How to Fast Properly for God

Fasting is more than just abstaining from food—it’s a spiritual discipline that draws you closer to God.

If you’ve ever felt the desire to deepen your relationship with Him, fasting is a powerful way to do it.

But how do you fast properly for God?

Let’s break it down step-by-step, ensuring you approach fasting with the right mindset and practices.

How to Fast Properly

Understanding the Purpose of Fasting

Before diving into the how-tos, it’s crucial to understand why fasting is important.

Fasting is not just about giving up meals; it’s about focusing on God.

Here are a few reasons why fasting is significant:

  • Spiritual Renewal: Fasting helps you renew your focus on God, setting aside distractions and centering your thoughts on Him.
  • Repentance and Humility: Fasting is a way to humble yourself before God, seeking His forgiveness and acknowledging your dependence on Him.
  • Guidance and Clarity: Many fast to seek God’s guidance in making important decisions or to gain clarity on specific issues.

Biblical Insight: In Matthew 4:2, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights.

This period of fasting was a time of preparation before beginning His ministry. Similarly, fasting can be a preparatory time for you to seek God’s direction and strength.

Types of Fasting

Fasting can take various forms, and choosing the right type for you depends on your spiritual goals, health, and lifestyle.

Here are a few common types:

  • Full Fast: Abstaining from all food and only drinking water. This is usually for short durations, typically 24-72 hours.
  • Partial Fast: Giving up certain foods or meals.

For instance, you might skip breakfast and lunch, only eating dinner.

  • Daniel Fast: Based on Daniel 1:12 and Daniel 10:3, this involves eating only vegetables, fruits, and water, abstaining from meat, sweets, and bread.
  • Intermittent Fasting: Alternating periods of eating and fasting within a day. A popular method is the 16/8 approach, where you fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window.

Personal Reflection: Consider your current health and spiritual needs. If you’re new to fasting, starting with a partial or Daniel fast might be more manageable.

Preparing for Your Fast

Preparation is key to a successful fast. Here’s how you can get ready:

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Determine the purpose of your fast.

Is it for spiritual growth, seeking guidance, or interceding for others? Knowing why you’re fasting will keep you focused.

  • Consult with a Doctor: If you have health issues or concerns, talk to a healthcare professional before beginning your fast.

It’s important to ensure fasting won’t harm your health.

  • Plan Your Fast: Decide the type and duration of your fast.

Having a clear plan helps you stay committed and avoid unnecessary temptations.

  • Pray and Seek God’s Guidance: Before starting your fast, spend time in prayer.

Ask God to strengthen you and reveal His will during your fasting period.

Scriptural Advice: “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.” (Matthew 6:16). Approach fasting with joy and discretion, focusing on your personal journey with God.

During the Fast

While fasting, it’s essential to maintain your spiritual focus and physical well-being.

Here’s how to navigate this period:

Spiritual Focus

  • Pray Regularly: Fasting without prayer is just dieting. Dedicate specific times to pray throughout the day.

Use these moments to listen to God and present your requests.

  • Read the Bible: Immerse yourself in Scripture.

Let God’s word nourish your soul as you abstain from physical food.

  • Worship: Use music and worship to uplift your spirit and draw closer to God.

Worshiping shifts your focus from hunger to His presence.

Physical Well-being

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, especially during a full or partial fast.
  • Rest: Fasting can make you feel tired.

Ensure you get enough rest to support your body’s needs.

  • Ease into Activities: While fasting, your energy levels might be lower.

Avoid strenuous activities and give yourself grace to take it easy.

Practical Tip: If you feel overwhelmed or overly hungry, remind yourself of the purpose of your fast.

It’s okay to adjust if necessary; the goal is to draw closer to God, not to punish yourself.

Breaking the Fast

How you end your fast is just as important as how you start it.

Here’s how to break your fast properly:

  1. Ease Back into Eating: Start with light, easily digestible foods like fruits or soups.

Gradually reintroduce regular meals to avoid shocking your system.

  • Reflect on Your Experience: Spend time reflecting on what you learned during the fast.

How did God speak to you?

What changes did you notice in your spiritual life?

  • Continue in Prayer: Just because the fast is over doesn’t mean you should stop praying.

Keep the momentum going by incorporating what you’ve learned into your daily routine.

Final Thought:

Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:18, “So that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Fasting is a personal journey between you and God. Your efforts, though private, are seen and rewarded by Him.

Tips for a Successful Fast

To ensure your fasting experience is fruitful, keep these tips in mind:

  • Stay Connected with Your Faith Community: Share your fasting goals with a trusted friend or group for support and accountability.
  • Be Flexible: Life happens. If you need to adjust your fast, it’s okay.

