What Does Jesus Say About True Forgiveness?

What Does Jesus Say About True Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a cornerstone of Christian faith, intricately woven into the teachings of Jesus.

If you’ve ever wondered what Jesus truly says about forgiveness, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll delve into Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness, explore key Bible verses, and understand how to apply these lessons in our daily lives.

The Foundation of Forgiveness in Jesus’ Teachings

Forgiveness is central to Jesus’ message.

Throughout His ministry, He emphasized the importance of forgiving others as a reflection of God’s grace toward us.

Let’s explore what He taught about true forgiveness:

Forgiveness is Unlimited

When Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone, he probably thought he was being generous by suggesting seven times.

But Jesus’ response was astonishing:

“I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” (Matthew 18:22, NIV)

This isn’t about keeping a tally.

Jesus uses hyperbole here to teach that our forgiveness should be limitless, just as God’s forgiveness toward us is boundless.

Forgive From the Heart

In the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35), Jesus tells of a servant forgiven a massive debt by his master but who then refuses to forgive a small debt owed to him by another.

This servant is called wicked, and his actions illustrate the stark difference between receiving and extending forgiveness.

“This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” (Matthew 18:35, NIV)

True forgiveness isn’t just an outward act; it’s a deep, sincere release of any grudge or resentment.

Forgiveness Reflects God’s Nature

Jesus’ entire mission was about reconciliation and forgiveness.

His death on the cross is the ultimate act of forgiveness.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34, NIV)

Even as He was being crucified, Jesus prayed for those who persecuted Him.

His actions showed that forgiveness is at the heart of God’s nature, and we are called to emulate that.

Practical Steps to Forgiving Like Jesus

Understanding Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness is one thing; applying them can be challenging.

Here’s how you can embody true forgiveness in your daily life:

#1. Acknowledge the Hurt

It’s essential to recognize the pain and hurt caused by others.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean pretending that wrongs never happened.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4, NIV)

Acknowledge your feelings and seek God’s comfort as you process them.

#2. Pray for Strength

Forgiving someone who has deeply hurt you can be incredibly difficult. Jesus teaches us to seek strength and guidance through prayer.

“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44, NIV)

Prayer can transform our hearts and help us see others through God’s eyes.

#3. Release the Grudge

Holding onto resentment only harms you.

Jesus encourages letting go and finding peace.

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (Luke 6:37, NIV)

Letting go of grudges is a step toward true freedom and peace.

#4. Seek Reconciliation

When possible, try to mend the relationship.

This doesn’t mean returning to harmful situations, but it does mean striving for peace.

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24, NIV)

Reconciliation shows a commitment to living in harmony and love with others.

The Impact of True Forgiveness

Embracing Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness can transform your life.

Here are some powerful impacts of true forgiveness:

#1. Spiritual Growth

Forgiveness aligns you with God’s will and helps you grow spiritually.

It opens your heart to His love and grace.

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15, NIV)

#2. Emotional Freedom

Letting go of anger and resentment frees you from emotional burdens.

It brings peace and joy into your life.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28, NIV)

#3. Improved Relationships

Forgiveness can heal and restore relationships.

It fosters understanding, compassion, and unity.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32, NIV)

#4. Reflecting God’s Love

When you forgive, you reflect God’s love and mercy to the world.

Your actions can inspire others to embrace forgiveness in their own lives.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34, NIV)


Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness challenge us to extend grace and mercy endlessly, just as He does for us.

True forgiveness requires heartfelt release of grudges, sincere prayer, and often, courageous steps toward reconciliation.

By forgiving others, you not only free yourself from emotional burdens but also reflect God’s boundless love and grace.

So next time you’re faced with the challenge of forgiving someone, remember Jesus’ words and the profound impact true forgiveness can have on your life and the lives of those around you.

Key Takeaways

  1. Forgiveness is limitless: Forgive without keeping count.
  2. Forgive from the heart: Let go of grudges sincerely.
  3. Reflect God’s nature: Emulate God’s boundless forgiveness.
  4. Acknowledge hurt: Recognize and process your pain.
  5. Pray for strength: Seek God’s help in forgiving.
  6. Release grudges: Let go for your peace and freedom.
  7. Seek reconciliation: Strive for peace and mending relationships.

