Understanding how Jesus valued children gives us a glimpse into His heart and priorities.
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus’ actions and teachings highlight the importance of children and their unique place in the Kingdom of God.
Let’s delve into the ways Jesus showed His love and respect for children.
Jesus Welcomed Children
One of the most striking examples of Jesus’ attitude toward children is found in the Gospel of Matthew.
When His disciples tried to prevent children from coming to Him, Jesus rebuked them, saying,
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14, NIV).
This moment was significant because it demonstrated that Jesus valued children equally to adults, acknowledging their importance and worth.
The Disciples’ Misunderstanding
In those times, children were often seen as less significant in society. The disciples’ actions reflected this cultural norm.
By stopping the children, they thought they were protecting Jesus from interruptions.
However, Jesus corrected them, emphasizing that the Kingdom of Heaven is accessible to everyone, including children.
Children as Examples of Humility and Faith
Jesus didn’t just welcome children; He also used them as examples of the qualities needed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
In Matthew 18:3, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
What did He mean by this?
Childlike Qualities
- Humility:
Children, especially in Jesus’ time, had little social status.
They relied completely on adults for their needs, embodying humility and dependence.
- Faith:
Children naturally exhibit a trusting and open-hearted faith.
Jesus highlighted this as the kind of faith that believers should emulate.
By pointing to these qualities, Jesus underscored the importance of humility and trust in God.
He encouraged His followers to adopt a childlike approach in their spiritual lives.
Protecting and Caring for Children
Jesus’ concern for children extended to their protection and well-being.
In Matthew 18:6, He issued a stern warning:
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
This powerful imagery underscores how seriously Jesus took the responsibility of caring for children.
The Seriousness of Leading Children Astray
Jesus made it clear that harming or misleading children was a grave offense.
His statement reflects the deep value He placed on the innocence and spiritual well-being of children.
By using such strong language, He called His followers to be vigilant in protecting and nurturing children in their faith journey.
Jesus Healed Children
Throughout His ministry, Jesus performed numerous miracles, many of which involved children.
These acts of healing were not just displays of His power but also expressions of His compassion and care for the youngest among us.
Notable Healings
- The Official’s Son (John 4:46-54):
Jesus healed a royal official’s son who was close to death.
His willingness to heal the child, even from a distance, showed His profound empathy and power.
- Jairus’ Daughter (Mark 5:21-43):
In one of His most tender miracles, Jesus brought a twelve-year-old girl back to life.
He took her by the hand and said, “Talitha koum!” which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”
This miracle demonstrated not only His authority over life and death but also His deep compassion for children and their families.
Jesus Involved Children in Miracles
Jesus also involved children in His miracles, showing their integral role in His ministry.
A notable example is the miracle of feeding the multitude.
The Boy with the Loaves and Fishes
In the Gospel of John, we learn about a boy who played a crucial part in one of Jesus’ most famous miracles.
When faced with a crowd of over 5,000 hungry people, Jesus used a boy’s small offering of five barley loaves and two fish to perform a miracle (John 6:9-13).
This miracle not only fed thousands but also demonstrated how Jesus valued and involved children in His divine work.
- Participation:
The boy’s willingness to share his small meal shows that children were active participants in Jesus’ ministry.
- Miracle:
Jesus took the boy’s offering, blessed it, and multiplied it, showing that even the smallest contribution can have a massive impact in God’s hands.
Teaching and Blessing Children
In addition to welcoming and healing children, Jesus took time to teach and bless them.
In Mark 10:16, it’s written,
“And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.”
This action wasn’t merely symbolic; it was a profound act of love and care.
The Importance of Blessing
In Jewish culture, blessings were significant and carried a sense of imparting God’s favor and protection.
By blessing the children, Jesus acknowledged their value and place within the community of believers.
He recognized that children were not just the future of the church but an integral part of it in the present.
Jesus’ Teachings on Children in the Broader Context
Jesus’ teachings about children weren’t isolated; they fit within His broader message of love, inclusion, and the upside-down nature of God’s Kingdom.
