Forgiveness is at the heart of Jesus’ teachings.
If you’re wondering how to forgive or why it’s crucial, Jesus’ parable of the unforgiving servant provides a powerful lesson.
This story, found in Matthew 18:21-35, vividly illustrates the essence of forgiveness and the consequences of refusing to forgive others.
Let’s dive into this parable and understand its profound message.

The Parable: A Summary
Jesus tells this story in response to a question from Peter, one of his disciples.
Peter asks, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” (Matthew 18:21, NIV).
Peter likely thought he was being generous, but Jesus’ answer and the subsequent parable reveal a deeper truth.
The Story Goes Like This:
- A King and His Servant: A king wanted to settle accounts with his servants.
One servant owed him ten thousand bags of gold (some translations say talents, an immense, almost unpayable amount).
- The Plea for Mercy: Unable to repay, the servant begged for patience and promised to pay everything back.
Moved by compassion, the king forgave the debt entirely.
- The Unforgiving Servant: This same servant, after being forgiven, found a fellow servant who owed him a hundred silver coins (a very small amount compared to his own forgiven debt).
He grabbed the fellow servant and demanded repayment.
- Lack of Mercy: The fellow servant begged for patience, just as he had, but the unforgiving servant refused and threw him into prison until he could pay the debt.
- The King’s Justice: Other servants reported this to the king.
Furious, the king called the unforgiving servant and said, “You wicked servant.
I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to.
Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” (Matthew 18:32-33, NIV).
The king then handed him over to the jailers until he could pay back all he owed.
- The Moral: Jesus ends the parable by saying, “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” (Matthew 18:35, NIV).
Key Takeaways from the Parable
1. God’s Unfathomable Forgiveness
The king represents God, and the servant with the massive debt represents each of us. The enormous debt symbolizes our sins, which we cannot repay by ourselves.
God’s willingness to forgive our unpayable debt shows His incredible mercy and grace.
2. The Expectation to Forgive Others
Just as the king forgave the servant’s immense debt, God expects us to forgive others.
The servant’s refusal to forgive a much smaller debt illustrates how petty our grievances can seem compared to what we’ve been forgiven.
We are called to extend the same mercy to others.
3. Forgiveness Must Be Sincere
Jesus emphasizes that forgiveness should come “from your heart.”
It’s not about just saying the words but genuinely letting go of the hurt and resentment.
4. The Consequences of Unforgiveness
The unforgiving servant’s fate is a stark warning. When we refuse to forgive, we imprison ourselves in bitterness. Moreover, as the parable suggests, God’s forgiveness towards us is intertwined with our forgiveness towards others.
5. Forgiveness Is Limitless
Peter’s question, “Up to seven times?” suggests he thought forgiveness had limits.
Jesus’ response, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times” (Matthew 18:22, NIV), indicates that there should be no limit to our forgiveness.
Applying the Parable in Our Lives
A. Recognize Your Forgiveness
Reflect on the forgiveness you’ve received from God.
It’s easy to focus on others’ wrongs without acknowledging our own need for grace.
Start by recognizing how much you’ve been forgiven, and let that humble you.
B. Let Go of Grudges
Holding onto grudges keeps you stuck in a cycle of resentment.
It’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to suffer.
Release your grudges for your peace and health.
C. Seek Reconciliation
Whenever possible, strive for reconciliation.
This doesn’t mean you have to return to a harmful relationship but finding a way to move forward with peace and mutual respect is vital.
D. Pray for Strength
Forgiving someone who has deeply hurt you can be incredibly difficult.
Pray for strength and guidance.
Ask God to help you forgive as He has forgiven you.
E. Set Healthy Boundaries
Forgiveness doesn’t mean allowing others to continue hurting you.
It’s essential to set boundaries and protect yourself from ongoing harm.
Forgiveness is about freeing your heart from anger, not necessarily resuming a close relationship with the offender.
Practical Steps to Forgive
- Acknowledge the Hurt: Understand what hurt you and how it affected you.
This clarity is essential for genuine forgiveness.
- Decide to Forgive: Forgiveness is a choice.
It doesn’t depend on the other person’s actions or apologies.
- Let Go of Resentment: Release the anger and bitterness.
This may take time, and it’s okay to seek help from a counselor or pastor.
- Extend Compassion: Try to see things from the offender’s perspective.
This doesn’t excuse their behavior but can help you empathize and release your hold on the hurt.
- Move Forward: Focus on your growth and healing.
Holding onto past hurts hinders your ability to live fully in the present.
The parable of the unforgiving servant is a timeless reminder of the importance of forgiveness.