By embracing these teachings, you can embody the true spirit of forgiveness Jesus championed and live a life filled with peace, love, and spiritual growth.

Feel free to share this message of forgiveness and reflect on how you can apply these principles in your own life.

If you have any questions or want to discuss more about Jesus’ teachings, don’t hesitate to reach out.

What Does Jesus Say About True Forgiveness

FAQs: What Does Jesus Say About True Forgiveness?

#1. Why is forgiveness so important in Jesus’ teachings?

Forgiveness is central to Jesus’ message because it reflects God’s unconditional love and mercy toward us.

Jesus teaches that just as we have been forgiven by God, we should extend the same grace to others.

This promotes peace, unity, and spiritual growth.

#2. How many times are we supposed to forgive someone according to Jesus?

Jesus taught that we should forgive someone not just seven times, but seventy-seven times (Matthew 18:22).

This means our forgiveness should be limitless, not bound by a set number of offenses.

#3. What does it mean to forgive from the heart?

Forgiving from the heart means genuinely letting go of grudges, resentment, and bitterness.

It’s not just a superficial or verbal act, but a deep, sincere release of any ill feelings towards the person who has wronged you.

#4. How can I forgive someone who hurt me deeply?

Forgiving deep hurts can be challenging.

Start by acknowledging your pain and praying for strength.

Seek God’s help to soften your heart and to see the person through His eyes.

Release any grudges and, if possible, take steps toward reconciliation.

#5. Does forgiving someone mean I have to forget what they did?

Forgiving doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting.

It means letting go of the anger and desire for revenge.

You can remember the incident but choose not to let it control your emotions or actions.

Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from the burden of bitterness.

#6. What did Jesus mean by forgiving “seventy-seven times”?

Jesus’ reference to “seventy-seven times” (or seventy times seven) is a way of saying that forgiveness should be limitless.

He uses this hyperbole to emphasize that we shouldn’t keep track of offenses but should forgive repeatedly and generously.

#7. Can I forgive someone but still maintain boundaries?

Yes, you can forgive someone and still set healthy boundaries.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to allow someone to continue hurting you.

It’s about releasing your resentment and finding peace while also protecting yourself from further harm.

#8. How does forgiveness impact my relationship with God?

Forgiveness aligns you with God’s will and reflects His nature.

According to Jesus, forgiving others is essential for receiving God’s forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15).

It helps you grow spiritually and deepens your relationship with God.

#9. Why did Jesus pray for forgiveness for those who crucified Him?

Jesus prayed for His persecutors to demonstrate the ultimate act of forgiveness and love.

Even in His suffering, He showed compassion and asked God to forgive those who were causing His pain, exemplifying the highest form of forgiveness.

#10. What are the practical steps to forgive someone like Jesus?

To forgive like Jesus:

  1. Acknowledge the Hurt: Recognize and accept your pain.
  2. Pray for Strength: Seek God’s help in forgiving.
  3. Release the Grudge: Let go of resentment and anger.
  4. Seek Reconciliation: If possible, try to mend the relationship.

#11. What if I can’t reconcile with the person I need to forgive?

Reconciliation isn’t always possible or safe.

True forgiveness doesn’t always require reconciliation, especially if it would put you in harm’s way.

The key is to release your resentment and find peace within yourself, even if you can’t restore the relationship.

#12. How does forgiving others benefit me personally?

Forgiving others frees you from emotional burdens like anger and bitterness.

It brings inner peace, joy, and improves your relationships.

It also aligns you with God’s will and fosters spiritual growth.

#13. Can I ask God to help me forgive someone?


Prayer is a powerful tool for seeking strength and guidance in the process of forgiveness.

Ask God to soften your heart and give you the grace to forgive as He forgives you.

#14. What does it mean to forgive and forget?

“Forgive and forget” is often misunderstood.

It doesn’t mean erasing the memory of the offense but choosing not to dwell on it or let it affect your actions and feelings.

It’s about moving forward without the burden of past wrongs.

#15. How can I tell if I’ve truly forgiven someone?

You’ve truly forgiven someone when you can think about the incident without bitterness or anger.

You no longer seek revenge or hold a grudge against the person.

Instead, you find peace and are willing to wish them well.

These FAQs are designed to provide clear and direct answers to common questions about Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness.

If you have more questions or need further insights, feel free to ask!

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