How Many Times Did Jesus Say We Are Called to Forgive Others?

How Many Times Did Jesus Say We Are Called to Forgive Others

Forgiveness is a central theme in Christianity, and if you’ve ever wondered how many times Jesus said we should forgive others, you’re in the right place.

Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness are profound, clear, and challenging, yet they form the cornerstone of Christian behavior.

Let’s delve into what Jesus said about forgiveness, why it’s essential, and how it impacts our lives.

The 70 Times 7 Principle

When Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who sins against him, he suggested,

“Up to seven times?”

Jesus responded with a surprising answer:

“I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times” (Matthew 18:22, NIV).

Some translations even say “seventy times seven,” which equals 490 times.

The exact number isn’t the focus here; the point is that forgiveness should be limitless.

Why Did Jesus Choose Such a Large Number?

Jesus chose this large number to emphasize that forgiveness should not be limited.

In Jewish culture at the time, forgiving someone three times was considered generous.

Peter thought he was being exceptionally forgiving by suggesting seven times.

However, Jesus wanted to show that true forgiveness doesn’t keep count.

It’s a continuous process, reflecting God’s infinite mercy towards us.

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

To illustrate His point, Jesus told the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18:23-35).

In this story, a king forgives his servant a massive debt.

However, the same servant refuses to forgive a fellow servant who owes him a much smaller amount.

The king, upon hearing this, is outraged and punishes the unforgiving servant.

The moral is clear: if we receive forgiveness, we must extend it to others.

Key Lessons from the Parable:

  • God’s Mercy:

The king represents God, who is willing to forgive us of our sins, no matter how large.

  • Our Responsibility:

We are expected to forgive others as we have been forgiven.

  • Consequences of Unforgiveness:

Holding onto grudges can lead to severe consequences, both spiritually and relationally.

Practical Steps to Forgiveness

Understanding that we should forgive endlessly is one thing; doing it is another.

Here are practical steps to help you forgive:

1. Acknowledge Your Hurt

Recognize and admit that you’ve been hurt.

Ignoring or denying your feelings can make forgiveness harder.

2. Reflect on Jesus’ Teachings

Remember Jesus’ words and the parable of the unforgiving servant.

Reflect on how much God has forgiven you.

3. Pray for Strength

Ask God to give you the strength and willingness to forgive.

Forgiveness often requires divine assistance.

4. Choose to Forgive

Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling.

Decide to forgive, even if your emotions haven’t caught up yet.

5. Let Go of Resentment

Release any lingering resentment.

Holding onto anger only hurts you more.

The Benefits of Forgiveness

Forgiveness isn’t just a command; it comes with significant benefits.

Here’s why you should embrace a forgiving attitude:

1. Improved Mental Health

Forgiving others can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

It can lead to a more peaceful and happier life.

2. Better Relationships

Forgiveness fosters healthier relationships.

It allows you to move past conflicts and build stronger connections.

3. Spiritual Growth

Forgiveness aligns you with God’s will and fosters spiritual growth.

It helps you grow in grace and mercy.

4. Physical Health Benefits

Studies show that forgiving others can lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and boost your immune system.

Common Misconceptions About Forgiveness

Let’s address some common misconceptions about forgiveness to clear up any confusion:

1. Forgiveness Equals Forgetting

Forgiveness doesn’t mean you forget the offense.

It means you choose not to hold it against the person.

2. Forgiveness Requires Reconciliation

Forgiving someone doesn’t always mean you have to reconcile.

Sometimes, it’s healthier to forgive and keep your distance.

3. Forgiveness is a One-Time Event

Forgiveness can be a process, especially for deep hurts.

It might require time and repeated effort.

4. Forgiving Means Weakness

Forgiveness is a sign of strength, not weakness.

It takes courage and inner strength to forgive.

Real-Life Applications of Jesus’ Teachings

Let’s look at some real-life examples where people have applied Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness:

Example 1: Corrie ten Boom

Corrie ten Boom, a Holocaust survivor, forgave a Nazi guard who had caused her immense pain.

She chose forgiveness over hatred, which brought her peace and closure.

Example 2: Amish Community

In 2006, a gunman killed five children in an Amish schoolhouse.

The Amish community publicly forgave the shooter and even supported his family.

Their actions shocked and inspired the world.

Example 3: Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela forgave his captors after 27 years of imprisonment.

His forgiveness helped heal a divided nation and showed the world the power of reconciliation.

Final Thoughts

Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness are profound and life-changing.

He calls us to forgive not just seven times, but seventy-seven times—or even seventy times seven.

This isn’t about keeping a tally; it’s about adopting a heart of endless mercy.

Forgiving others as Jesus taught can transform your life, improving your mental and physical health, enriching your relationships, and fostering your spiritual growth.

So, the next time you’re wronged, remember Jesus’ words.

Choose forgiveness, not because it’s easy, but because it’s the path to true freedom and peace.

And as you forgive, you’ll experience the incredible power of God’s grace working in your life.

FAQs: How Many Times Did Jesus Say We Are Called to Forgive Others?

1. How many times did Jesus say we should forgive others?

Jesus said we should forgive others “seventy-seven times” (Matthew 18:22, NIV).

Some translations interpret it as “seventy times seven,” which equals 490 times.

The exact number emphasizes limitless forgiveness.

2. Why did Jesus use such a large number like seventy-seven or 490?

Jesus used a large number to illustrate that forgiveness should be limitless.

It was meant to convey that we shouldn’t keep count but continuously forgive, reflecting God’s boundless mercy towards us.

3. What is the significance of the parable of the unforgiving servant?

The parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18:23-35) teaches that as God forgives us, we must forgive others.

It highlights the importance of mercy and the consequences of holding onto grudges.

4. Does forgiving someone mean I have to forget the offense?

No, forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting the offense.

It means choosing not to hold the offense against the person and letting go of any resentment.

5. Do I have to reconcile with someone to forgive them?

Forgiveness doesn’t always require reconciliation.

In some cases, it’s healthier to forgive and maintain distance, especially if the relationship is harmful.

6. Is forgiveness a one-time event?

Forgiveness can be a process, especially for deep hurts.

It might require repeated efforts and time to fully let go of the resentment.

7. Is forgiving someone a sign of weakness?

No, forgiveness is a sign of strength.

It takes courage and inner strength to forgive someone who has wronged you.

8. How does forgiveness benefit me?

Forgiveness has numerous benefits, including improved mental health, better relationships, spiritual growth, and physical health benefits like lower blood pressure and a stronger immune system.

9. What practical steps can I take to forgive someone?

  • Acknowledge Your Hurt: Recognize and admit that you’ve been hurt.
  • Reflect on Jesus’ Teachings: Remember Jesus’ words and the parable of the unforgiving servant.
  • Pray for Strength: Ask God to give you the strength to forgive.
  • Choose to Forgive: Decide to forgive, even if your emotions haven’t caught up yet.
  • Let Go of Resentment: Release any lingering resentment.

10. Can you give real-life examples of people who practiced forgiveness?

  • Corrie ten Boom: A Holocaust survivor who forgave a Nazi guard.
  • Amish Community: Forgave a gunman who killed five children in their schoolhouse.
  • Nelson Mandela: Forgave his captors after 27 years of imprisonment, helping to heal a divided nation.

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