What Does Matthew 19:6 Say?

In the Bible, Matthew 19:6 is a verse that resonates deeply with themes of unity, commitment, and the sacredness of marriage.

This verse forms a cornerstone for understanding the biblical perspective on marriage and the divine intention behind it.

Whether you’re exploring these ideas for personal growth or to deepen your faith, this article will help you grasp the full significance of Matthew 19:6.

What Does Matthew 196 Say

Understanding the Context

To appreciate Matthew 19:6, it’s essential to understand the context in which it was spoken.

Jesus addressed this verse in response to a question from the Pharisees about divorce.

The Pharisees, a group of Jewish religious leaders, often challenged Jesus with difficult questions to test His teachings.

In Matthew 19:3-5, the Pharisees asked,

“Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?”

Jesus responded by quoting Genesis 2:24, which states, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

Then, in Matthew 19:6, Jesus adds:

“So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

This powerful statement reinforces the divine nature of marriage and emphasizes the unity that it creates.

Key Takeaways from Matthew 19:6

Let’s break down the essential elements of Matthew 19:6:

#1. Unity in Marriage

  • The phrase “no longer two, but one flesh” highlights the deep unity that marriage creates.
    • In God’s eyes, marriage is more than just a contract or an agreement.
    • It’s a profound union where two individuals become inseparably linked.
    • This unity is both physical and spiritual. It’s about sharing life, dreams, challenges, and faith.

#2. Divine Institution

  • “What God has joined together” underscores that marriage is not just a social or legal institution, but a sacred one ordained by God.
    • This divine origin means that marriage has a purpose and a sanctity that should be honored and protected.

         #3. Indissolubility

  • The instruction to “let no one separate” conveys the permanence of marriage.
    • While human relationships can be fragile, Jesus calls for a steadfast commitment that mirrors God’s enduring love for humanity.
    • This permanence is a call to cherish and uphold the marital bond, recognizing that it’s not meant to be easily broken.

Practical Implications for Marriage

Matthew 19:6 offers profound guidance for how we should approach marriage.

Here are some practical takeaways:

  • Commitment and Fidelity
    • Marriage requires a deep commitment.
    • It’s not just about being together when times are good but supporting each other through challenges and growth.
    • Fidelity, or faithfulness, is crucial. Trust is the bedrock of a strong marriage, and maintaining that trust is essential.
  • Shared Life and Purpose
    • Couples are called to share their lives completely.
    • This means being open and honest, communicating effectively, and working together towards common goals.
    • It also means sharing your faith journey.
    • Growing together spiritually can strengthen your bond and help you navigate the ups and downs of life.
  • Respect and Honor
    • Respect is fundamental in any relationship, and in marriage, it’s vital.
    •  Valuing each other’s opinions, feelings, and needs creates a foundation of mutual respect.
    • Honoring your spouse means recognizing their worth and treating them with kindness and love.

Biblical Stories and Lessons on Marriage

To further illuminate the teachings of Matthew 19:6, let’s look at some other biblical stories and lessons that align with these principles:

  • Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:18-24)
    • The story of Adam and Eve is often cited as the first marriage in the Bible.
    • God created Eve to be a companion for Adam, and their union was intended to be one of mutual support and partnership.
    • This story reflects the idea of two becoming one flesh, as Eve was created from Adam’s rib, symbolizing their interconnectedness and equality.
  • Ruth and Boaz (Book of Ruth)
    • The story of Ruth and Boaz is a beautiful example of loyalty and providence in marriage.
    • After her first husband’s death, Ruth remained loyal to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and eventually married Boaz.
    • Their marriage is a testament to faithfulness and God’s provision, showing that true partnership and respect can lead to blessings and fulfillment.
  • Mary and Joseph (Gospels of Matthew and Luke)
    • Mary and Joseph’s marriage faced extraordinary challenges, including the divine conception of Jesus.
    • Yet, they remained faithful and supportive of each other.
    • Their story highlights the importance of trust and steadfastness in marriage, even under difficult circumstances.

Applying Matthew 19:6 in Modern Life

Understanding Matthew 19:6 isn’t just about knowing its historical and theological context; it’s about applying its principles to our daily lives.

Here’s how you can live out these teachings:

  • Strengthen Your Commitment
    • Whether you’re preparing for marriage or already married, focus on building a deep, lasting commitment.
    • Discuss your goals, dreams, and how you can support each other.
    • Make time for each other and keep the lines of communication open.
  • Nurture Your Spiritual Bond
    • Engage in activities that nurture your spiritual bond.
    • Pray together, attend worship services, and discuss your faith.
    • Encourage each other in your spiritual growth and be open to learning and growing together.
  • Practice Forgiveness
    • Every marriage faces challenges, and sometimes forgiveness is necessary.
    • Remember that no one is perfect, and extending grace to your spouse can help you overcome difficulties.
    • Look to Jesus’ teachings on forgiveness, such as in Matthew 18:21-22, where He emphasizes the importance of forgiving not just once, but repeatedly.


