How to Explain Jesus to a 5-Year-Old

How to Explain Jesus to a 5-Year-Old

Explaining Jesus to a 5-year-old can be both rewarding and challenging.

Young children are naturally curious and have a remarkable ability to grasp simple yet profound concepts.

Here’s a guide to help you talk about Jesus in a way that’s engaging and understandable for a young child.

Start with Simple Stories

Children love stories.

Begin by telling them simple stories about Jesus’ life.

You don’t need to delve into complex theological concepts; instead, focus on the basics.

The Birth of Jesus

Tell the story of Jesus’ birth, emphasizing the excitement and joy surrounding it.

You might say:

“There was a special baby named Jesus. He was born in a little town called Bethlehem. His mom, Mary, and dad, Joseph, were very happy when he was born. Angels told some shepherds about his birth, and they were so excited that they went to see him.”

Jesus as a Helper

Explain that Jesus loved helping people.

You can say:

“Jesus grew up to be a kind and loving man. He helped people who were sick, made friends with people who were lonely, and taught everyone about love and kindness.”

Use Visual Aids

Young children are visual learners.

Use picture books, drawings, or videos to illustrate the stories.

Show them images of Jesus with children, healing the sick, or feeding the hungry.

Visual aids can make the stories more relatable and memorable.

Picture Books

Find children’s books that tell the stories of Jesus in simple language.

Some popular options include:

  • “The Jesus Storybook Bible” by Sally Lloyd-Jones
  • “The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories”

These books have colorful illustrations and are written in a way that’s easy for young children to understand.

Explain Jesus’ Love

One of the most important concepts to convey is Jesus’ love.

Explain that Jesus loves everyone, including them, unconditionally.

Jesus Loves You

You can say:

“Jesus loves you very much. He loves everyone, no matter what. When you’re happy, he’s happy with you. When you’re sad, he wants to comfort you.”

Jesus and Children

Share the story of Jesus welcoming children.

You might say:

“One day, some people brought their children to Jesus. His friends tried to send them away, but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me.’ He hugged them and blessed them. Jesus loves children and thinks they’re very special.”

Use Everyday Examples

Relate Jesus’ teachings to everyday situations your child can understand.

This makes the lessons more relevant and easier to grasp.

Sharing and Kindness

Talk about sharing and being kind:

“Jesus taught us to be kind and share with others. Remember how you shared your toys with your friend? That’s what Jesus wants us to do—be kind and share what we have.”

Helping Others

Explain the importance of helping:

“Jesus loved helping people. When you help Mommy set the table or help a friend when they’re hurt, you’re doing what Jesus taught us to do.”

Answering Questions

Be prepared for questions and answer them as simply as possible.

 If you don’t know the answer, it’s okay to say we’ll find out together.

Common Questions

  • “Where is Jesus now?”

You can say: “Jesus is in heaven, but he’s always with us in our hearts.”

  • “Why did Jesus have to die?”

Explain: “Jesus died to show us how much he loves us and to help us be close to God.”

Activities and Crafts

Engage your child with activities and crafts related to Jesus’ stories.

Hands-on activities can reinforce what they’ve learned and make it fun.

Craft Ideas

  • Nativity Scene:

Create a simple nativity scene with paper, crayons, and stickers.

  • Helping Hands:

Trace your child’s hand on paper and write ways they can help others.

  • Heart Crafts:

Make hearts and write “Jesus loves me” on them.

Songs and Rhymes

Sing songs and rhymes about Jesus.

Music is a powerful tool for learning and memory.

  • “Jesus Loves Me”:

A simple and popular song that children can easily learn.

  • “This Little Light of Mine”:

A fun song about shining bright with Jesus’ love.

Reinforce Through Prayer

Teach your child simple prayers.

Prayer is a way for them to talk to Jesus and feel close to Him.

Simple Prayers

  • Thank You Prayer:

“Thank you, Jesus, for loving me. Thank you for my family and friends.”

  • Help Me Prayer:

“Jesus, help me to be kind and loving like you.”

Be Patient and Consistent

Remember, understanding takes time.

Be patient and consistent in your explanations and teachings.

Regular Conversations

Incorporate discussions about Jesus into daily life.

Regularly remind your child of Jesus’ love and teachings.

Lead by Example

Children learn a lot by watching.

Show them love, kindness, and forgiveness in your actions.

Your example will speak volumes.


Explaining Jesus to a 5-year-old is about making the stories and teachings accessible, engaging, and relatable.

Use simple stories, visual aids, everyday examples, and interactive activities to help them understand who Jesus is and how much he loves them.

Be patient, answer their questions, and reinforce the lessons through daily conversations and prayer.

With these steps, you can help your child develop a loving and lasting relationship with Jesus.

How to Explain Jesus to a 5-Year-Old

FAQs: How to Explain Jesus to a 5-Year-Old

1. What is the best way to start explaining Jesus to a 5-year-old?

Start with simple and engaging stories about Jesus’ life.

Focus on his birth, his kindness, and how he helped people.

Use age-appropriate language and keep the stories short and relatable.

2. How can I make the stories of Jesus more engaging for my child?

Use visual aids like picture books, drawings, and videos.

Children are visual learners, and these tools can make the stories more interesting and memorable.

3. What are some key concepts to focus on when explaining Jesus to young children?

Focus on Jesus’ love, kindness, and his role as a helper.

Explain that Jesus loves everyone unconditionally and wants us to be kind and help others.

4. How can I relate Jesus’ teachings to everyday situations my child understands?

Use everyday examples of sharing, kindness, and helping others.

For instance, relate Jesus’ teachings to how your child shares toys or helps friends, showing that these actions reflect Jesus’ love.

5. What if my child asks questions I don’t know how to answer?

It’s okay to admit that you don’t know an answer.

You can say, “That’s a great question! Let’s find out together.”

This shows that learning about Jesus is an ongoing journey.

6. Are there any specific books or resources you recommend for explaining Jesus to a 5-year-old?

Yes, some popular children’s books include:

  • “The Jesus Storybook Bible” by Sally Lloyd-Jones
  • “The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories”

These books are designed for young children and have simple language and colorful illustrations.

7. How can I incorporate Jesus’ teachings into daily activities?

Engage your child with activities and crafts related to Jesus’ stories, such as creating a nativity scene or making heart crafts with “Jesus loves me” written on them.

Sing songs like “Jesus Loves Me” to reinforce the teachings.

8. What are some simple prayers I can teach my child?

Teach your child short and simple prayers, such as:

  • Thank You Prayer:

 “Thank you, Jesus, for loving me. Thank you for my family and friends.”

  • Help Me Prayer:

“Jesus, help me to be kind and loving like you.”

9. How often should I talk to my child about Jesus?

Make discussions about Jesus a regular part of daily life.

Consistency helps reinforce the lessons.

Regularly remind your child of Jesus’ love and teachings through daily conversations and prayer.

10. How can I show my child what it means to follow Jesus?

Lead by example.

Demonstrate love, kindness, and forgiveness in your actions.

Children learn a lot by watching, so your behavior can significantly impact their understanding of Jesus’ teachings.

11. What if my child seems uninterested in learning about Jesus?

Keep the conversations light and engaging.

Use stories, songs, and activities to spark their interest.

Be patient and don’t force the conversation.

Over time, they may become more curious and interested.

12. Can you recommend any songs that help teach about Jesus?

Yes, songs like “Jesus Loves Me” and “This Little Light of Mine” are great for teaching young children about Jesus.

These songs are simple, memorable, and convey important messages about Jesus’ love and teachings.

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