How Did Jesus Treat Children in the Bible?

How Did Jesus Treat Children in the Bible

Understanding how Jesus treated children in the Bible gives us insight into His character and teachings.

In a time when children weren’t always given significant attention, Jesus’ approach was revolutionary.

Let’s explore this in detail.

Jesus Welcomed Children

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus famously said,

 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).

This statement is profound.

Jesus wasn’t just allowing children to approach Him; He was affirming their value and place in the Kingdom of God.

Children as Examples of Faith

In another instance, Jesus took a child and placed him among His disciples, saying;

 “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).

Jesus used children as examples of the pure, humble faith that believers should strive for.

Jesus Healed Children

Jesus performed several miracles involving children, showcasing His compassion and power.

These miracles weren’t just acts of healing; they were acts of love and care for the youngest and often most vulnerable members of society.

  • Healing the Official’s Son:

In John 4:46-54, Jesus healed a royal official’s son who was close to death.

The boy’s father believed in Jesus’ ability to heal from a distance, and Jesus responded to that faith by healing the child.

  • Raising Jairus’ Daughter:

One of the most touching miracles is when Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Mark 5:21-43).

Jairus, a synagogue leader, fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading for his daughter’s life.

Jesus responded with compassion and power, restoring the girl to life.

Jesus’ Teachings About Children

Jesus’ teachings often highlighted the importance of children and their inherent value in the eyes of God.

  • Warnings Against Harming Children:

Jesus gave stern warnings about causing harm to children.

In Matthew 18:6, He said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

This strong language underscores the severity of mistreating or leading children astray.

  • Valuing Humility and Innocence:

Jesus emphasized the qualities of humility and innocence in children.

He taught that these traits are essential for anyone who wishes to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus’ Interactions With Children

Jesus’ interactions with children were marked by kindness, attention, and respect.

He saw them as integral to His ministry and the broader community.

  • Blessing the Children:

In Mark 10:13-16, people brought children to Jesus for Him to bless them.

Despite the disciples’ initial rebuke, Jesus welcomed the children, took them in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them.

This act showed that Jesus didn’t see children as a distraction but as worthy of His time and blessing.

The Broader Cultural Context

To fully appreciate Jesus’ treatment of children, it’s important to understand the cultural context of His time.

In the ancient world, children were often seen as less important than adults.

They had limited rights and were largely dependent on their parents.

Jesus’ attention to and elevation of children challenged these societal norms.

Counter-Cultural Approach

Jesus’ approach was counter-cultural.

By valuing children and incorporating them into His teachings, Jesus set a new standard for how they should be treated.

He demonstrated that everyone, regardless of age, has value in God’s eyes.

Lessons for Today

Jesus’ treatment of children provides timeless lessons for us today.

It challenges us to view and treat children with the same respect, love, and importance that He did.

#1. Valuing Children:

We should see children as Jesus did—valuable and integral to our communities and spiritual lives.

#2. Protecting the Innocent:

Jesus’ warnings about harming children remind us of our responsibility to protect and nurture the young, ensuring their safety and well-being.

#3. Learning From Children:

We can learn much from children’s faith, humility, and innocence.

Jesus highlighted these traits as essential for entering the Kingdom of Heaven.


Jesus’ treatment of children in the Bible is a powerful testament to His love, compassion, and revolutionary approach to societal norms.

He welcomed children, healed them, used them as examples in His teachings, and always treated them with utmost respect.

His actions and words provide a clear and compelling guide for how we should view and treat children in our own lives.

By following His example, we can ensure that we are valuing and nurturing the youngest members of our communities in a way that honors them and pleases God.

How Did Jesus Treat Children in the Bible

FAQs: How Did Jesus Treat Children in the Bible?

1. Why did Jesus say “Let the little children come to me”?

Jesus said this to emphasize the value and importance of children in the Kingdom of God.

He wanted to show that children are worthy of His attention and blessing, highlighting their significance in His ministry.

2. What miracles did Jesus perform involving children?

Jesus performed several miracles involving children, including:

  • Healing the official’s son (John 4:46-54).
  • Raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Mark 5:21-43).

These miracles showcased His compassion and divine power.

3. What did Jesus mean by saying we must become like children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

Jesus meant that we must adopt qualities like humility, innocence, and pure faith, which are often found in children.

These traits are essential for entering the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3).

4. How did Jesus demonstrate the importance of children in His teachings?

Jesus frequently used children as examples in His teachings, warned against causing them harm, and blessed them.

He emphasized their value and the need to protect and nurture them.

5. What cultural norms did Jesus challenge regarding children?

In Jesus’ time, children were often seen as less important than adults.

By valuing children and incorporating them into His teachings, Jesus challenged these societal norms and set a new standard for how they should be treated.

6. How can we apply Jesus’ teachings about children today?

We can apply Jesus’ teachings by:

  • Valuing and respecting children as integral members of our communities.
  • Protecting their well-being and ensuring their safety.
  • Learning from their humility, innocence, and pure faith.

7. Why did Jesus warn against causing harm to children?

Jesus warned against causing harm to children to underscore the severity of mistreating or leading them astray.

He emphasized the importance of protecting and nurturing the young.

8. How did Jesus bless the children brought to Him?

In Mark 10:13-16, Jesus welcomed the children, took them in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them.

This act showed His love and care for the youngest members of society.

9. What lessons can we learn from Jesus’ treatment of children?

We can learn to:

  • Value and respect children.
  • Protect their innocence and well-being.
  • Embrace qualities like humility and faith, which are often found in children.

10. What is the significance of Jesus healing children in His ministry?

The healing of children demonstrated Jesus’ compassion and power.

It showed that He cared deeply for the well-being of the youngest and often most vulnerable members of society, reinforcing their value in God’s eyes.

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