Matthew 19:6 is a powerful reminder of the sacredness and unity of marriage.

By understanding and applying its teachings, you can cultivate a marriage that honors God and brings joy and fulfillment to both partners.

Remember, marriage is a journey that requires effort, commitment, and love.

By embracing these principles, you can build a strong, enduring relationship that reflects God’s divine plan.

What Does Matthew 196 Say

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Matthew 19:6

1. What is the main message of Matthew 19:6?

Matthew 19:6 emphasizes the sacred unity of marriage, stating that when two people marry, they become one flesh.

This verse highlights that marriage is a divine institution created by God and should not be easily dissolved by human decisions.

2. Why did Jesus say “What God has joined together, let no one separate”?

Jesus made this statement in response to the Pharisees’ question about the legality of divorce.

By saying, “What God has joined together, let no one separate,” He underscored that marriage is a lifelong commitment intended by God, and thus, not to be ended lightly.

3. How does Matthew 19:6 relate to the Old Testament?

Matthew 19:6 draws directly from the Old Testament, specifically Genesis 2:24, which speaks about a man leaving his parents and uniting with his wife to become one flesh.

Jesus’ reference to this passage reinforces the continuity and enduring principles of marriage from the Old to the New Testament.

4. What does “one flesh” mean in Matthew 19:6?

The term “one flesh” signifies a deep, inseparable union between husband and wife.

It represents both a physical and spiritual bonding, where the couple shares their lives completely, becoming partners in every aspect of life.

5. How should Christians apply Matthew 19:6 in their marriages today?

Christians can apply the teachings of Matthew 19:6 by:

  • Committing to their marriage wholeheartedly and striving to maintain a strong, faithful relationship.
  • Recognizing their marriage as a sacred union under God and working to uphold its sanctity.
  • Emphasizing mutual respect, support, and love in their daily interactions with their spouse.

6. What does Matthew 19:6 teach us about divorce?

Matthew 19:6 teaches that divorce is contrary to God’s original plan for marriage.

It suggests that marriage is meant to be a lifelong union and should not be broken unless under serious and exceptional circumstances.

This verse calls for a deep respect and commitment to the marital bond.

7. How can couples strengthen their “one flesh” unity?

Couples can strengthen their “one flesh” unity by:

  • Spending quality time together and sharing experiences that deepen their bond.
  • Communicating openly and honestly about their feelings, needs, and goals.
  • Supporting each other spiritually by praying together and engaging in joint faith activities.
  • Practicing forgiveness and understanding, recognizing that both partners are imperfect.

8. What other Bible verses support the teachings of Matthew 19:6?

Other Bible verses that support the teachings of Matthew 19:6 include:

  • Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
  • Ephesians 5:31-32: “For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I am speaking about Christ and the church.”
  • Mark 10:9: “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

9. Can Matthew 19:6 be applied to relationships other than marriage?

While Matthew 19:6 specifically addresses the institution of marriage, its underlying principles of unity, commitment, and divine purpose can inspire other relationships.

However, the “one flesh” concept is uniquely tied to the marriage covenant as described in the Bible.

10. How does the Catholic Church interpret Matthew 19:6?

The Catholic Church views Matthew 19:6 as a foundational scripture for its teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.

The Church believes that marriage is a sacrament instituted by God, and thus, cannot be dissolved by human actions.

This perspective emphasizes lifelong commitment and the sacred nature of the marital bond.

11. What advice does Matthew 19:6 offer to engaged couples?

For engaged couples, Matthew 19:6 offers the following advice:

  • Approach marriage with a deep sense of commitment and understanding that it’s a lifelong journey.
  • Prepare for the unity of becoming “one flesh” by building a strong foundation of trust, respect, and love.
  • Recognize that marriage is a sacred union blessed by God, and strive to honor that in all aspects of their relationship.

12. How can I learn more about the biblical teachings on marriage?

To learn more about biblical teachings on marriage, you can:

  • Study passages in the Bible related to marriage, such as Genesis 2:18-25, Ephesians 5:22-33, and 1 Corinthians 7.
  • Read books and commentaries by reputable Christian authors that explore marriage from a biblical perspective.
  • Seek guidance and counsel from your church leaders or participate in marriage-focused Bible study groups.

If you have any other questions or thoughts about Matthew 19:6, feel free to reach out or leave a comment below.

Your journey in understanding and applying these teachings is important, and we’re here to support you along the way.

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