How to fast according to Jesus

Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline that’s been practiced for centuries across various faiths.

In Christianity, Jesus provides clear guidance on how to fast effectively and with the right heart.

Whether you’re new to fasting or seeking a deeper understanding, this article will walk you through Jesus’ teachings on fasting and how to apply them in your life.

What Is Fasting?

How to fast according to Jesus

At its core, fasting involves abstaining from food for a set period to focus on spiritual growth and prayer.

It’s about more than just giving up meals; it’s a way to draw closer to God and seek His guidance.

Jesus’ teachings emphasize the importance of the heart’s intention behind the fast.

Jesus’ Teachings on Fasting

Jesus spoke directly about fasting in the Sermon on the Mount.

Here’s a look at His key teachings:

Fasting with Sincerity
In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus said: “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Key Points:

  • Don’t fast for show: Jesus warns against fasting to gain praise or attention from others.

The focus should be on your relationship with God.

  • Maintain a normal appearance: Instead of looking miserable, Jesus advises you to go about your day normally.

This reflects a sincere, humble approach to fasting.

Fasting with Purpose
In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus Himself fasted for 40 days in the wilderness.

This period was a time of preparation for His ministry and a test of His faith and obedience.

Key Points:

  • Spiritual preparation: Jesus’ fast was a way to prepare for the significant work ahead.

Fasting can similarly prepare you for spiritual challenges and deepen your connection with God.

  • Rely on God’s Word: During His fast, Jesus countered the devil’s temptations with Scripture, highlighting the importance of relying on God’s Word while fasting.

Fasting with Prayer

In Mark 9:29, Jesus explained to His disciples that certain spiritual battles require prayer and fasting: “This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting.

Key Points:

  • Combined power: Fasting is most effective when paired with prayer.

It’s a time to seek God’s face and align yourself with His will.

  • Spiritual warfare: Fasting can be a powerful tool in overcoming spiritual challenges and seeking God’s intervention.

How to Start Fasting

If you’re new to fasting or looking to deepen your practice, here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

#1. Set Your Intention
Before you begin, clarify why you’re fasting.

Are you seeking clarity on a decision, praying for someone, or desiring a closer relationship with God?

Having a clear purpose will help you stay focused.

#2. Choose Your Fast

Decide what type of fast you’ll undertake. Here are a few common options:

  • Complete Fast: Abstaining from all food and only drinking water.
  • Partial Fast: Limiting certain foods or meals. An example is the Daniel Fast, where you eat only fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Intermittent Fast: Fasting for specific hours each day, such as from sunrise to sunset.
  • Media Fast: Abstaining from non-food items like social media, TV, or other distractions to focus on prayer and reflection.

#3. Prepare Your Heart and Mind

Spend time in prayer before starting your fast.

Ask God for strength, clarity, and guidance.

It’s essential to approach fasting with a humble heart, ready to listen and learn.

#4. Start Gradually

If you’re new to fasting, start with a shorter period or a partial fast.

Gradually increase the length and intensity as you become more comfortable with the practice.

#5. Stay Hydrated and Safe

Make sure to drink plenty of water, especially during a complete fast.

If you have any health concerns, consult a doctor before starting.

Fasting should never endanger your health.

#6. Focus on Prayer and Scripture

Dedicate specific times during your fast to pray and read the Bible.

Use this time to seek God’s guidance, listen to His voice, and deepen your understanding of His Word.

#7. End Your Fast Gradually

When breaking your fast, do so slowly and thoughtfully.

Start with light foods and give your body time to readjust.

Practical Tips for a Meaningful Fast

Here are some additional tips to help you get the most out of your fasting experience:

  • Journal Your Journey: Keep a journal of your thoughts, prayers, and any insights you receive during your fast.

This can be a valuable tool for reflection and growth.

  • Stay Accountable: Share your fasting plans with a trusted friend or spiritual mentor.

They can provide encouragement and support.

  • Expect Challenges: Fasting can be physically and spiritually challenging.

Expect some discomfort and temptations, but lean on God’s strength to persevere.

  • Stay Focused on God: Remember, the goal of fasting is to draw closer to God.

Keep your focus on Him and His presence throughout your fast.

The Rewards of Fasting

Jesus promises that God sees our fasting and will reward us accordingly.

While the rewards of fasting aren’t always immediate or tangible, they’re often profound and deeply spiritual.

These can include:

  • Spiritual Clarity: Fasting can help clear your mind and spirit, making it easier to hear God’s voice.
  • Increased Faith: Through fasting, you may experience a deeper trust and reliance on God.
  • Inner Strength: Fasting can build spiritual resilience and prepare you for future challenges.
  • Closer Relationship with God: Ultimately, fasting is about growing closer to God and aligning your heart with His.


