What Does God Say to Do with Your Money?

Money, for many, is a topic that brings about a range of emotions—security, fear, ambition, and sometimes even guilt.

But what does God say about how we should handle our money?

The Bible offers plenty of guidance on this matter, emphasizing principles that can lead to a fulfilling and purpose-driven financial life.

Let’s dive into the practical wisdom from scripture on how you should manage your money.

What Does God Say to Do with Your Money

Stewardship Over Ownership

One of the foundational principles in the Bible is that everything we have belongs to God.

We are stewards, not owners.

Psalm 24:1 states,

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

This means that your money isn’t really yours—it’s God’s, entrusted to you to manage wisely.

How to Practice Stewardship:

  • Budgeting: Create a budget to manage your resources effectively.
  • Spending Wisely: Make purchases that honor God, avoiding wastefulness.
  • Saving: Set aside money for future needs and emergencies, demonstrating prudence.

Generosity is Key

Generosity is a recurring theme in the Bible.

God calls us to be generous with our resources.

Proverbs 11:25 says,

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

This doesn’t mean just giving to your church (though that’s important); it’s about having a generous spirit in all aspects of your life.

Ways to Be Generous:

  • Tithing: Give a portion of your income to your church. Malachi 3:10 encourages us to “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.”
  • Helping Others: Look for opportunities to assist those in need, whether through donations or acts of service.
  • Supporting Causes: Contribute to organizations and causes that align with God’s heart, such as missions, relief efforts, or community programs.

Avoid Debt

Debt is a significant issue that can lead to stress and strain on your finances and relationships.

The Bible advises against becoming enslaved by debt.

Proverbs 22:7 warns, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.”

Strategies to Manage Debt:

  • Live Within Your Means: Don’t spend more than you earn.
  • Pay Off Existing Debt: Focus on paying down debts systematically, starting with the smallest or the highest interest rate.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Loans: Only borrow when it’s absolutely necessary, and have a plan to repay it quickly.

Work Diligently

Hard work and diligence are consistently encouraged in the Bible.

Proverbs 14:23 says, “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

God honors those who are diligent and dedicated in their work.

Tips for Diligent Work:

  • Set Goals: Have clear, achievable goals in your professional and personal financial life.
  • Be Faithful in Small Things: Manage even the smallest of tasks with care and integrity.
  • Seek Excellence: Strive to do your best in whatever you undertake, reflecting God’s excellence.

Trust in God, Not Money

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that money will solve all your problems.

However, the Bible reminds us to put our trust in God, not our wealth.

1 Timothy 6:17 advises, “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.”

Ways to Build Trust in God:

  • Prayer: Regularly pray about your financial situation and seek God’s guidance.
  • Contentment: Practice contentment with what you have, avoiding the desire for more.
  • Faith in Provision: Believe that God will provide for your needs, even when finances are tight.

Plan for the Future

The Bible encourages planning and preparing for the future.

Proverbs 21:5 says,

“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.”

Planning isn’t just about saving for retirement; it’s about being intentional with your resources.

Planning for Your Future:

  • Save for Emergencies: Have a fund set aside for unexpected expenses.
  • Invest Wisely: Look for ways to grow your money through wise investments.
  • Prepare for Your Family: Ensure you have provisions for your family’s future needs, including education and health care.

Honesty and Integrity in Finances

Honesty and integrity are critical in how you handle money.

Proverbs 13:11 notes, “Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.”

God values how you earn and manage your money, and honesty should always be at the forefront.

Practicing Integrity:

  • Honest Earnings: Ensure your income is obtained through honest means.
  • Transparency: Be clear and honest in your financial dealings, both personal and professional.
  • Fair Practices: Engage in fair business practices, avoiding deceit or exploitation.

Contentment and Gratitude

Contentment and gratitude are essential attitudes towards money.

Hebrews 13:5 advises,

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'”

Cultivating Contentment:

  • Appreciate What You Have: Regularly count your blessings and appreciate what you already possess.
  • Avoid Comparisons: Focus on your journey and resist comparing yourself to others financially.
  • Gratitude Practices: Make gratitude a daily practice, acknowledging God’s provision in your life.


God’s guidance on handling money is clear and practical.

By embracing principles of stewardship, generosity, diligence, and integrity, you can manage your finances in a way that honors God and brings peace and fulfillment.

Remember, money is a tool to be used wisely, not an end in itself.

