How to Put God First in Your Marriage

Marriage is a beautiful journey, a union that binds two souls together.

But maintaining a healthy, loving marriage takes effort, dedication, and, most importantly, a foundation built on faith.

Putting God first in your marriage can transform your relationship, creating a bond that’s not just emotional but deeply spiritual.

Let’s explore how you can make God the cornerstone of your marriage.

How to Put God First in Your Marriage

Understanding the Importance of Putting God First

Putting God first means prioritizing His teachings and values above everything else.

It’s about aligning your relationship with His purpose and guidance.

When God is at the center of your marriage, you’re both drawn closer to Him and to each other.

Biblical Foundation

The Bible speaks volumes about the importance of a God-centered marriage.

In Ecclesiastes 4:12, it says,

“A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

This verse highlights the strength and resilience that comes from a marriage intertwined with God’s presence.

Benefits of a God-Centered Marriage

  • Stronger Bond: With God as your foundation, your relationship can withstand life’s challenges.
  • Deeper Communication: Faith encourages open, honest communication.
  • Shared Values: Aligning with God’s teachings ensures you both have a common moral compass.
  • Enhanced Forgiveness: Embracing God’s grace helps you forgive and move past conflicts more easily.

Building a Daily Habit of Faith

Incorporating God into your daily routine is essential for a faith-filled marriage.

It doesn’t have to be complicated; simple, consistent actions can make a huge difference.

Pray Together

Praying together is one of the most intimate acts you can share.

It’s a moment where you both connect with God and each other.

Start or end your day with a short prayer, thanking God for your blessings and seeking His guidance for your challenges.

  • Morning Prayer: “Lord, thank You for this new day. Guide us and strengthen our love as we face today’s challenges together.”
  • Evening Prayer: “Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your blessings today. Help us to rest and renew our spirits for tomorrow.”

Study the Bible Together

Reading and reflecting on the Bible together fosters spiritual growth and mutual understanding.

Choose a book or a series of verses to explore each week.

Discuss how these teachings apply to your lives and marriage.

  • Weekly Bible Study: Set aside time each week for a joint Bible study.

It could be a quiet Sunday afternoon or a relaxed evening at home.

  • Discuss and Reflect: Share your thoughts and how you can apply the lessons to your marriage.

Attending Church Together

Being part of a faith community strengthens your relationship with God and each other.

Regular church attendance provides spiritual nourishment and fellowship.

Benefits of Church Community

  • Spiritual Growth: Sermons and teachings offer insights and inspiration.
  • Community Support: Fellow believers can offer encouragement and support.
  • Shared Worship: Worshiping together deepens your spiritual connection.

Getting Involved

  • Join a Couple’s Group: Many churches offer groups specifically for married couples. These can provide support and foster deeper connections with others.
  • Volunteer Together: Serve in church activities or community projects. It’s a way to give back and grow together in faith.

Practicing Love and Forgiveness

Love and forgiveness are central to a God-centered marriage.

Ephesians 4:32 tells us,

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

Emulate God’s Love

  • Unconditional Love: Love each other as God loves you—unconditionally and without reservation.
  • Acts of Kindness: Show love through small acts of kindness and thoughtful gestures.

Embrace Forgiveness

  • Let Go of Grudges: Holding onto past hurts can damage your marriage. Seek to forgive as God forgives.
  • Communicate and Heal: Talk through issues and seek mutual understanding and reconciliation.

Making Time for Each Other and God

Balancing your relationship and spiritual life requires intentionality.

Making time for both is crucial for a God-first marriage.

Prioritize Your Relationship

  • Date Nights: Regular date nights keep your connection strong.

It’s a time to enjoy each other’s company and nurture your bond.

  • Quality Time: Spend uninterrupted time together, away from distractions.

This could be a walk, a meal, or just a conversation.

Dedicate Time to God

  • Daily Devotions: Set aside time for individual and joint devotions.

Reflect on your spiritual journey and pray for guidance.

  • Spiritual Retreats: Consider attending a retreat together.

It’s a chance to deepen your faith and refresh your relationship.

Setting Goals and Praying for Your Marriage

Setting spiritual goals for your marriage keeps you focused on your faith journey together.

Regularly praying for your marriage strengthens your bond with each other and with God.

Setting Goals

  • Spiritual Growth: Aim to grow in your faith and understanding of God’s word together.
  • Relationship Strength: Set goals to enhance communication, understanding, and love.
  • Community Involvement: Plan to participate more in your church or faith community.

