How to Come to Jesus Like a Child

How to Come to Jesus Like a Child

Coming to Jesus like a child isn’t just a phrase from the Bible; it’s a profound approach to faith that can transform your spiritual life.

 In this article, we’ll explore what it means to come to Jesus like a child, why it’s important, and how you can embrace this mindset in your daily life.

What Does It Mean to Come to Jesus Like a Child?

When Jesus said,

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3, NIV),

He highlighted specific qualities inherent in children that are essential for a relationship with Him.

But what are these qualities?

#1. Innocence and Purity:

Children approach life without the burdens of past regrets or future anxieties.

They live in the moment, with a pure heart and an innocent perspective.

#2. Trust and Faith:

Kids have a natural trust in their parents.

They believe what they’re told and don’t doubt the care and protection offered to them.

#3. Dependence:

A child’s survival and well-being depend entirely on their parents.

They’re aware of their limitations and look to their caregivers for everything they need.

#4. Humility:

Children don’t boast about their abilities.

They’re humble and often unaware of any need to prove themselves.

Why Is This Important?

You might wonder why it’s crucial to come to Jesus with a childlike heart.

Here are some reasons:

#1. Closer Relationship:

Approaching Jesus with childlike qualities helps foster a closer, more intimate relationship with Him.

It removes barriers and brings you into a genuine, heartfelt connection.

#2. Peace and Joy:

Living with trust, innocence, and humility brings peace and joy.

You’re not burdened by the complexities of adult life, allowing you to experience a deeper sense of spiritual well-being.

#3. Spiritual Growth:

Adopting a childlike faith encourages growth.

You become more receptive to God’s teachings, guidance, and blessings.

How to Cultivate Childlike Faith

Now that we understand the significance of coming to Jesus like a child, let’s explore practical ways to cultivate this mindset.

1. Embrace Innocence and Purity

  • Forgive Freely:

Let go of grudges and forgive others quickly.

Children don’t hold onto anger; they forgive and forget easily.

  • Seek Holiness:

Strive for a pure heart by avoiding sinful behaviors and seeking righteousness.

Engage in regular prayer and Bible study to keep your heart aligned with God’s will.

2. Develop Trust and Faith

  • Pray Regularly:

Spend time in prayer, sharing your worries, hopes, and gratitude with God.

Trust that He hears you and will respond.

  • Read Scripture:

Immerse yourself in the Bible.

Trust in the promises and truths found in God’s Word.

  • Remember God’s Faithfulness:

Reflect on past experiences where God has been faithful.

This helps build trust in His future provisions.

3. Depend on God

  • Acknowledge Your Need:

Admit that you can’t do everything on your own.

Recognize your need for God’s guidance and strength.

  • Seek Guidance:

Before making decisions, big or small, seek God’s wisdom through prayer and scripture.

  • Rely on Community:

Engage with your church community.

Share your burdens and allow others to support you, just as a child relies on their family.

4. Practice Humility

  • Serve Others:

Look for opportunities to serve those around you.

Humility grows when you put others’ needs before your own.

  • Accept Help:

Don’t be afraid to accept help from others.

It’s a sign of humility to recognize that you can’t do everything alone.

  • Admit Mistakes:

Be quick to admit when you’re wrong and seek forgiveness.

Children are quick to acknowledge their mistakes and move forward.

Stories of Childlike Faith

Stories can powerfully illustrate the concept of childlike faith.

Here are two examples:

The Faith of a Young Girl

A young girl named Emily was facing a difficult situation at school.

Her classmates were bullying her, and she felt scared and alone.

Instead of retaliating or becoming bitter, Emily prayed.

She asked Jesus to help her forgive her bullies and to protect her heart.

Emily’s innocent faith and trust in Jesus brought her peace, and over time, her kindness won over her classmates, turning enemies into friends.

A Father’s Lesson

A father once took his son on a camping trip.

During a hike, the boy fell and injured his knee.

Instead of panicking, the boy looked up at his father and asked for help.

The father cleaned the wound and carried his son back to camp.

