and thin.

Show them that your relationship isn’t just for the good times but also for the challenges.

  • Celebrate Their Success: When your friends achieve something, celebrate with them.

Honor their accomplishments without envy or jealousy.

  • Listen Actively: When your friends share their thoughts and feelings, listen attentively.

Give them your full attention and show that you value their perspective.

#3. In Your Workplace

Even in professional settings, we can live out the principles of Romans 12:10:

  • Support Your Colleagues: Offer help and encouragement to your coworkers.

Celebrate their successes and be willing to lend a hand when they need it.

  • Respect Different Opinions: Honor your colleagues by valuing their opinions, even when they differ from yours.

Foster an environment where diverse perspectives are respected.

  • Lead with Integrity: If you’re in a leadership position, lead with a servant’s heart.

Prioritize the well-being of your team and make decisions that honor and respect everyone involved.

The Impact of Living Romans 12:10

When we commit to living out Romans 12:10, we create a ripple effect that can transform our communities.

Here’s what that impact can look like:

#1. Stronger Relationships

By being devoted to one another in love, our relationships grow stronger and more resilient.

Trust and loyalty become the foundation, making it easier to navigate conflicts and challenges.

#2. Healthier Communities

Communities where people honor each other thrive.

When individuals feel valued and respected, they are more likely to contribute positively and support one another.

#3. Personal Growth

Practicing selflessness and humility helps us grow as individuals.

We learn to see beyond our own needs and develop a deeper empathy and understanding for others.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Living out Romans 12:10 isn’t always easy.

Here are some common challenges and tips on how to overcome them:

  • Selfishness: It’s natural to prioritize our needs, but we can overcome this by regularly reflecting on the needs of others and finding joy in serving them.
  • Conflict: When disagreements arise, focus on understanding the other person’s perspective.

Seek common ground and find ways to honor them even in the midst of conflict.

  • Fatigue: Serving others can be tiring.

Ensure you’re also taking care of your own needs and seeking support from your community to avoid burnout.


Romans 12:10 is a powerful verse that calls us to a higher standard of love and honor.

By being devoted to one another in love and honoring others above ourselves, we can create stronger, more loving communities.

It’s not always easy, but with intentionality and practice, we can live out these principles and experience the transformative power of selfless love.

So, how will you live out Romans 12:10 today?

Whether it’s through small acts of kindness or a commitment to honoring others in your daily interactions, every step makes a difference.

Let’s embrace this call to love deeply and honor generously, and watch how it transforms our lives and the lives of those around us.

Romans 1210

FAQs About Romans 12:10

Here are some frequently asked questions about Romans 12:10 and how to apply its principles in everyday life:

1. What does Romans 12:10 mean?

Romans 12:10 instructs believers to be devoted to one another in love and to honor others above themselves.

It emphasizes the importance of deep, committed relationships and showing respect and value to others.

2. How can I be devoted to others in love?

Being devoted in love means:

  • Commitment: Show consistent care and support for others, especially during difficult times.
  • Acts of Kindness: Engage in actions that demonstrate your love and concern, like helping with tasks or providing emotional support.
  • Presence: Be present and available for the people in your life, making time for them and listening actively.

3. What does it mean to honor others above yourself?

Honoring others above yourself involves:

  • Respect: Valuing others’ opinions, feelings, and contributions.
  • Selflessness: Putting others’ needs and well-being ahead of your own.
  • Humility: Acknowledging the worth of others and being willing to serve them without seeking recognition.

4. How can I apply Romans 12:10 in my family?

In your family, you can apply Romans 12:10 by:

  • Serving: Taking on chores or responsibilities that ease the burden on family members.
  • Encouraging: Speaking words of affirmation and support to your family members.
  • Prioritizing: Making time for family activities and showing genuine interest in each other’s lives.

5. How do I honor my friends?

You can honor your friends by:

  • Being Reliable: Always being there for them, especially during tough times.
  • Listening: Giving them your full attention and valuing their thoughts and feelings.
  • Celebrating: Rejoicing in their achievements and milestones without envy.

6. Can I apply Romans 12:10 in a professional setting?

Yes, you can apply Romans 12:10 at work by:

  • Supporting: Helping your colleagues with their tasks and being a team player.
  • Respecting: Valuing and respecting diverse opinions and approaches.
  • Leading Humbly: If you’re in a leadership role, prioritize the well-being and development of your team.

7. What challenges might I face in living out Romans 12:10?

Common challenges include:

  • Selfishness: The natural tendency to prioritize your own needs.
  • Conflict: Disagreements that make it difficult to honor others.
  • Fatigue: The potential for burnout when constantly serving others.

8. How can I overcome challenges in practicing Romans 12:10?

To overcome these challenges, try:

  • Reflecting on Others’ Needs: Regularly consider how you can serve and support others.
  • Seeking Understanding: In conflicts, strive to understand the other person’s perspective.
  • Balancing Self-Care: Ensure you’re also taking care of your own needs to sustain your ability to serve others.

9. Why is Romans 12:10 important for Christian living?

Romans 12:10 is crucial because it encapsulates the essence of Christian love and humility.

It challenges believers to cultivate relationships based on selfless love and respect, reflecting the character of Jesus.

10. How does Romans 12:10 relate to Jesus’ teachings?

Romans 12:10 aligns with Jesus’ teachings on love and humility:

  • Love Your Neighbor: Jesus emphasized loving others as ourselves (Mark 12:31).
  • Serve Others: Jesus modeled and taught serving others over seeking personal gain (Matthew 20:28).

11. Can non-Christians benefit from the principles in Romans 12:10?


The principles of love, devotion, and honoring others foster stronger relationships and communities, which can benefit anyone regardless of their faith.

12. How can I start living out Romans 12:10 today?

You can start by:

  • Performing Small Acts of Kindness: Look for everyday opportunities to serve and honor others.
  • Being Mindful in Conversations: Listen actively and speak with respect and kindness.
  • Reflecting on Your Relationships: Consider how you can deepen your commitment and care for the people in your life.

13. What are some examples of honoring others above myself?

Examples include:

  • Giving Credit: Acknowledging others’ contributions and successes.
  • Prioritizing Their Needs: Choosing to help someone else even when it’s inconvenient for you.
  • Listening First: Letting others speak and considering their viewpoints before sharing your own.

14. How can I encourage others to live out Romans 12:10?

You can encourage others by:

  • Modeling the Behavior: Be an example of devotion and honor in your interactions.
  • Sharing the Verse: Discuss Romans 12:10 with friends and family and explore its meaning together.
  • Supporting Their Efforts: Encourage and support others as they try to live out these principles.

15. How does Romans 12:10 promote a healthier community?

By fostering an environment where people are deeply committed to each other’s well-being and honor each other, Romans 12:10 helps create communities marked by trust, respect, and mutual support.

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