Praying for Your Marriage

  • Daily Prayers: Make praying for your marriage a daily habit.

Seek God’s guidance and blessings.

  • Specific Requests: Pray for specific needs, challenges, and aspirations in your marriage.


Putting God first in your marriage is a journey, one that brings you closer to each other and to Him.

It requires daily commitment, love, and faith.

By praying together, studying the Bible, attending church, practicing forgiveness, making time for each other and God, and setting spiritual goals, you can build a marriage that’s not only strong but also deeply rooted in faith.

Remember, it’s a continuous process, and with God’s guidance, your marriage can flourish in His love.

So, take these steps to heart, and watch as your relationship transforms into a beautiful testament of God’s grace and love.

Related Bible Verses:

  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud…”
  • Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…”
  • Colossians 3:14: “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
How to Put God First in Your Marriage

FAQs: How to Put God First in Your Marriage

1. Why is it important to put God first in my marriage?

Putting God first in your marriage strengthens your relationship by providing a solid foundation built on faith and shared values.

It helps you align your lives with God’s purpose, enhancing communication, forgiveness, and love in your marriage.

2. How can I start putting God first in my marriage?

Begin by incorporating daily habits of faith, such as praying together, reading the Bible, and attending church regularly.

Making these activities a consistent part of your routine helps keep God at the center of your relationship.

3. What are some practical ways to include God in our daily lives as a couple?

  • Pray together: Start or end your day with prayer.
  • Bible study: Set aside time for joint Bible study and reflection.
  • Attend church: Participate in regular worship and church activities.
  • Acts of kindness: Show love through small, thoughtful actions.
  • Spiritual discussions: Talk about your faith journey and how you can grow together spiritually.

4. How does praying together benefit our marriage?

Praying together enhances your spiritual connection, fosters open communication, and brings a sense of peace and unity.

It’s a way to seek God’s guidance and blessings for your marriage.

5. What should we do if we have different beliefs or levels of faith?

Respect each other’s beliefs and find common ground in your faith journey.

You can still pray together, attend church, and discuss spiritual matters openly.

 Focus on shared values and support each other’s spiritual growth.

6. How often should we attend church together?

Regular church attendance, such as weekly services, helps keep you connected to your faith community and spiritually nourished.

Find a schedule that works for both of you and stay committed to it.

7. What if we’re struggling with forgiveness in our marriage?

Forgiveness is crucial in a God-centered marriage.

Seek guidance from God in prayer, reflect on His teachings about forgiveness, and communicate openly about your feelings.

Emulate God’s grace by letting go of grudges and working towards reconciliation.

8. How can we balance our busy lives and still prioritize God in our marriage?

Integrate faith into your daily routine in simple, manageable ways.

Even with a busy schedule, you can find moments for prayer, Bible study, and quality time together.

Prioritize these activities as essential parts of your life, not just add-ons.

9. What are some goals we can set to grow spiritually as a couple?

  • Spiritual Growth: Aim to deepen your understanding of the Bible and God’s teachings.
  • Relationship Strength: Set goals for improving communication and resolving conflicts.
  • Community Involvement: Plan to engage more with your church or faith community.
  • Regular Worship: Commit to attending church and participating in spiritual activities together.

10. Can we still have a God-centered marriage if we’re facing serious issues?

Yes, a God-centered marriage can provide the strength and guidance needed to overcome challenges.

Seek counsel from trusted spiritual leaders, pray for wisdom, and rely on God’s grace to navigate through difficult times.

11. How can we involve our children in our faith journey as a couple?

Involve your children in your faith practices by praying together as a family, attending church, and discussing spiritual matters openly.

Encourage them to participate in age-appropriate faith activities and model a God-centered lifestyle.

12. What are some Bible verses that can inspire and guide us in our marriage?

  • Ecclesiastes 4:12: “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud…”
  • Colossians 3:14: “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

13. How do we keep our marriage strong and connected with God over the long term?

Consistently practice faith-filled habits, communicate openly, and support each other’s spiritual growth.

Stay committed to making God the cornerstone of your marriage, and seek His guidance in all aspects of your relationship.

If you have any other questions or need further guidance on putting God first in your marriage, feel free to reach out or seek support from your faith community.

Remember, your journey is unique, and with God’s help, your marriage can flourish in love and faith.

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