What Happens if We Don’t Forgive Others? A Biblical Perspective

Forgiveness is a central theme in the Bible, woven through its pages from Genesis to Revelation.

But what really happens if we don’t forgive others?

Let’s explore this topic through the lens of scripture, addressing its importance, consequences, and the profound impact it can have on our lives.

What Happens if We Don't Forgive Others A Biblical Perspective

The Importance of Forgiveness in the Bible

Forgiveness is not just a recommendation in the Bible; it’s a command.

Jesus emphasizes the necessity of forgiving others in several passages.

One of the most direct teachings comes from the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:12, where Jesus instructs us to pray,

“And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”

Key Bible Verses on Forgiveness

  • Matthew 6:14-15:

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

  • Ephesians 4:32:

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

  • Colossians 3:13:

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

These verses clearly underline the reciprocal nature of forgiveness.

Our willingness to forgive others directly influences our own forgiveness from God.

The Consequences of Not Forgiving

Failing to forgive others can have significant spiritual, emotional, and even physical consequences.

Here are some of the key impacts:

Spiritual Consequences

#1. Separation from God:

Unforgiveness creates a barrier between us and God.

Isaiah 59:2 says,

“But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear.”

Holding onto grudges can hinder our prayers and relationship with God.

#2. Loss of Forgiveness:

As stated in Matthew 6:14-15, if we don’t forgive others, God will not forgive us.

This is a sobering reminder of the gravity of unforgiveness.

Emotional and Mental Consequences

#1. Bitterness and Resentment:

Holding onto unforgiveness can lead to bitterness and resentment, which can fester and grow over time.

Hebrews 12:15 warns,

“See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”

#2.Emotional Turmoil:

Unforgiveness can cause significant emotional distress, leading to feelings of anger, sadness, and even depression.

The inability to let go of past hurts can weigh heavily on our minds and hearts.

Physical Consequences

#1. Health Issues:

Studies have shown that harboring unforgiveness can lead to various health problems, including high blood pressure, weakened immune system, and increased risk of heart disease.

Stress and negative emotions can take a toll on our physical well-being.

#2. Reduced Quality of Life:

Carrying the burden of unforgiveness can affect our overall quality of life.

It can strain relationships, hinder personal growth, and create a sense of ongoing dissatisfaction.

Biblical Stories Illustrating Forgiveness

The Bible is rich with stories that highlight the power and necessity of forgiveness.

Here are a couple of examples:

Joseph and His Brothers

In Genesis 50:20, Joseph forgives his brothers who sold him into slavery, saying,

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Joseph’s ability to forgive not only restored his relationship with his brothers but also allowed God’s plan to unfold.

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

In Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus tells the parable of the unforgiving servant.

A servant who was forgiven a massive debt by his master refuses to forgive a fellow servant a much smaller debt.

When the master hears of this, he rescinds his forgiveness and has the unforgiving servant thrown into prison.

This parable starkly illustrates the importance of extending the forgiveness we’ve received to others.

Practical Steps to Forgive Others

Forgiving someone can be challenging, especially when the hurt runs deep.

Here are some practical steps to help you on this journey:

#1. Acknowledge the Hurt:

Recognize and accept the pain caused by the offense.

It’s essential to be honest with yourself about your feelings.

#2. Pray for Strength:

Ask God for the strength and grace to forgive. Prayer can provide the support and guidance needed to move forward.

#3. Reflect on God’s Forgiveness:

Remind yourself of how much God has forgiven you.

Reflecting on God’s grace can inspire you to extend the same grace to others.

#4. Release the Offender:

Make a conscious decision to release the offender from their debt.

This doesn’t mean condoning their actions but choosing to let go of the bitterness and resentment.

#5. Seek Reconciliation:

If possible, seek to reconcile with the person who hurt you. This can restore relationships and promote healing.

#6. Maintain Boundaries:

Forgiving someone doesn’t mean allowing them to continue hurting you.

It’s okay to set boundaries to protect yourself.


Forgiveness is a cornerstone of Christian faith and practice.

It’s a commandment with profound implications for our spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

The Bible makes it clear that forgiving others is not optional; it’s essential.

By forgiving, we reflect God’s grace and mercy, free ourselves from the chains of bitterness, and open the door to healing and reconciliation.

So, the next time you’re faced with the challenge of forgiving someone, remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:14-15 and the stories of forgiveness in the Bible.

Embrace the power of forgiveness and experience the freedom and peace that come with letting go.

What Happens if We Don't Forgive Others A Biblical Perspective

FAQs on Forgiveness According to the Bible

1. Why is forgiveness so important in the Bible?

Forgiveness is a fundamental principle in the Bible because it reflects God’s grace and mercy towards us.

Jesus emphasizes forgiveness as a crucial part of our spiritual life, linking our forgiveness from God to our willingness to forgive others.

2. What are the consequences of not forgiving others according to the Bible?

The Bible teaches that if we don’t forgive others, God will not forgive our sins.

This can lead to spiritual separation from God, emotional distress, and even physical health issues like stress-related illnesses.

3. Are there any Bible verses that directly talk about the need to forgive others?

Yes, several verses emphasize the importance of forgiveness.

Key verses include Matthew 6:14-15, Ephesians 4:32, and Colossians 3:13, all of which highlight the necessity of forgiving others as God forgives us.

4. Can you provide examples of forgiveness in the Bible?


Two notable examples are Joseph forgiving his brothers in Genesis 50:20 and the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:21-35.

These stories illustrate the power and necessity of forgiveness.

5. What are some practical steps to forgive someone?

To forgive someone, you can:

  • Acknowledge the hurt and be honest about your feelings.
  • Pray for strength and guidance.
  • Reflect on how much God has forgiven you.
  • Decide to release the offender from their debt.
  • Seek reconciliation if possible.
  • Set and maintain healthy boundaries to protect yourself.

6. Does forgiving someone mean I have to forget what they did?

No, forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning the wrongdoing.

It means letting go of bitterness and resentment while possibly setting boundaries to protect yourself from further harm.

7. How does unforgiveness affect my relationship with God?

Unforgiveness can create a barrier between you and God, hindering your prayers and spiritual growth.

As stated in Matthew 6:14-15, if you don’t forgive others, God will not forgive your sins.

8. Can holding onto unforgiveness affect my health?

Yes, holding onto unforgiveness can lead to various health problems such as high blood pressure, stress, and an increased risk of heart disease.

Emotional turmoil caused by unforgiveness can significantly impact your physical well-being.

9. Is it okay to set boundaries after forgiving someone?


Forgiveness doesn’t mean allowing someone to continue hurting you.

Setting boundaries is important for your emotional and physical safety and well-being.

10. How can I find the strength to forgive someone who deeply hurt me?

Finding the strength to forgive can be challenging, but prayer, reflecting on God’s forgiveness towards you, and seeking support from a faith community can help.

Remember that forgiveness is a process and takes time.

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