As you reflect on this story, think about the relationships in your life.
Who do you need to forgive?
How can you embrace a spirit of forgiveness?
Remember, forgiveness is a journey.
Start today by taking the first step towards freeing your heart and living in peace.
By embracing forgiveness, you’re not only following Jesus’ teachings but also experiencing the profound freedom that comes with letting go of past hurts.

FAQs: Jesus’ Story About Forgiveness
1. What is the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant?
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant is a story Jesus told to illustrate the importance of forgiveness.
It’s found in Matthew 18:21-35 and teaches about a king who forgave a massive debt owed by his servant, only for that servant to refuse to forgive a smaller debt owed to him by another.
The parable emphasizes God’s immense forgiveness towards us and His expectation that we forgive others.
2. Why did Jesus tell this parable?
Jesus told this parable in response to Peter’s question about how many times one should forgive someone who sins against them.
Peter suggested forgiving up to seven times, but Jesus answered that forgiveness should be limitless, saying “seventy-seven times” (Matthew 18:22).
The parable illustrates the boundless nature of forgiveness expected from us because of the immense forgiveness we receive from God.
3. What does the king represent in the parable?
In the parable, the king represents God.
The king’s act of forgiving the servant’s enormous debt symbolizes God’s grace and mercy in forgiving our sins, which we cannot repay on our own.
4. What lesson does the unforgiving servant teach us?
The unforgiving servant teaches us that after receiving God’s forgiveness, we must also forgive others.
His refusal to forgive a fellow servant’s minor debt, after having his own huge debt forgiven, shows how we can be ungrateful and harsh despite receiving great mercy.
This serves as a warning that our forgiveness from God is linked to our willingness to forgive others.
5. Why is forgiveness important according to this parable?
Forgiveness is essential because it reflects God’s grace and mercy in our lives.
The parable highlights that forgiving others is not just a moral obligation but a response to the immense forgiveness we receive from God.
Holding onto unforgiveness leads to personal and spiritual consequences, as demonstrated by the king’s punishment of the unforgiving servant.
6. How many times should we forgive someone according to Jesus?
Jesus teaches that forgiveness should be limitless.
When Peter asked if he should forgive up to seven times, Jesus responded, “not seven times, but seventy-seven times” (Matthew 18:22).
This means we should always be willing to forgive, without keeping count.
7. What does it mean to forgive from the heart?
To forgive from the heart means to genuinely let go of anger, resentment, and the desire for revenge.
It’s about deeply and sincerely releasing the hurt, rather than just saying the words.
True forgiveness is an internal process that leads to peace and freedom.
8. What are the consequences of not forgiving others?
According to the parable, not forgiving others can lead to personal turmoil and spiritual consequences.
The unforgiving servant was punished severely, symbolizing how harboring unforgiveness can imprison us in bitterness and prevent us from fully experiencing God’s grace.
9. How can I apply this parable in my life?
You can apply this parable by:
- Recognizing how much you’ve been forgiven by God.
- Letting go of grudges and releasing past hurts.
- Seeking reconciliation and setting healthy boundaries.
- Praying for the strength to forgive.
- Deciding to forgive and move forward with compassion.
10. Does forgiveness mean forgetting the wrong done to me?
Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting the wrong or pretending it didn’t happen.
It’s about choosing to release the hold that the offense has on you and not letting it control your emotions or actions.
Forgiveness allows you to heal and move forward without bitterness.
11. What if the person I need to forgive hasn’t apologized?
Forgiveness is a personal decision and doesn’t depend on the offender’s actions or apologies.
You can choose to forgive someone even if they haven’t apologized or acknowledged their wrong.
Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from the burden of holding onto hurt and resentment.
12. Can I forgive someone and still set boundaries?
Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to allow them to continue hurting you.
Setting healthy boundaries is crucial to protect yourself from ongoing harm.
Forgiveness is about letting go of negative emotions, not necessarily restoring a close relationship with the offender.
13. What steps can I take to forgive someone?
To forgive someone, you can:
- Acknowledge the hurt and its impact on you.
- Decide to forgive, understanding it’s a personal choice.
- Let go of resentment and seek to release anger.
- Extend compassion and try to empathize with the offender.
- Focus on your growth and healing, moving forward with peace.
14. Is there a time limit on forgiveness?
There’s no time limit on forgiveness. Jesus teaches that we should forgive endlessly.
The process of forgiveness can take time, especially for deep wounds, but it’s a journey worth taking for your own peace and spiritual well-being.
By understanding and embracing the lessons from Jesus’ parable, you can cultivate a forgiving heart and experience the profound freedom that comes from letting go of past hurts.
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