Focus on the heart behind your actions rather than strict rules.

  • Journal Your Journey: Writing down your thoughts, prayers, and experiences during the fast can be a powerful way to see God’s work in your life.


Fasting for God is a meaningful way to deepen your spiritual walk and grow closer to Him.

By understanding its purpose, preparing thoughtfully, maintaining focus, and breaking the fast properly, you can make your fasting experience enriching and transformative.

Whether you’re new to fasting or looking to refine your approach, these steps will guide you towards a successful and fulfilling fast.

So, take that step of faith, and let your fast be a time of profound spiritual growth.

Encouragement: Embrace fasting not as a burden, but as a gift. It’s an opportunity to tune out the noise of the world and tune into the voice of God.

How to Fast Properly

FAQs: How to Fast Properly for God

1. What is the purpose of fasting for God?

Fasting is a spiritual practice that helps you focus on God by setting aside physical needs and distractions.

It’s used for spiritual renewal, seeking guidance, repentance, and drawing closer to God.

2. How should I prepare for a fast?

Preparation includes setting clear intentions, consulting with a doctor if needed, planning the type and duration of your fast, and seeking God’s guidance through prayer.

3. What are the different types of fasting?

  • Full Fast: No food, only water.
  • Partial Fast: Skipping certain meals or foods.
  • Daniel Fast: Eating only vegetables, fruits, and water.
  • Intermittent Fasting: Alternating periods of eating and fasting within a day.

4. How long should I fast?

The length of a fast can vary.

Beginners might start with a short fast of 24 hours, while more experienced individuals might fast for several days or even longer.

Choose a duration that aligns with your health and spiritual goals.

5. Can I drink water during a fast?

Yes, staying hydrated is important, especially during a full fast.

Drinking water helps maintain your energy levels and supports overall health.

6. How do I stay focused on God during a fast?

Engage in regular prayer, Bible reading, and worship.

These activities help keep your mind and spirit centered on God rather than on your physical hunger.

7. What should I do if I feel weak or tired while fasting?

Listen to your body.

It’s normal to feel a bit weaker during a fast.

Ensure you’re drinking enough water, resting, and not overexerting yourself physically.

8. How do I break a fast properly?

Start with light, easily digestible foods like fruits or soups, and gradually reintroduce regular meals.

This helps your body adjust and prevents digestive issues.

9. Is it okay to adjust my fasting plan if I find it too difficult?

Yes, flexibility is important.

If you need to modify your fast for health or personal reasons, do so.

The goal is to draw closer to God, not to follow strict rules.

10. Can I fast if I have health issues?

If you have health concerns, it’s crucial to consult with a doctor before starting a fast.

They can help you determine a safe and suitable fasting plan.

11. How can I involve my faith community in my fast?

Share your fasting intentions with a trusted friend or group for support and accountability.

You might also join a communal fast if your church or community is organizing one.

12. What if I don’t feel any spiritual benefits from fasting?

Sometimes, the benefits of fasting might not be immediately apparent.

Reflect on your experience, continue seeking God in prayer, and remember that fasting is a personal journey.

The spiritual growth may come gradually.

13. How often should I fast?

There’s no fixed rule for how often you should fast.

Some people fast regularly, such as once a week or month, while others might fast during specific times of need or spiritual seasons.

14. Can I fast from things other than food?

Yes, you can fast from other activities or habits, like social media, TV, or anything that takes significant time or attention.

The principle is to remove distractions and focus on God.

15. What are some Bible verses that talk about fasting?

  • Matthew 6:16-18: Jesus teaches about fasting in secret.
  • Isaiah 58:6-7: God’s chosen fast focuses on justice and helping others.
  • Matthew 4:2: Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness.
  • Daniel 10:3: Daniel abstained from certain foods during his fast.

16. How can journaling help during a fast?

Journaling allows you to document your thoughts, prayers, and experiences during the fast.

It’s a valuable way to reflect on your spiritual journey and see how God is working in your life.

17. What should I do after my fast ends?

Reflect on your fasting experience, continue praying, and incorporate any lessons learned into your daily life.

Keep seeking God and maintaining the spiritual growth you’ve achieved during the fast.

18. Is it necessary to fast to be close to God?

Fasting is one way to deepen your relationship with God, but it’s not the only way.

Prayer, worship, Bible study, and serving others are also vital practices for spiritual growth.

19. How can I ensure my fast is pleasing to God?

Focus on the spiritual aspects of fasting, not just the physical act.

Fast with humility, seek God’s will, and use this time to grow in your faith and service to others.

20. Can children fast?

Fasting should be approached with caution for children and young people.

If they express interest, consider guiding them in a partial fast or fasting from non-food activities.

Always prioritize their health and safety.

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