Fasting, as taught by Jesus, is a powerful way to deepen your faith and draw closer to God.

By fasting with sincerity, purpose, and prayer, you’re following Jesus’ example and opening yourself up to profound spiritual growth.

Whether you’re fasting for the first time or seeking to renew your practice, approach it with a humble heart and a clear focus on God.

Remember, it’s not about the act itself but the heart and intention behind it.

FAQs: How to Fast According to Jesus

1. What is fasting in the Christian context?

  • Fasting in Christianity involves abstaining from food (and sometimes other activities) to focus on spiritual growth, prayer, and seeking God’s guidance.
  • It’s a time to draw closer to God by removing distractions and dedicating oneself to spiritual practices.

2. What did Jesus teach about fasting?

  • Jesus taught that fasting should be done with sincerity and not for show.
  • In Matthew 6:16-18, He emphasizes the importance of fasting privately, with a focus on God rather than seeking attention from others.
  • Jesus also demonstrated the power of fasting for spiritual preparation and overcoming challenges (Matthew 4:1-11).

3. Why should Christians fast?

  • Christians fast to deepen their relationship with God, seek clarity and guidance, prepare for significant spiritual tasks, and strengthen their prayer life.
  • It’s a way to humble oneself before God and focus on spiritual growth.

4. How should I start fasting if I’ve never done it before?

  • Begin with setting a clear intention for your fast.
  • Decide what type of fast you’ll undertake (complete, partial, intermittent, or media fast).
  • Start with a shorter period and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.
  • Pray for strength and guidance before starting.

5. What are the different types of fasting?

  • Complete Fast: Abstaining from all food and only drinking water.
  • Partial Fast: Limiting certain foods or meals (e.g., the Daniel Fast with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains).
  • Intermittent Fast: Fasting for specific hours each day, such as from sunrise to sunset.
  • Media Fast: Abstaining from distractions like social media or TV to focus on prayer and reflection.

6. How can I prepare for a fast?

  • Spend time in prayer, asking God for strength and clarity.
  • Mentally prepare yourself by understanding the purpose of your fast. If you have health concerns, consult a doctor.
  • Plan how you’ll spend your time in prayer and reading the Bible during your fast.

7. What should I do during my fast?

  • Dedicate specific times to prayer and reading the Bible.
  • Focus on your spiritual goals and use the time to seek God’s guidance.
  • Maintain a normal appearance and routine to keep your fast private and sincere.

8. Is it necessary to fast from food only?

  • No, fasting can also include abstaining from other activities or distractions that take your focus away from God, such as social media or television.
  • The key is to remove distractions and dedicate yourself to spiritual practices.

9. How do I break a fast properly?

  • End your fast gradually, especially if it’s a complete fast. Start with light foods and give your body time to adjust.
  • Reflect on your fasting experience and continue to seek God’s guidance as you transition back to your regular routine.

10. What are the benefits of fasting?

  • Fasting can lead to spiritual clarity, increased faith, inner strength, and a closer relationship with God.
  • It helps to clear the mind and spirit, making it easier to hear God’s voice and align with His will.

11. Can anyone fast, or are there health considerations?

  • While many people can fast safely, those with health conditions or special dietary needs should consult a doctor before starting.
  • Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and individuals with certain medical conditions may need to modify or avoid fasting.

12. How often should I fast?

  • There’s no set rule for how often to fast.
  • It depends on your personal spiritual journey and what you feel led to do.
  • Some people fast regularly, while others do so during specific seasons or when facing significant decisions or challenges.

13. What should I do if I struggle or feel tempted during my fast?

  • It’s normal to face challenges and temptations.
  • Lean on prayer and Scripture for strength.
  • Jesus countered temptations with God’s Word (Matthew 4:1-11), and you can do the same.
  • Keep your focus on the purpose of your fast and seek support from trusted friends or mentors if needed.

14. Is fasting only for certain times or occasions?

  • Fasting can be done at any time, but it’s often practiced during specific seasons like Lent, before significant decisions, or when seeking deeper spiritual connection.
  • There’s no wrong time to fast as long as it’s done with the right intention.

15. Can children or teens participate in fasting?

  • Fasting can be adapted for children and teens, but it should be done under parental guidance and possibly modified to suit their needs.
  • Instead of fasting from food, they might fast from activities like TV or social media. It’s important to focus on the spiritual aspect and ensure their health is not compromised.

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