He often flipped societal expectations, placing value on those whom society overlooked or marginalized.
Inclusive Love
- Women and the Poor:
Just as Jesus elevated the status of women and the poor, He also lifted children from the fringes to a place of honor.
- Samaritans and Gentiles:
Jesus’ interactions with Samaritans and Gentiles showed His inclusive approach, breaking down barriers.
Children were similarly included in His expansive vision of God’s Kingdom.
Practical Takeaways
So, how can we apply Jesus’ value of children to our lives today?
#1. Welcoming Attitude:
Create spaces where children feel welcomed and valued.
This could be in your home, church, or community.
#2. Modeling Faith:
Demonstrate childlike faith and humility in your own spiritual journey.
#3. Protecting the Vulnerable:
Advocate for and protect children’s rights and well-being. Ensure their physical, emotional, and spiritual safety.
#4. Teaching and Blessing:
Invest time in teaching and blessing children.
Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or mentor, your influence can have a profound impact.
Jesus’ interactions with children reveal His deep love and respect for them.
He welcomed, taught, healed, and protected children, using them as examples of the qualities essential for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
By valuing children, Jesus challenged societal norms and highlighted the inclusive and transformative nature of God’s love.
As we strive to follow His example, let’s ensure that children in our lives feel valued, protected, and loved.

FAQs: How Did Jesus Value Children?
1. Why did Jesus welcome children when others didn’t?
In Jesus’ time, children were often seen as less significant.
By welcoming them, Jesus demonstrated that everyone, regardless of age or status, is important in God’s Kingdom.
He emphasized their value and worth, teaching His followers to do the same.
2. What did Jesus mean by saying we must become like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Jesus highlighted the qualities of children—humility, trust, and openness—as essential for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.
He encouraged His followers to adopt a childlike faith and humility, recognizing their dependence on God.
3. How did Jesus protect and care for children?
Jesus showed His concern for children by issuing stern warnings against harming or misleading them.
He emphasized the seriousness of caring for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, demonstrating His deep commitment to their protection.
4. What miracles involving children did Jesus perform?
Jesus performed several miracles involving children, such as healing the official’s son and raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead.
These miracles showcased His compassion and power, highlighting the importance of children in His ministry.
5. How did Jesus involve children in His miracles?
A notable example is the miracle of feeding the multitude, where a boy’s offering of five loaves and two fish was used by Jesus to feed over 5,000 people.
This involvement showed that children were active participants in His ministry and that their contributions were valuable.
6. Why did Jesus bless children?
In Jewish culture, blessings were significant, imparting God’s favor and protection.
By blessing children, Jesus acknowledged their value and place within the community of believers, recognizing their importance in the present, not just the future.
7. How do Jesus’ teachings about children fit into His broader message?
Jesus’ inclusive approach extended to all marginalized groups, including children.
By elevating the status of children, women, the poor, Samaritans, and Gentiles, He challenged societal norms and demonstrated the expansive and inclusive nature of God’s Kingdom.
8. What practical steps can we take to value children as Jesus did?
- Welcoming Attitude:
Create environments where children feel welcomed and valued.
- Modeling Faith:
Show humility and childlike faith in your spiritual life.
- Protecting the Vulnerable:
Advocate for children’s rights and ensure their safety.
- Teaching and Blessing:
Invest time in teaching and blessing children, positively influencing their development and faith journey.
9. How can we ensure children feel valued in our communities?
By actively welcoming, protecting, teaching, and blessing children, we can create environments where they feel valued and loved.
This approach mirrors Jesus’ example and fosters a supportive and nurturing community for children.
10. Why is it important to understand how Jesus valued children?
Understanding how Jesus valued children helps us to appreciate their importance in the Kingdom of God.
It guides us in our interactions with children, encouraging us to follow Jesus’ example in showing love, respect, and care for the youngest among us.
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