This simple act of trust and dependence mirrors how we should look to our Heavenly Father in times of trouble, trusting that He’ll care for us.


Coming to Jesus like a child isn’t about being naive or simplistic.

It’s about embracing qualities like innocence, trust, dependence, and humility.

By cultivating these traits, you can deepen your relationship with Jesus and experience a more fulfilling spiritual life.

Remember, it’s a journey.

Start with small steps:

  • Forgive someone today.
  • Spend a few extra minutes in prayer.
  • Ask God for help with a decision.

As you grow in childlike faith, you’ll find yourself closer to Jesus, experiencing His love and grace in new and profound ways.

So, take a deep breath, let go of your adult worries, and come to Jesus with the heart of a child.

He’s waiting with open arms.

How to Come to Jesus Like a Child

FAQs: How to Come to Jesus Like a Child

1. What does it mean to come to Jesus like a child?

Coming to Jesus like a child means approaching Him with qualities that are inherent in children: innocence, trust, dependence, and humility.

It involves having a pure heart, trusting in God without doubt, depending on Him for guidance and provision, and maintaining a humble attitude.

2. Why is it important to come to Jesus with a childlike heart?

Approaching Jesus with a childlike heart helps foster a closer, more intimate relationship with Him.

It brings peace and joy by removing the complexities of adult life, and encourages spiritual growth as you become more receptive to God’s teachings and guidance.

3. How can I develop childlike faith?

You can develop childlike faith by:

  • Embracing innocence and purity through forgiveness and seeking holiness.
  • Building trust and faith by praying regularly, reading scripture, and remembering God’s faithfulness.
  • Depending on God by acknowledging your need for His guidance and strength, seeking His wisdom, and relying on your church community.
  • Practicing humility by serving others, accepting help, and admitting your mistakes.

4. Can you provide examples of childlike faith?

Yes, here are two examples:

  • A young girl named Emily prayed and forgave her bullies, trusting Jesus for protection and guidance. Her innocent faith brought her peace and transformed her relationship with her classmates.
  • A boy who injured his knee during a camping trip trusted his father to help and care for him, illustrating how we should depend on our Heavenly Father in times of trouble.

5. How can I start embracing childlike qualities in my spiritual life?

You can start by taking small steps, such as:

  • Forgiving someone who has wronged you.
  • Spending a few extra minutes in prayer each day.
  • Asking God for help with a decision or problem.
  • Serving others and accepting help when needed.
  • Admitting your mistakes and seeking forgiveness.

6. What are the benefits of having a childlike faith?

Having a childlike faith brings numerous benefits, including:

  • A closer and more intimate relationship with Jesus.
  • Greater peace and joy by removing the burdens of past regrets and future anxieties.
  • Enhanced spiritual growth and receptivity to God’s teachings and blessings.

7. Is it possible to have childlike faith as an adult?

Yes, it’s possible to have childlike faith as an adult.

It involves a conscious effort to embrace the qualities of innocence, trust, dependence, and humility in your relationship with Jesus.

By regularly practicing these traits, you can cultivate a childlike faith regardless of your age.

8. How does childlike faith impact my daily life?

Childlike faith impacts your daily life by:

  • Bringing a sense of peace and joy as you trust in God’s care and guidance.
  • Helping you navigate challenges with a humble and dependent attitude.
  • Encouraging you to live with a pure heart and forgiving spirit.
  • Strengthening your overall spiritual well-being and connection with Jesus.

9. Can childlike faith help in difficult situations?

Yes, childlike faith can help in difficult situations by providing a sense of trust and peace.

When you approach challenges with the innocence, trust, and dependence of a child, you’re more likely to rely on God’s strength and wisdom, which can bring comfort and guidance.

10. How do I know if I’m approaching Jesus like a child?

You’ll know you’re approaching Jesus like a child if you:

  • Trust Him without doubt and seek His guidance in all aspects of your life.
  • Maintain a pure heart, forgiving others and seeking righteousness.
  • Acknowledge your need for His help and depend on His strength.
  • Practice humility by serving others and accepting your limitations.

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