How Does Jesus Want Us to Be Like Children?

How Does Jesus Want Us to Be Like Children

Ever wondered why Jesus often spoke about becoming like children?

It’s a theme that pops up multiple times in the New Testament, and there’s a profound lesson in it for all of us.

In this article, we’ll dive into what Jesus meant when He asked us to be like children and how that applies to our lives today.

Embracing Childlike Humility

One of the key aspects Jesus emphasized was humility.

In Matthew 18:4, He says, “Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Humility is about recognizing our limitations and understanding that we are not self-sufficient.

Children naturally exhibit humility because they know they need help from adults.

How to Practice Humility:

  • Acknowledge Your Limits:

Accept that you don’t have all the answers and that’s okay.

  • Seek Guidance:

Don’t hesitate to ask for advice or help from others.

  • Serve Others:

Put others’ needs before your own, just like children often do without hesitation.

Trusting Like a Child

Children have an incredible ability to trust.

They don’t overthink or question the motives of those they rely on.

Jesus calls us to have that same level of trust in Him.

In Mark 10:15, He says,

“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

Building Trust in God:

  • Pray Regularly:

Communication with God strengthens trust.

  • Read the Bible:

Knowing God’s promises helps you rely on Him.

  • Reflect on Past Blessings:

Remind yourself of times God has come through for you.

Cultivating Curiosity and Wonder

Children are naturally curious and full of wonder.

They ask endless questions and are eager to learn.

Jesus wants us to maintain that sense of curiosity and wonder about His teachings and the world around us.

Ways to Cultivate Curiosity:

  • Ask Questions:

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your faith.

  • Explore Scripture:

Dive deeper into Bible studies to understand God’s word better.

  • Experience Nature:

Spend time in nature and marvel at God’s creation.

Simple Faith

A child’s faith is pure and uncomplicated.

They believe without needing all the details.

Jesus admired this simplicity.

In Matthew 11:25, He thanks God for revealing truths to little children rather than the wise and learned.

Keeping Faith Simple:

  • Avoid Overcomplicating:

Don’t get bogged down by overthinking theological concepts.

  • Trust in God’s Plan:

Believe that God has a plan for you, even if you don’t understand it all.

  • Focus on the Essentials:

Center your faith on the core teachings of love, forgiveness, and salvation.

Dependence on God

Children depend entirely on their parents for their needs.

Jesus wants us to depend on God in the same way.

This dependence is not about weakness but about recognizing where our true strength lies.

Living Dependently on God:

  • Pray for Your Needs:

Bring your daily needs to God in prayer.

  • Lean on His Strength:

During tough times, rely on God rather than trying to handle everything yourself.

  • Stay Connected:

Regular worship and fellowship help keep you grounded in your dependence on God.

Innocence and Purity

Children are often seen as symbols of innocence and purity.

Jesus highlights this in His teachings, urging us to strive for purity in our hearts and actions.

Matthew 5:8 says,

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”

Striving for Purity:

  • Guard Your Heart:

Be mindful of what you allow into your mind and spirit.

  • Confess and Repent:

Regularly confess your sins and seek God’s forgiveness.

  • Practice Kindness:

Act with kindness and compassion towards others.

Joy and Playfulness

Children are known for their joy and playfulness.

They find happiness in the simplest things.

Jesus wants us to experience this kind of joy.

In John 15:11, He says,

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

Finding Joy:

  • Enjoy Simple Pleasures:

Take delight in small, everyday moments.

  • Express Gratitude:

Regularly thank God for His blessings.

  • Laugh Often:

Don’t take life too seriously; find reasons to laugh and enjoy life.

Obedience and Learning

Children are usually quick to obey and eager to learn.

Jesus values our willingness to listen and follow His teachings.

In John 14:15, He says,

“If you love me, keep my commands.”

Being Obedient and Willing to Learn:

  • Follow God’s Commands:

Make a habit of following biblical teachings.

  • Stay Teachable:

Be open to learning new things about your faith.

  • Listen to God’s Voice:

Spend quiet time listening for God’s guidance.


Becoming like children, as Jesus taught, is about embracing humility, trust, curiosity, simplicity, dependence, innocence, joy, and obedience.

These qualities help us grow in our faith and bring us closer to the kingdom of God.

By adopting a childlike heart, we open ourselves to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God.

So, the next time you see a child’s pure joy or unwavering trust, remember that Jesus calls us to embody these very traits.

Embrace them, and you’ll find yourself walking more closely with Him every day.

How Does Jesus Want Us to Be Like Children

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Childlike Faith

Q: Why did Jesus emphasize becoming like children?

Jesus highlighted the importance of becoming like children to teach us qualities such as humility, trust, and purity.

He saw these traits as essential for entering the kingdom of God and for developing a close relationship with Him.

Q: What does it mean to have childlike humility?

Childlike humility involves recognizing our limitations, seeking help from others, and serving others selflessly.

It’s about understanding that we are not self-sufficient and need God’s guidance.

Q: How can I develop childlike trust in God?

Developing childlike trust in God can be achieved through regular prayer, studying the Bible to understand His promises, and reflecting on past instances where God has helped you.

Q: Why is curiosity important in our faith?

Curiosity drives us to ask questions, explore Scripture deeply, and marvel at God’s creation.

It helps us grow in our understanding of God and His teachings, keeping our faith vibrant and dynamic.

Q: How can I keep my faith simple like a child’s?

Keeping faith simple involves avoiding overcomplicated theological debates, trusting in God’s plan without needing all the details, and focusing on core teachings like love, forgiveness, and salvation.

Q: What does it mean to depend on God like a child depends on their parents?

Depending on God means bringing your daily needs to Him in prayer, relying on His strength during tough times, and staying connected to Him through worship and fellowship.

Q: How can I strive for innocence and purity in my life?

Striving for innocence and purity involves guarding your heart from negative influences, regularly confessing and repenting for your sins, and practicing kindness and compassion towards others.

Q: What role does joy and playfulness have in our faith?

 Joy and playfulness help us find happiness in simple things, express gratitude, and enjoy life.

Jesus wants us to experience complete joy, reflecting His love and blessings in our lives.

Q: Why is obedience important in our relationship with God?

Obedience is crucial as it demonstrates our love for God and our willingness to follow His teachings.

 It involves listening to God’s voice, staying teachable, and adhering to biblical commandments.

Q: How can I embrace a childlike heart in my daily life?

Embracing a childlike heart means adopting qualities such as humility, trust, curiosity, simplicity, dependence on God, innocence, joy, and obedience.

These traits help you grow in faith and deepen your relationship with God.

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