Trust in God’s provision and follow His wisdom, and you’ll find a path to financial peace and purpose.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stewardship Over Ownership: Manage money as God’s steward.
  • Generosity: Be generous with your resources.
  • Avoid Debt: Stay clear of burdensome debt.
  • Work Diligently: Engage in diligent and dedicated work.
  • Trust in God: Place your trust in God, not money.
  • Plan for the Future: Prepare and plan for future needs.
  • Honesty and Integrity: Maintain honesty in financial dealings.
  • Contentment and Gratitude: Practice contentment and gratitude.

By following these biblical principles, you can navigate your financial life with wisdom and grace, aligning your money management with God’s teachings.

What Does God Say to Do with Your Money

FAQs: What Does God Say to Do with Your Money?

1. What does the Bible say about money and possessions?

The Bible emphasizes that everything belongs to God, and we are merely stewards of what we have.

Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

We are called to manage our resources wisely and honor God with our financial decisions.

2. How should I practice stewardship with my money?

Practicing stewardship involves managing your money as a caretaker of God’s resources. This includes:

  • Creating a Budget: Plan your spending to align with your income.
  • Spending Wisely: Make thoughtful purchases that honor God.
  • Saving: Put aside money for future needs and emergencies.

3. Why is generosity important according to the Bible?

Generosity reflects God’s love and provision.

Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Generosity extends beyond tithing to include helping those in need and supporting worthwhile causes.

4. What does the Bible say about debt?

The Bible advises against becoming enslaved by debt.

Proverbs 22:7 states,

“The borrower is slave to the lender.”

It’s important to live within your means, pay off existing debt, and avoid unnecessary loans.

5. How can I manage debt according to biblical principles?

  • Live Within Your Means: Avoid spending more than you earn.
  • Pay Off Debt: Create a plan to systematically reduce and eliminate your debt.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Borrowing: Only take on debt when absolutely necessary and have a clear repayment strategy.

6. What does diligent work mean in a biblical context?

Diligent work means being faithful and dedicated in all your tasks.

Proverbs 14:23 says, “All hard work brings a profit.”

This involves setting goals, being attentive to details, and striving for excellence in all that you do.

7. How should I balance trusting in God versus relying on my money?

1 Timothy 6:17 reminds us not to put our hope in wealth, but in God.

This means trusting that God will provide for your needs and finding contentment with what you have.

While it’s prudent to manage your finances well, ultimate trust should be in God, not money.

8. What does the Bible say about planning for the future?

The Bible encourages planning and preparation.

Proverbs 21:5 states, “The plans of the diligent lead to profit.”

Wise planning involves saving for emergencies, investing prudently, and ensuring future provisions for your family.

9. How can I ensure honesty and integrity in my financial dealings?

Maintaining honesty and integrity involves:

  • Earning Honestly: Ensure your income is from legitimate and ethical sources.
  • Being Transparent: Be clear and honest in all financial transactions.
  • Practicing Fairness: Engage in fair and ethical business practices.

10. What is the biblical view on contentment and gratitude with money?

Hebrews 13:5 advises, “Be content with what you have.”

Contentment involves appreciating your current blessings and avoiding comparisons with others.

Practicing gratitude daily acknowledges God’s provision and fosters a peaceful attitude towards money.

11. How can I practice generosity beyond tithing?

Generosity extends to all areas of life.

Beyond tithing, you can:

  • Help Those in Need: Offer financial support or service to individuals and communities in need.
  • Support Good Causes: Donate to organizations and causes that reflect God’s values.
  • Share Your Time and Talents: Contribute your skills and time to help others.

12. What steps can I take to align my financial life with God’s teachings?

To align your finances with God’s teachings:

  • Acknowledge God’s Ownership: Recognize that all you have belongs to God.
  • Be a Good Steward: Manage your resources wisely and with purpose.
  • Embrace Generosity: Give freely and help others.
  • Avoid Debt: Stay within your means and minimize borrowing.
  • Work Diligently: Be faithful and excellent in your work.
  • Trust in God: Place your hope and trust in God’s provision.
  • Plan for the Future: Prepare and save responsibly.
  • Maintain Integrity: Be honest and ethical in all dealings.
  • Cultivate Contentment: Practice gratitude and find joy in what you have.

By following these steps, you can handle your money in a way that honors God and brings peace and fulfillment to your financial life.

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