When it comes to understanding love, there’s no greater teacher than Jesus.
His life, teachings, and actions provide a profound insight into what love truly means.
But how would Jesus define love?
Let’s explore this by diving into His words and the examples He set during His time on earth.

Jesus’ Definition of Love
Jesus encapsulated His teaching on love in a simple yet profound statement:
“Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34).
This isn’t just about feelings or emotions; it’s about action and sacrifice.
Key Aspects of Jesus’ Love
#1. Unconditional Love:
Jesus loved people regardless of their status, sins, or flaws.
This is evident in His interactions with sinners, outcasts, and even His enemies.
- Example: Jesus welcomed tax collectors and sinners, such as Matthew and Zacchaeus, into His circle (Matthew 9:10-13, Luke 19:1-10).
#2. Sacrificial Love: The ultimate act of love Jesus demonstrated was His sacrifice on the cross.
He gave His life so that humanity could be reconciled with God.
- Bible Verse: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
#3. Forgiving Love: Jesus taught and exemplified the importance of forgiveness.
He forgave those who crucified Him and taught His followers to forgive others.
- Bible Verse: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).
#4. Selfless Love: Jesus’ love wasn’t self-serving.
He constantly put others’ needs above His own, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and teaching the lost.
- Example: Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, an act of humble service (John 13:1-17).
#5. Inclusive Love: Jesus’ love broke societal barriers.
He reached out to Samaritans, Gentiles, and women, groups often marginalized by the Jewish society of His time.
- Example: The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) showcases love that transcends ethnic and social boundaries.
Loving God and Loving Others
Jesus summarized all the commandments with two great ones: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).
These two commandments encapsulate the essence of Jesus’ definition of love.
Loving God
- Complete Devotion: Jesus calls for a love that involves every part of our being—heart, soul, and mind.
This means prioritizing our relationship with God above all else.
- Application: Spending time in prayer, studying the Bible, and aligning our lives with God’s will are ways to show love for God.
- Obedience: Jesus linked love for God with obedience to His commandments.
- Bible Verse: “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).
- Worship: True love for God is expressed through worship—acknowledging His greatness, thanking Him, and living a life that honors Him.
- Application: Engaging in both personal and communal worship as an act of love and reverence.
Loving Others
- Empathy and Compassion: Jesus taught that loving our neighbor involves empathy—putting ourselves in their shoes and feeling their pain.
- Example: The parable of the Good Samaritan shows that true love is shown through acts of kindness and compassion (Luke 10:30-37).
- Generosity: Love means giving without expecting anything in return.
Jesus praised the widow who gave all she had, showing that love isn’t measured by the size of the gift but by the heart behind it (Mark 12:41-44).
- Humility: Jesus emphasized the importance of humility in love.
He taught that we should consider others more important than ourselves.
- Bible Verse: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves” (Philippians 2:3).
Practical Ways to Live Out Jesus’ Love
Living out Jesus’ definition of love can transform our relationships and communities.
Here are practical ways to embody this love in your daily life:
- Acts of Service: Look for opportunities to serve others, whether it’s helping a neighbor, volunteering, or simply lending a listening ear.
- Practice Forgiveness: Be quick to forgive others and seek reconciliation. Remember, Jesus forgave even those who wronged Him deeply.
- Show Kindness: Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
Compliment someone, hold the door open, or smile at a stranger.
- Be Generous: Give your time, resources, and love freely.
Support those in need and be willing to share what you have.
- Build Relationships: Invest in meaningful relationships.
Spend time with family and friends, and be present in their lives.
Jesus’ definition of love goes beyond mere words or feelings.
It’s about action, sacrifice, and putting others first.
By loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind and loving our neighbors as ourselves, we fulfill Jesus’ greatest commandments.
Remember, Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).
Let’s strive to live out this love daily, reflecting Jesus’ heart to the world around us.

FAQs: How Would Jesus Define Love?
1. What is the primary commandment about love according to Jesus?
Answer: Jesus summarized all the commandments into two primary ones: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).
These commandments highlight the importance of loving God completely and showing love and respect towards others.
2. How did Jesus demonstrate unconditional love?
Answer: Jesus demonstrated unconditional love by reaching out to and embracing those whom society rejected or condemned.
He welcomed sinners, healed the sick, and associated with tax collectors and the marginalized, showing love without judgment or conditions.
3. What is sacrificial love according to Jesus?
Answer: Sacrificial love, as demonstrated by Jesus, involves putting others’ needs before your own, even to the point of giving up your life.
The ultimate example is Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for the sins of humanity, as He said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).
4. How did Jesus teach about forgiveness?
Answer: Jesus emphasized the importance of forgiving others as an integral part of love.
He forgave those who crucified Him, saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).
He also taught His disciples to forgive endlessly, as shown in the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18:21-35).
5. What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind?
Answer: Loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind means devoting every part of your being to Him.
It involves prioritizing your relationship with God, obeying His commandments, and engaging in worship and prayer to honor and glorify Him fully.
6. How can I show love to my neighbor?
Answer: Showing love to your neighbor involves acts of kindness, empathy, and service.
Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) illustrates that love transcends societal boundaries and is demonstrated through helping and caring for others, regardless of their background.
7. Why is humility important in loving others?
Answer: Humility is crucial in loving others because it allows you to put others’ needs before your own, recognize their worth, and act selflessly.
Jesus’ act of washing His disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17) is a powerful example of humble service and love.
8. How can I practice Jesus’ love in my daily life?
Answer: You can practice Jesus’ love in your daily life by:
- Performing acts of service for others.
- Forgiving those who wrong you.
- Showing kindness and generosity.
- Building and nurturing meaningful relationships.
- Being inclusive and compassionate towards everyone.
9. What does it mean to love inclusively, as Jesus did?
Answer: Loving inclusively means breaking down barriers and extending love and kindness to everyone, regardless of their race, gender, social status, or beliefs.
Jesus demonstrated this by interacting with and caring for people from diverse backgrounds, including Samaritans, Gentiles, and women, who were often marginalized in society.
10. How does loving others reflect our discipleship to Jesus?
Answer: Loving others reflects our discipleship to Jesus because it is the distinguishing mark He gave to identify His followers.
Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).
When we love others as Jesus did, we embody His teachings and demonstrate His love to the world.
11. Why is Jesus’ definition of love significant for Christians today?
Answer: Jesus’ definition of love is significant for Christians today because it provides a timeless model for how to live a life that honors God and serves others.
By following Jesus’ example of unconditional, sacrificial, and inclusive love, Christians can make a positive impact in their communities and the world.
12. What Bible verses can I refer to for understanding Jesus’ teaching on love?
Answer: Key Bible verses that capture Jesus’ teaching on love include:
- John 13:34: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
- John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
- Matthew 22:37-39: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Luke 23:34: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
- John 13:35: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
If you have any more questions or need further clarification on how Jesus defines love, feel free to ask!
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